
The ‘Tell UM Stories’ Programme supports members of UM in sharing their experiences of studying, living, or researching at the university.


The programme encourages the UM members (staff, students, and alumni) to tell the stories of UM when attending conferences, visits, or participating in exchange sessions. To join the programme, please fill in the form via the link below to request promotional materials and souvenirs, and applicants are welcome to send the photos to CO after the event.

Promotional Materials

Resources Details
UM information kit Introducing University of Macau brochure, UMagazine, UM map
Digital resources UM introduction video, UM introduction PPT, zoom backgrounds
UM souvenirs 1-2 souvenirs (lapel emblem, UM bookmark, A4 folder, UM 3D paper model, watercolour painting, magnet crystal picture frame)
Please click the link: https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8ccJFFqcRRX7lEq to request the promotional materials.

Remark: If the applicant’s activity or project has received sponsorship or funding from UM, they can only request promotional materials, and no UM souvenirs will be provided.


For more information about the programme, please contact Ms Connie Cheong of the Public Relations Section of the Communications Office at 8822 8090 or prs.event@um.edu.mo.