
62 書院發展 • RC DEVELOPMENT 澳大新語 • 2024 UMAGAZINE 30 noble spirits. MLC also embraces multidisciplinary and international education resources and innovation space. Non-residential fellows and affiliates from 16 academic clusters offer a wealth of learning resources, providing students with multidimensional academic guidance. The student leaders from 18 clubs and associations build various platforms for cultivation of talents and romantic college life. The Global Maker Centre will lead students to the peak of scientific and cultural innovation. Embracing the Pursuit of a Poetic Life At MLC, everyone is engaged in the poetic pursuit of life. This perspective helps students strategically design their life paths, filled with imagination and poetry, yet balanced with a resolute drive to achieve even the most ambitious goals. Their unique moral compass shapes an independent spirit, resonant with both the vibrant innocence of youth and the responsibility of adulthood. Their values nurture ambitions such as personal growth, family harmony, good governance, and global peace. Both teachers and students work towards the betterment of their country and the world, exuding an aura of youthful energy. In conclusion, the college blends abstract and realistic styles, and its lively, colourful approach to life fosters an environment rich in vigour and diversity. Crafting the Poetry of Existence As Hölderlin observed, ‘Full of merit, yet poetically, man dwells on this earth.’ Crafting life’s ‘poetry of existence’ helps us withstand the pain of obsession, material temptation, and the internal friction of work, guiding us back to our spiritual home. MLC serves as this poetic home. Even if students may not know how to read a poem, they can lay down their burdens here and create their own song of existence. This might be an insightful epic spanning history, a passionate lyric, a fresh poem with natural style, or a witty free verse...... 楊柳教授,博士生導師,曾留學英國劍橋大學和美國奧本大學,南京大學博士。現為澳門大學馬萬祺羅柏心書院院 長、人文學院教授,國家社會科學基金評委,教育部學科評估診斷專家,中國譯協對外話語體系研究委員會副主任 委員。研究方向為英語語言文學、美學翻譯學、書院教育與跨文化研究。 Prof Yang Liu is a doctoral supervisor who studied at the University of Cambridge in the UK and Auburn University in the US, with a PhD from Nanjing University. She is currently the College Master of MLC and a professor in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Macau. She holds positions including a National Social Science Fund evaluator, an expert in academic assessment and diagnosis for China’s Ministry of Education, and Vice Director of the Research Committee of China Studies under the Translators Association of China. Her research interests include English language and literature, aesthetic translation studies, collegiate education and cross-culture research. 馬萬祺羅柏心書院學生走進愛國愛澳展館學習 MLC student leaders learn in the Love Country Love Macao Exhibition Hall 「書院發展」為投稿欄目,內容僅代表作者個人意見。 RC Development is a contribution column. The views expressed are solely those of the author(s). 澳大於2010年引入住宿式書院系統。書院作為多元文化與多元學科融會貫通的知識整合學習平台,致力培養學生具有公民 責任心、全球競爭力、知識整合能力、團隊協作、服務與領導、文化參與和健康生活的七項勝任力。 UM launched its residential college (RC) system in 2010 to create a multicultural and multidisciplinary learning platform for knowledge integration. RC education aims to cultivate seven competencies of students, namely responsible citizenship, global competitiveness, knowledge integration, teamwork and collaboration, service and leadership, cultural engagement, and healthy lifestyle. 住宿式書院系統網站 Website of the Residential College System