
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW • 人物專訪 37 2024 UMAGAZINE 30 • 澳大新語 學生尤其需要加強擔當精神,勇於為非洲乃至全球 的發展議題出力。因此,他不僅要求學生心繫社 區、放眼全球,更要培養坦誠和正直的品格。他指 出,學術水平和科研能力固然重要,但勇於承擔、 恪守法紀、為人正直、為人設想等觀念,更是大學 育人時注重的核心價值。「這也是我在澳大求學時 的一些感悟:博學為善,且有抱負,為世界創造更 多福祉。」 擔當中葡友好橋樑 十年樹木,百年樹人,育人就如見證一場「蝴蝶效 應」。昔日,Manuel Guilherme Júnior乘中葡友好之 風來到澳門、將非洲音樂響遍澳大東亞樓;如今, 他已成為中國與葡語國家友好合作的橋樑,為雙方 高等教育的共同發展牽線。此次重回母校,Júnior校 長不僅加強了蒙德拉內大學與澳大的合作共識,更 形成了持續、全面的國際夥伴關係:「這有利雙方 院校長遠發展,拓展教學優勢,兩校師生亦可享有 學術交流和研究合作機會,互利共贏。我希望學生 珍惜學習時光,充實自己,為中國與葡語國家的共 同發展貢獻力量。」 術研究、人才培養、人員互訪等領域的合作和交流。 他對此深感鼓舞,認為深化合作能提升兩校的國際化 教學水平:「身為澳大校友,我期望有更多學生和教 學人員赴澳大深造;身為蒙德拉內大學校長,我相信 此舉是大學拓展海外合作夥伴這項策略的重要一步, 有助莫桑比克提升高等教育質量。」 放眼全球的育人理念 Guilherme Júnior校長指出,澳大跨文化學術氛圍濃 厚,自己也在課堂體會到「地球村」這個概念:當時 來自非洲國家、葡萄牙、中國內地和澳門的學生聚首 一堂,與法學院來自世界各地的教授交流,彼此觀點 碰撞,他至今仍歷歷在目。「教室彷彿成為了整個世 界的縮影。與不同地域、不同文化背景的教授和同學 上課,拓展了我的世界觀和思維方式。」 這段求學經歷使Guilherme Júnior校長了解到培養學生 具備全球視野和跨文化能力的重要性。他認為高等 教育的目標之一是應對全人類面對的問題。在如今 全球暖化持續、人工智能和數字技術當道的時代, Eighteen years ago, driven by the burgeoning ties between China and Portuguese-speaking countries, Manuel Guilherme Júnior left his home country Mozambique to pursue further studies at the University of Macau (UM). After graduation, Guilherme Júnior returned to Mozambique with a vision to contribute to the development of higher education in his homeland. Through his dedication and accumulated expertise, this outstanding UM alumnus is now rector of the Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM), Mozambique’s most historical and largest higher education institution. To foster collaboration between higher education institutions in China and the Lusophone world, Guilherme Júnior recently returned to his alma mater UM to explore initiatives that would deepen teaching and research collaboration between UEM and UM. He also took this opportunity to reconnect with his thesis supervisor and reminisce about his formative years at UM. Choosing Macao as a Study Destination Amid the Burgeoning Ties Between China and Portuguese-Speaking Countries After obtaining his bachelor’s degree in law, Guilherme Júnior considered studying abroad to expand his international horizons. He set his sights on Macao because he knew that since the 1999 handover to China, the city had been committed to enhancing the relationship between China and Portuguese-speaking countries and had played an important role in fostering cooperation between these two sides. Guilherme Júnior believed that students from Portuguese-speaking countries could capitalise on the opportunities arising from this burgeoning relationship. He saw studying in Macao not only as an avenue for personal and professional growth, but also as a means to contribute to trade and commerce between China and the Lusophone world. In the 2006/2007 academic year, UM launched a master’s degree programme in International Business Law. This prompted Guilherme Júnior to further his studies at UM, as he was particularly drawn to this field. He explains, ‘International trade