
TOPIC INSIGHT • 專題探討 31 2024 UMAGAZINE 30 • 澳大新語 此外,研究中心多位教師合撰的《中國憲法簡明讀 本》在2022年由澳門基金會出版,幫助香港和澳門居 民理解國家的基本概念、制憲目的與使命、憲法的地 位與作用、中國特色社會主義制度的本質特徵、各項 基本制度及國家機構等內容。 確保「一國兩制」薪火相傳 蔣教授表示,澳大的兩法教育自2018年以來有長 足進展,尤其是兩法通識課的教學與評鑑日益系統 化。過去五年的研究數據顯示,澳大本科生的國情 教育成效達到「非常高」,學生的國情知識和對教 學的滿意度均從五年前的「中等偏高」顯著提升至 「非常高」。 蔣教授指出:「我們會進一步擴展兩法教學與研究項 目,增強澳大學生、教職員及社會大眾對國家和澳門 的認識與歸屬感,確保『一國兩制』事業在澳門薪火 相傳、生生不息。」 念不夠熟悉,學生畢業後在法律實踐中或會遇到困 難,容易引發法律適用上的混亂。」 加強兩法研究與社區推廣 為了培養兩法教學和研究人才,澳大憲法與基本法研 究中心與內地一流大學合辦學術研討會、開展聯合研 究及碩士生和博士生交流項目。2019年,研究中心更 成為國家教育部人文社科重點研究基地——北京大學 憲法與行政法研究中心的夥伴基地。 在澳大以外,研究中心也與其它高等院校、政府機構、 社會團體合辦面向社會人士的培訓,獲澳門基本法推廣 協會大力支持。研究中心更為中小學編撰補充教材,以 及協助澳門教育及青年發展局提供教師專業培訓。研究 中心也於2018年推出澳大兩法系統化教學方案,2019年 全校推行。澳門特區政府在2020年將該方案推薦至國家 教育部。在中央和特區政府的支持下,該方案已逐步延 伸至在本地中小學的品德與公民課程使用。 The University of Macau (UM) places great importance on educating students and staff about the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China and the Basic Law of the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR). The aim is to deepen their understanding of these key legal frameworks and cultivate responsible citizens committed to societal progress. Establishing the Centre for Constitutional Law and Basic Law Studies The ‘one country, two systems’ principle has been implemented in Macao for 25 years. In early 2018, UM’s Faculty of Law (FLL) established the Centre for Constitutional Law and Basic Law Studies to strengthen teaching and research in this area. Prof Jiang Chaoyang, director of the centre and an expert in constitutional and administrative law, explains, ‘Our long-term goal is to establish the centre as a hub for high-impact research, academic exchange, talent development, and advisory services. At the same time, we aim to foster a strong sense of patriotism and pride in Macao. This vision drives both our teaching and research.’ Prof Jiang stresses that both the Constitution and the Basic Law form the constitutional foundation of the Macao SAR, and that the Constitution should also be taken into account when promoting the Basic Law. He explains, ‘The Constitution is the fundamental law of the state and is the source of authority for the Basic Law, which is enacted under the Constitution. Although mainland China and Macao have different social systems, the Chinese Constitution as a whole remains valid in the Macao SAR. It is important for everyone who lives, studies, or works in Macao to recognise this fact.’ General Education Course for Undergraduates ‘When we first set up the centre, our main priority was to ensure that every UM student received a proper education on the Constitution and the Basic Law,’ Prof Jiang adds. These topics are now included in ‘Law and Society’, a compulsory general education course designed to enhance undergraduate students’ understanding of both the national and Macao legal systems, and foster a stronger sense of belonging. Lai Kuan Ju, research assistant professor in FLL, has been an instructor for this course since 2019. He says, ‘We expect our students not only to uphold the Constitution and the Basic Law and avoid actions that might harm the country’s interests, but also to actively protect those interests and contribute to the country.’ Speaking about his teaching approach, Prof Lai explains that he does not analyse every article in