
COVER STORY • 封面專題 13 2024 UMAGAZINE 30 • 澳大新語 制訂中藥質量標準 國際認可的質量標準有助中醫藥走向全球市場。因此,實 驗室積極推動中藥質量創新方法的建立與國際質量標準 的制定,分別與美國藥典委員會、歐洲藥典委員會及中國 食品藥品檢定研究院建立聯合實驗室,已立項和制定20 餘項《美國藥典》、《歐洲藥典》及《中國藥典》標準,涵蓋的 中藥品種包括三七、麥冬、枸杞、蛹蟲草、人工蟲草菌粉、 高良薑、鐵皮石斛、廣藿香、餘甘子等。 參與制定中藥質量標準的過程中,實驗室專注於中藥質 量的核心要素,開展創新方法的開發與應用。2016年,研 究院與國家重點實驗室及北京協和醫學院—清華大 學醫學部等機構合作完成的「中草藥DNA條形碼物種鑒 定體系」研究榮獲國家科學技術進步獎二等獎。 奮發進取貢獻社會 從藥物研發到產品與服務的轉化,再到推動中醫藥 產業的發展,是一個漫長且充滿挑戰的過程,需要政 Centre for Testing of Chinese Medicine, and the Centre for Pharmaceutical Regulatory Sciences, forming a comprehensive system for innovation and translational research in the science and technology of Chinese medicine.’ Developing Innovative Chinese Medicine Products In 2020, leveraging the growth of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, SKL-QRCM established the Macao Centre for Research and Development in Chinese Medicine (MCR&DCM), Macao’s first dedicated platform for the innovation, research, development, and translation of Chinese medicine. MCR&DCM collaborates with leading pharmaceutical companies and research institutions, including Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Corporation, China Resources Sanjiu Medical & Pharmaceutical Co Ltd, Pien Tze Huang Pharmaceutical Co Ltd, China Resources Jiangzhong Pharmaceutical Group Co Ltd, the Institute of Chinese Materia Medica at the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, and the Centre for Chinese Herbal Medicine Drug Development in Hong Kong. By focusing on modernising classical prescriptions, enhancing established product lines, and developing premium health products, MCR&DCM aims to consolidate 李紹平教授 Prof Li Shaoping 李鵬教授 Prof Li Peng 府、研究機構與企業之間的緊密合作。在這條產學研 合作的道路上,澳大將不斷進取,致力將更多中醫藥 研究成果轉化為實際應用,為推動中醫藥產業的持 續發展作出貢獻。 Since their inception, the University of Macau’s (UM) State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicine (SKL-QRCM) and the Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences (ICMS) have achieved numerous scientific advancements in Chinese medicine innovation. To transform these research outcomes into practical products and support the development of Macao’s Chinese medicine industry, UM has, in recent years, set up the Macao Centre for Research and Development in Chinese Medicine, the Macao