64 書院發展 • RC DEVELOPMENT 澳大新語 • 2024 UMAGAZINE 30
Publisher: University of Macau Chief Editor: Dr Katrina Cheong Executive Editors: Gloria Kuok, Davis Ip Translators: Bess Che, Winky Kuan Designer: Jack Ho Advisors: Li Defeng, Associate Dean, Faculty of Arts and Humanities / Distinguished Professor and Director, Centre for Studies of Translation, Interpreting and Cognition Lampo Leong, Distinguished Professor and Director, Centre for Arts and Design, Faculty of Arts and Humanities Timothy Simpson, Associate Professor, Department of Communication, Faculty of Social Sciences Tang Keng Pan, Emeritus Professor, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts and Humanities Address: Room G012, Administration Building (N6), University of Macau, Avenida da Universidade, Taipa, Macau, China Tel: (853) 8822 8833 Fax: (853) 8822 8822 Email: prs.publication@um.edu.mo Printing: Hamah (Macau), Limitada ISSN: 2077‑2491 Certain images are sourced from Shutterstock Published biannually since 2009, UMagazine is one of the University of Macau’s official publications and aims to report innovative ideas and research breakthroughs of the University of Macau. It also showcases the latest developments and achievements of the university in teaching, research, and community services. 出版: 澳門大學 總編輯: 張惠琴博士 執行編輯: 郭麗雅 、葉浩男 翻譯: 謝菀菁 、關詠琪 排版: 何杰平 顧問: 人文學院副院長、翻譯傳譯認知研究中心主任 李德鳳特聘教授 人文學院藝術設計中心主任 梁藍波特聘教授 社會科學學院傳播系副教授 Timothy Simpson 人文學院中國語言文學系榮休教授 鄧景濱 地址: 中國澳門氹仔大學大馬路 澳門大學行政樓(N6) G012室 電話: (853) 8822 8833 傳真: (853) 8822 8822 電郵: prs.publication@um.edu.mo 印刷: 澳門豪邁實業有限公司 國際刊號: 2077‑2491 部分圖片來自Shutterstock 《澳大新語》創於2009年,為澳門大學官方刊物之一, 每年出版兩期,旨在展示澳門大學的創見和突破、 報導教研和社會服務的最新發展和成果。 2024年|總第30期
在澳門推動經濟適度多元化的今日,社會關注如何以 中醫藥研發製造為切入點,促進大健康產業發展。今期 《澳大新語》的「封面專題」聚焦澳門大學的國家重點 實驗室、學院和研究院的研究人員對中醫藥領域關鍵 科學問題的探索,展示他們如何將研究成果轉化為實 際產品,並透過創新的跨學科研究推動中醫藥的國際 化與現代化。 「專題探討」欄目邀請了五位獲澳大榮譽博士學位的國 際知名學者,從科學、工程、經濟、語言、醫學及微電子學 等角度,分析數字時代的教研創新之道。此外,適逢澳門 特別行政區成立25周年,我們亦藉此機會向各位介紹澳 大近年推動《憲法》與《澳門基本法》教育的成效。 本期還訪問了莫桑比克蒙德拉內大學校長、澳大法學 院校友Manuel Guilherme Júnior,討論如何深化兩校 教研合作,同時回顧他十餘年前在澳大求學的難忘時 光。在另一篇專訪中,歷史系特聘教授林少陽闡述其對 東亞現代思想史的研究,尤其是東亞傳統中「文」的概 念及其在現代失落的原因。 在「學術研究」投稿專欄,澳大學者與我們探討曾創業 者的辭職意向、CMOS技術於小型核磁共振掃描儀中 的應用,以及中國與葡語國家的夥伴關係。刊末的「書 院發展」欄目則帶領讀者走進馬萬祺羅柏心書院,了解 書院如何構築詩意棲居的大美之境。 希望讀者能通過本期《澳大新語》更了解澳大的研究成 果與教育成效,認識澳大專家學者和校友在各領域的 創新貢獻。 As Macao continues to diversify its economy, the role of Chinese medicine research and manufacturing in promoting the development of the ‘big health’ industry has attracted significant interest. The Cover Story section in this issue of UMagazine features University of Macau (UM) initiatives to address critical scientific challenges in Chinese medicine. The section highlights how researchers in UM State Key Laboratories, faculties, and institutes translate their research findings into practical applications and contribute to the internationalisation and modernisation of Chinese medicine through innovative interdisciplinary research. In the Topic Insight section, five distinguished scholars who have received honorary doctorates from UM share their perspectives on teaching and research innovations in the digital era. Their insights cover a range of fields, including science, engineering, economics, linguistics, medicine, and microelectronics. In addition, to mark the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Macao SAR, we review UM’s recent achievements in education about the Constitution of China and the Basic Law of Macao. We also had the opportunity to speak with Dr Manuel Guilherme Júnior, rector of the Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM) in Mozambique and an alumnus of UM’s Faculty of Law. Dr Guilherme Júnior discusses initiatives to deepen collaboration in education and research between UEM and UM, while reminiscing about his formative years at UM over a decade ago. In another interview, Distinguished Professor Lin Shaoyang from the Department of History discusses his research on modern East Asian intellectual history, focusing particularly on the concept of ‘wen’ (文) in East Asian tradition and its decline in modern times. In the Academic Research section, UM scholars explore a variety of topics, from the quitting intentions of former entrepreneurs to CMOS technology applications in compact MRI scanners and China’s partnerships with Portuguese-speaking countries. Lastly, the RC Development section invites readers to discover Ma Man Kei and Lo Pak Sam College’s unique approach to fostering a ‘poetic dwelling with grand beauty’. We hope this issue of UMagazine offers readers deeper insights into UM’s research achievements and educational impact, while also showcasing the innovative contributions of UM experts and alumni across various fields. 編者的話 張惠琴 Katrina Cheong EDITOR’S WORDS
CONTENTS 目錄 2024年 | 總第30期 Autumn/Winter 2024 | Issue 30 封面專題 COVER STORY Innovating Through Tradition: Chinese Medicine Research at UM 傳承創新:澳大中醫藥研究 促進中醫藥傳承創新 Innovating Chinese Medicine Through Tradition 05 中醫藥研究的成果轉化 Translating Chinese Medicine Research Into Real-World Applications 11 中醫藥與多學科交叉融合 Chinese Medicine and Interdisciplinary Integration 17 專題探討 TOPIC INSIGHT Teaching and Research Innovation in the Digital Era: An Interview With Five UM Honorary Doctors 數字時代下的教研創新——專訪五位澳大榮譽博士 23 Constitutional and Basic Law Education at UM 澳大的憲法與基本法教育 29
人物專訪 EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW 推動中葡高校發展——專訪莫桑比克大學校長、澳大校友 Manuel Guilherme Júnior Promoting the Development of Higher Education Institutions in China and Portuguese-Speaking Countries: An Interview With Manuel Guilherme Júnior, University Rector and UM Alumnus in Mozambique 35 林少陽:在東亞歷史中重審「文」的意義 Lin Shaoyang: Revisiting the Significance of ‘Wen’ in East Asian History 41 曾創業的人更易辭職嗎? Are All Former Entrepreneurs Risky Quitters? 47 CMOS技術革新小型化核磁共振掃描儀 Transformative Impact of CMOS Technology on Miniaturised MRI Scanners 51 中國與葡語國家的夥伴關係:量身定制的合作模式 Chinese Partnerships and Portuguese-Speaking Countries: Tailor-Made Cooperation Models 55 學術研究 ACADEMIC RESEARCH 書院發展 RC DEVELOPMENT 馬萬祺羅柏心書院:詩意棲居的大美之境 Ma Man Kei and Lo Pak Sam College: A Poetic Dwelling With Grand Beauty 59
COVER STORY • 封面專題 2024 UMAGAZINE 30 • 澳大新語 5 促進中醫藥傳承創新 Innovating Chinese Medicine Through Tradition 文 / 葉浩男‧圖 / 何杰平、編輯部 Chinese & English Text / Davis Ip‧Photo / Jack Ho, Editorial Board 澳門大學多年來致力於推動中藥作用機制與質量研究, 廣納海內外科學家參與研發與人才培育,促進澳門中醫 藥產業發展和創新研究。 澳大藥理學與毒理學研究水平日益提高 在2024-2025年《美國新聞與世界報道》學科排名中,澳 大在藥理學與毒理學領域位居全球第33位。該領域的相 關研究主要由中華醫藥研究院暨中藥質量研究國家重點 實驗室推動,澳大多個學術單位亦有所貢獻。 中藥質量研究國家重點實驗室主任兼研究院院長陳新特 聘教授表示,實驗室擁有完善的研究與教育架構,近年 來增設澳門中藥研發中心、澳門中藥檢測中心及藥品監 管科學研究中心,並與澳大健康科學學院合作成立了藥 物科學系。實驗室已為《美國藥典》、《中國藥典》和《歐洲 藥典》制定10餘種中藥國際質量標準;實驗室成員榮獲 2016年國家科技進步獎二等獎及2021年世界中醫藥學 會聯合會國際貢獻獎一等獎。實驗室亦在2022年獲澳門 特區政府頒授專業功績勳章。 基於作用機制的中藥質量研究 陳教授指出,將現代生物醫學在內的最新科學技術融 入中醫藥研究,闡釋中藥臨床療效的生物學機制及其 物質基礎,並且建立基於作用機制的中藥質量研究體 系,是促進中藥現代化、國際化和中醫藥產業高質量 發展的可行路徑。基於這個理念,實驗室的建設以提 高中藥臨床療效、保障中藥高質量應用為目標,通過 深入研究中藥的藥效物質基礎與生物學機制,為中藥 質量及安全性控制提供原創性成果,包括標誌物、技 術及方法;同時,實驗室通過揭示中藥作用機制的科 學内涵,推動中藥現代化、產業化及國際化,服務國家 及澳門中藥產業發展。 第二屆澳門中醫藥與天然藥物國際研討會暨第二屆澳門藥學國際研討會於2024年10月在澳大開幕 The 2nd Macao International Conference on Chinese Medicine and Natural Products, along with the 2nd Macao International Conference on Pharmacy, opened at UM in October 2024.
澳大新語 • 2024 UMAGAZINE 30 6 封面專題 • COVER STORY 陳教授進一步表示,實驗室建立生物學作用及機制導向 的中藥質量標準研究,強調中藥中的活性成分與生物體 反應的關聯,以確保質量標準能真實反映藥物的臨床療 效。總括而言,實驗室的科研方向涵蓋以下重點領域:基 於藥效機制的中藥質量研究、基於毒理機制的中藥安全 性評價、基於新技術新方法的中藥質量評價、中醫藥成果 轉化與監管科學研究。在疾病研究方面,實驗室聚焦於腫 瘤及自身免疫性疾病、心腦血管疾病及神經退行性疾病, 以及肝病及代謝性疾病。在交叉學科研究上,實驗室正在 探索中藥先進生物活性材料、中藥合成生物學,以及人工 智能在中醫藥研究中的應用。 中國科學技術協會在2020年發佈對科學發展具有導向 作用的10大科學問題,其中之一是「調節人體免疫功能 的中醫藥機制是甚麼」。重點實驗室瞄準這一重要研究 方向開展系統性研究,揭示了一批中藥免疫調節作用的 細胞及分子機制。其中,TNFR2信號通路作為腫瘤及自 身免疫疾病的治療靶點,受到海内外科技界及產業界極 大的關注。實驗室研究團隊TNFR2信號的免疫調節作用 機制和藥物靶標的確定,作出了一系列關鍵性原創貢獻, 並發現中藥活性成分粉防己鹼可激活mTNF-TNFR2通 路,而野黃芩苷、雙木犀酰胺及Rubiginosin B則可抑制 TNFR2信號,從而發揮免疫調節作用。 新技術和新方法的應用大大提升了實驗室的科技創新能 力,例如實驗室研究團隊基於人工智能的篩選方案,通過 機器學習從3,700多種中藥小分子中篩選出山奈酚和丹 葉大黃素,並在線蟲和小鼠阿茲海默症模型中證實這些 小分子化合物在安全劑量下可有效減輕病理表型。 開發創新中藥產品 基於對中藥作用機制與質量的深入研究,實驗室也在開 發符合國際標準並具品牌潛力的產品。2020年10月,實 驗室獲澳門特區政府批准設立澳門中藥研發中心,整合 資源以促進產品研發與成果轉化,並與內地高校、知名中 藥企業及京港澳中藥機構合作研發。 澳大中華醫藥研究院副院長兼澳門中藥研發中心主 任李鵬教授表示,實驗室與多所內地中醫藥大學及 優勢企業共建產學研聯合實驗室,展開20餘項合作, 涵蓋創新藥物研究、經典名方研發、名優品種升級及 大健康產品開發。「通過研發中心與內地企業的合 作,我們已將部分中藥經典名方投入中試生產,並啟 動澳門註冊。」此外,實驗室學者在中藥研發方面已 獲多項專利,並孵育多家中醫藥科技企業。 助力藥物檢測及監管 另一方面,澳大澳門中藥檢測中心於2024年11月正式啟 用,定位為權威的中藥質量檢驗機構。中藥質量研究國家 重點實驗室副主任、澳門中藥檢測中心主任李紹平特聘 教授表示:「我們的中心為中藥註冊、生產、物流及出口等 過程提供檢測服務,並承擔政府委託的中藥註冊、監督、 仲裁及應急檢驗,同時為企業提供技術支持。」 加強中藥關鍵領域的監管科學研究,有助於推動中藥監 管理念、制度與機制創新,強化成果轉化應用,加速新產品 研發上市。為提升澳門及大灣區在醫療產品監管方面的能 力,以及加強跨行業、跨區域及國際合作,實驗室於2023年 成立澳大藥品監管科學研究中心。該中心的職責包括協助 澳門藥物監督管理局開展中成藥及醫療器械技術審評、監 管科學及政策法律法規研究,以及為藥物評價及監管決策 開發新的藥品醫療器械監管工具、標準和方法。 促進學術合作 實驗室亦積極與各地大學合作,例如在2023年10月聯同 新加坡、香港、馬來西亞及韓國的頂尖大學成立「傳統藥 物創新聯盟」,並於2024年3月與香港中文大學、廣州中 醫藥大學成立「粵港澳高校針灸聯盟」,近年還與牛津大 學、清華大學、湖北中醫藥大學、高麗大學、東京大學及悉 尼大學合辦研討會與研究生論壇。實驗室學者也參與編 輯多份學術期刊,包括主編的國際中醫藥期刊《Chinese Medicine》。該刊由Springer Nature出版,享譽學界。 提供醫藥科學教育 為培養具備先進技術的醫藥人才,實驗室自2002年起推 出中藥學與醫藥管理碩士課程,進而於2004年開辦生物 醫藥博士課程。2022年,與澳大健康科學學院合作開設 理學士(藥物科學與科技)課程,並於2023年啟動理學碩 士(醫藥管理)課程。實驗室近年亦與內地大學簽訂雙學 位合作協議,促進學生交流。 回饋社會 實驗室亦為澳門社會提供多元服務。自2021年《中藥藥 事活動及中成藥註冊法》生效以來,實驗室多名學者獲 委任為中成藥審評專家顧問委員會委員,為中成藥的註 冊與質量提供建議,並支持澳門藥物監督管理局決策。此 外,實驗室開辦新藥研發、循證醫學等方面的持續專業發 展課程、與衛生局合作推出乳腺癌風險評估專案,以及為
COVER STORY • 封面專題 2024 UMAGAZINE 30 • 澳大新語 7 在過去多年為四萬多名中小學生提供科學普及活動。 促進中醫藥行業發展 澳門的大健康產業正以中醫藥研發製造為切入點持續 發展。陳新教授表示,實驗室將繼續推進中醫藥傳承創 新,研發傳統中藥如經典名方現代化製劑,推進中醫藥 領域的科技創新,鼓勵傳統醫藥與現代前沿科技結合, 推進與生物材料、人工智能和合成生物學等學科的交 叉研究。「通過深入研究中藥的作用機制,我們致力於 為中藥質量及安全控制帶來原創成果,服務國家及澳 門中藥產業。」 澳大於2024年8月成為「一帶一路中醫藥發展聯盟」的創始單位 UM became a founding member of the Belt and Road Chinese Medicine Development Alliance in August 2024 The University of Macau (UM) has long been committed to advancing research into the mechanisms and quality of Chinese medicine. By bringing together scientists from around the world, UM fosters innovation, nurtures talent, and strengthens Macao’s growing Chinese medicine industry. UM’s Advancements in Pharmacology and Toxicology In the 2024–2025 U.S. News & World Report global rankings, UM achieved 33rd place in pharmacology and toxicology. Research in these fields at UM is primarily driven by the State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicine (SKL-QRCM) and the Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences (ICMS), alongside contributions from the university’s various other academic units. Distinguished Professor Chen Xin, director of SKL-QRCM and ICMS, says that SKL-QRCM has established robust systems for research and education. Recent initiatives include the establishment of the Macao Centre for Research and Development in Chinese Medicine (MCR&DCM), the Macao Centre for Testing of Chinese Medicine (MCTCM), and the Centre for Pharmaceutical Regulatory Sciences (CPRS). Each of these centres plays a crucial role in supporting the development of the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences in the Faculty of Health Sciences. SKL-QRCM has set international quality standards for over ten types of Chinese medicine in the United States Pharmacopeia, Chinese Pharmacopoeia, and European Pharmacopoeia. Laboratory members have received several prestigious awards, including the State Scientific and Technological Progress Award (Second Prize) in 2016 and the First Prize International Contribution Award from the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies in 2021. Moreover, SKL-QRCM was honoured with the Medal of Merit— Professions by the Macao SAR Government in 2022. Mechanism-Based Quality Research in Chinese Medicine Prof Chen explains that integrating the latest scientific
澳大新語 • 2024 UMAGAZINE 30 8 封面專題 • COVER STORY advances, including those in modern biomedical science, into Chinese medicine research provides a viable pathway for modernising and internationalising traditional Chinese medicine while enhancing the quality development of the Chinese medicine industry. This approach involves uncovering the biological mechanisms and material basis that underpin the clinical effectiveness of Chinese medicinal products, as well as establishing a quality research framework based on these mechanisms. With this vision in mind, SKL-QRCM focuses on improving clinical efficacy and ensuring the high-quality application of Chinese medicine. Through in-depth research into effective substances in Chinese medicine and their biological mechanisms, SKL-QRCM has achieved pioneering outcomes—including biomarkers, techniques, and methods—that support quality and safety control in Chinese medicine. By clarifying the scientific rationale behind the efficacy of Chinese medicine, SKL-QRCM has advanced the modernisation, commercialisation, and internationalisation of Chinese medicine, contributing to its growth both in Macao and nationwide. Prof Chen also emphasises the importance of conducting research on Chinese medicine quality standards based on biological functions and mechanisms. SKL-QRCM focuses its research on the relationships between active ingredients and their effects on the body, ensuring that quality standards accurately reflect a medicine’s clinical effectiveness. SKL-QRCM primarily focuses on the following critical research areas: quality research in Chinese medicine based on medicinal mechanisms, safety evaluations using toxicology, quality assessments through new technologies and new methodologies, commercialisation of research outcomes in Chinese medicine, and regulatory sciences. In terms of disease research, the laboratory focuses on tumours, autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative conditions, as well as liver and metabolic disorders. Additionally, in interdisciplinary research, the laboratory is exploring advanced bioactive materials, synthetic biology, and AI applications in Chinese medicine research. In 2020, the China Association for Science and Technology identified ten key scientific questions shaping the future of research. One of the questions was: ‘What are the mechanisms by which Chinese medicine regulates immune function in the human 陳新教授 Prof Chen Xin body?’ In response, SKL-QRCM has initiated systematic research to explore the various cellular and molecular mechanisms through which Chinese medicine influences immune regulation. They have identified the TNFR2 signalling pathway as a potential therapeutic target for cancer and autoimmune diseases, drawing considerable attention from researchers and the industry worldwide. The laboratory’s research team has also made significant original contributions by discovering how TNFR2 signalling regulates immunity and establishing it as a potential drug target. They have discovered that tetrandrine activates the mTNF-TNFR2 pathway, while other substances, including scutellarin, isoquercitrin, and rubiginosin B, inhibit TNFR2 signalling, thus producing immunomodulatory effects. The adoption of new technologies and methodologies has greatly enhanced the laboratory’s capacity for scientific innovation. For example, a research team has developed an AI-driven screening method using machine learning to identify kaempferol and rhapontigenin from over 3,700 small molecules in Chinese medicine. These two substances, when administered in safe dosages, have proven effective in alleviating the pathological phenotypes of Alzheimer’s disease in Caenorhabditis elegans and mouse models. Developing Innovative Chinese Medicine Products Building on extensive research into the mechanisms and quality of Chinese medicine, SKL-QRCM is
COVER STORY • 封面專題 2024 UMAGAZINE 30 • 澳大新語 9 also dedicated to developing products that meet international standards and possess branding potential. In October 2020, the Macao SAR Government approved the establishment of MCR&DCM, bringing together resources to drive product development and commercialisation. The centre collaborates with universities in mainland China, leading companies specialising in Chinese medicine, and institutions in Beijing, Hong Kong, and Macao. Prof Li Peng, deputy director of ICMS and director of MCR&DCM, explains that SKL-QRCM has established joint laboratories with leading universities and companies from mainland China, leading to more than 20 collaborative projects that cover innovative drug research, the development of classical prescriptions, the enhancement of premier ingredients, and the development of health and wellness products. ‘By partnering with enterprises in mainland China, we have advanced several classical Chinese medicine prescriptions into pilot production and initiated the registration process here in Macao,’ says Prof Li. In addition, SKL-QRCM researchers have secured numerous patents in Chinese medicine, and incubated many Chinese medicine technology enterprises. Supporting Pharmaceutical Testing and Regulation MCTCM was officially inaugurated in November 2024. The centre is positioned as an authority on Chinese medicine quality control. Distinguished Professor Li Shaoping, deputy director of SKL-QRCM and director of MCTCM, explains, ‘MCTCM offers comprehensive testing services—from registration and production to logistics and export. We also take on government-assigned tasks such as registration, supervision, arbitration, and emergency testing, and we provide technical support for businesses.’ Strengthening regulatory sciences in key areas of Chinese medicine can enhance the innovative development of the regulatory concepts, systems, and mechanisms in Chinese medicine. It will also facilitate the commercialisation of research findings and accelerate the development and market entry of new products. To strengthen regulatory capabilities for healthcare products in Macao and across the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and promote cross-sectoral, cross-regional, and international collaboration, UM established CPRS in 2023. The centre’s key functions include assisting the Pharmaceutical Supervision and Administration Bureau of Macao with technical evaluations of proprietary Chinese medicines and medical devices; conducting research on regulatory science, policy, and legal frameworks; developing new regulatory tools, standards, and methods for drug evaluation and regulatory decision-making. Promoting Academic Collaboration In addition to its research efforts, SKL-QRCM actively collaborates with universities worldwide. In October 2023, the laboratory launched the Traditional Medicine Innovation Alliance with leading universities from Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, 2024年8月,為落實「澳大與深圳市藥品檢驗研究院戰略合作框架協議」,深圳市藥品檢驗研究院向澳大中藥檢測中心捐贈100份中藥標本。 To implement the strategic cooperation framework agreement signed with UM, the Shenzhen Institute for Drug Control donated 100 Chinese medicine specimens to the Macao Centre for Testing of Chinese Medicine in August 2024.
澳大新語 • 2024 UMAGAZINE 30 10 封面專題 • COVER STORY and South Korea. In March 2024, it co-founded the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao University Alliance for Acupuncture with the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine. In recent years, the laboratory has also co-hosted seminars and postgraduate forums with institutions including the University of Oxford, Tsinghua University, Hubei University of Chinese Medicine, Korea University, the University of Tokyo, and the University of Sydney. Furthermore, scholars from SKL-QRCM serve as editors for several academic journals, including Chinese Medicine. Published by Springer Nature, this international journal enjoys a strong academic reputation. Providing Pharmaceutical Education To develop professionals in medicine and pharmaceutics, SKL-QRCM has offered master’s programmes in Chinese medicine and pharmaceutical administration since 2002, as well as a PhD programme in biomedical sciences since 2004. In 2022, it introduced a Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences in collaboration with UM’s Faculty of Health Sciences, followed by a new Master’s in Pharmaceutical Administration in 2023. In recent years, SKL-QRCM has also signed dual-degree agreements with universities in mainland China, providing student exchange opportunities. Giving Back to the Community SKL-QRCM also provides a wide range of services to the Macao community. Since the Law on Pharmaceutical Activity in the Field of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Registration of Traditional Chinese Medicines was enacted in 2021, several SKL-QRCM experts have been appointed to the Commission of Experts and Advisors for the Evaluation of Traditional Chinese Medicines, offering essential guidance on the registration and quality of Chinese medicine products and supporting decision-making of the Pharmaceutical Administration Bureau of Macao. SKL-QRCM also offers Continuing Professional Development courses on topics such as new drug development and evidence-based medicine, collaborates with the Health Bureau on a breast cancer risk assessment project, and hosts science activities for over 40,000 primary and secondary students. Advancing the Chinese Medicine Industry With Macao’s ‘big health’ industry growing steadily, centred on Chinese medicine R&D and manufacturing, Prof Chen Xin emphasises that SKL-QRCM will continue to innovate Chinese medicine while preserving its traditions. The laboratory will develop modern pharmaceutical preparations of traditional Chinese medicine, including classical prescriptions, promote scientific and technological innovation in the field, encourage the integration of traditional medicine with cutting-edge technologies, and enhance interdisciplinary research between biomaterials, artificial intelligence and synthetic biology. ‘Through in-depth research into the mechanisms of Chinese medicine, we are aiming for original breakthroughs in quality and safety control. This work supports the Chinese medicine industry both in Macao and across the country,’ he says. 首屆「澳門藥品監管科學國際論壇—中藥高質量發展:理論與實踐」於2024年10月在澳大舉行 The 1st ‘Macau International Forum on Pharmaceutical Regulatory Science—High-Quality Development of Chinese Medicine: Theory and Practice’ took place in UM in October 2024
COVER STORY • 封面專題 11 2024 UMAGAZINE 30 • 澳大新語 中醫藥研究的成果轉化 Translating Chinese Medicine Research Into Real-World Applications 中華醫藥研究院副院長、澳門中藥研發中心主任李鵬教 授指出,中心以服務澳門經濟多元發展為宗旨,已攜手 多家知名藥企聯合開展保元湯、半夏瀉心湯、黃芪桂枝 五物湯等經典名方,滋腎育胎丸、小兒七星茶等名優品 種,靈芝孢子油、雙孢菇多糖等健康產品等研發合作20 餘項,推動廣藥國際靈芝孢子油等品種於澳門上市。 他補充道,隨著橫琴粵澳深度合作區加快建設具自主 知識產權和中國特色的醫藥創新轉化平台,澳門中藥 研發中心正積極與橫琴的企業及研發機構合作,充分 發揮「一國兩制」優勢,結合內地的資源,共同推動中醫 藥產業快速發展。 提供中藥檢測服務 中醫藥產品上市前須經嚴格審核與檢驗。為滿足澳門 澳門大學中藥質量研究國家重點實驗室暨中華醫藥研 究院歷年來在中藥創新研究方面積累了系列科技成 果。為將這些成果轉化為實際產品、服務澳門中醫藥 產業發展,澳大近年設立澳門中藥研發中心、澳門中 藥檢測中心及藥品監管科學研究中心,形成完善的中 藥科技創新與研發轉化體系。 研發創新中藥產品 實驗室把握粵港澳大灣區發展契機,於2020年設立澳門 首個中藥創新研發與轉化平台——澳門中藥研發中心。 聯合廣藥集團、華潤三九、片仔癀、華潤江中、中國中醫 科學院中藥研究所、香港中藥創新研發中心等頂尖產學 研機構,該中心聚焦經典名方研發、名優品種升級和健 康精品開發,旨在整合中藥產業全鏈條優勢資源,推動 澳門中藥產業升級發展。 文 / 葉浩男‧圖 / 何杰平、編輯部 Chinese & English Text / Davis Ip‧Photo / Jack Ho, Editorial Board
12 封面專題 • COVER STORY 澳大新語 • 2024 UMAGAZINE 30 澳大澳門中藥研發中心與內地和香港的知名企業和研究機構合作研發產品 The Macao Centre for Research and Development in Chinese Medicine at UM collaborates with leading enterprises and research institutions in mainland China and Hong Kong on product development 不斷增長的中藥檢測需求,在特區政府支持下,澳大自 2021年7月起籌建,並於2022年1月12日正式成立澳大 澳門中藥檢測中心。該中心於2024年11月正式啟用。 中藥質量研究國家重點實驗室副主任、澳大澳門中藥 檢測中心主任李紹平特聘教授表示:「特區政府和大 學高度重視澳門中藥檢測中心的建設。過去兩年來,中 心專注於建立質量管理體系、提升檢測能力、加強交 流推介及拓展服務範圍,並參與多項能力驗證。」2023 年5月,中心的首批檢測項目「中藥材中鉛、鎘、砷、 汞、銅含量測定法」獲得中國合格評定國家認可委員會 (CNAS)認可。 李紹平教授表示:「截至2024年9月,中心已有118項中 藥檢測獲得中國合格評定國家認可委員會的認可,涵蓋 《中國藥典》中的中藥理化及微生物檢測項目。理化檢 測參數包括重金屬及有害元素、二氧化硫殘留量、黃麴 黴毒素、33種禁用農藥的檢測、鑒別、含量測定等;微生 物參數則包括生物限度檢查及控制菌檢查。」 李紹平教授進一步指出:「促進澳門醫藥領域的產學研 成果轉化是中心的另一重要目標。因此,中心致力提升 專業影響力,推動澳門成為中藥質量標準制定的領導 者,建立以質量為核心、標準為龍頭、檢測為手段、認證 為目標的澳門特色中藥檢測認證產業,為發展『澳門製 造』、『澳門監造』和『澳門監製』提供質量保障。」 發展藥品監管科學 2023年,西太區草藥監管協調論壇(FHH)永久秘書處 落戶澳大,協助搭建中醫藥產業經貿合作服務平台,推 進開展區域乃至國際草藥標準、產品註冊技術要求的 研究制定工作,促進標準協調一致,發揮澳門在中藥國 際發展中的協調作用。 同年,澳大藥品監管科學研究中心成立,致力建構可持 續發展的平台,促進澳門及大灣區在醫藥產品監管方 面的能力提升。研究中心主任胡元佳教授說,該中心的 職責包括:協助澳門藥物監督管理局開展中成藥及醫 療器械技術審評;監管科學及政策法律法規研究;為藥 物評價及監管決策開發新的藥品醫療器械監管工具、 標準和方法;承擔政府及業界的研究項目;加強藥械監 管人才的培養與交流;開辦業界培訓。 此外,中心積極與各界交流和合作,例如最近承辦首屆 「澳門藥品監管科學國際論壇—中藥高質量發展:理 論與實踐」,聯動澳門與中國內地、東南亞地區、葡語系 國家和其它國家的藥品監管專家學者及政策制定者, 持續打造醫藥產品產、學、研、政的交流合作平台,助力 藥品醫療器械監管創新發展。胡教授表示:「中心將繼 續深化職能,促進澳門的藥事服務與產業發展。」
COVER STORY • 封面專題 13 2024 UMAGAZINE 30 • 澳大新語 制訂中藥質量標準 國際認可的質量標準有助中醫藥走向全球市場。因此,實 驗室積極推動中藥質量創新方法的建立與國際質量標準 的制定,分別與美國藥典委員會、歐洲藥典委員會及中國 食品藥品檢定研究院建立聯合實驗室,已立項和制定20 餘項《美國藥典》、《歐洲藥典》及《中國藥典》標準,涵蓋的 中藥品種包括三七、麥冬、枸杞、蛹蟲草、人工蟲草菌粉、 高良薑、鐵皮石斛、廣藿香、餘甘子等。 參與制定中藥質量標準的過程中,實驗室專注於中藥質 量的核心要素,開展創新方法的開發與應用。2016年,研 究院與國家重點實驗室及北京協和醫學院—清華大 學醫學部等機構合作完成的「中草藥DNA條形碼物種鑒 定體系」研究榮獲國家科學技術進步獎二等獎。 奮發進取貢獻社會 從藥物研發到產品與服務的轉化,再到推動中醫藥 產業的發展,是一個漫長且充滿挑戰的過程,需要政 Centre for Testing of Chinese Medicine, and the Centre for Pharmaceutical Regulatory Sciences, forming a comprehensive system for innovation and translational research in the science and technology of Chinese medicine.’ Developing Innovative Chinese Medicine Products In 2020, leveraging the growth of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, SKL-QRCM established the Macao Centre for Research and Development in Chinese Medicine (MCR&DCM), Macao’s first dedicated platform for the innovation, research, development, and translation of Chinese medicine. MCR&DCM collaborates with leading pharmaceutical companies and research institutions, including Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Corporation, China Resources Sanjiu Medical & Pharmaceutical Co Ltd, Pien Tze Huang Pharmaceutical Co Ltd, China Resources Jiangzhong Pharmaceutical Group Co Ltd, the Institute of Chinese Materia Medica at the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, and the Centre for Chinese Herbal Medicine Drug Development in Hong Kong. By focusing on modernising classical prescriptions, enhancing established product lines, and developing premium health products, MCR&DCM aims to consolidate 李紹平教授 Prof Li Shaoping 李鵬教授 Prof Li Peng 府、研究機構與企業之間的緊密合作。在這條產學研 合作的道路上,澳大將不斷進取,致力將更多中醫藥 研究成果轉化為實際應用,為推動中醫藥產業的持 續發展作出貢獻。 Since their inception, the University of Macau’s (UM) State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicine (SKL-QRCM) and the Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences (ICMS) have achieved numerous scientific advancements in Chinese medicine innovation. To transform these research outcomes into practical products and support the development of Macao’s Chinese medicine industry, UM has, in recent years, set up the Macao Centre for Research and Development in Chinese Medicine, the Macao
14 封面專題 • COVER STORY 澳大新語 • 2024 UMAGAZINE 30 resources in the Chinese medicine industry’s supply chain to drive the development of the Chinese medicine sector in Macao. Prof Li Peng, deputy director of ICMS and director of MCR&DCM, explains that MCR&DCM is dedicated to supporting the diversification of Macao’s economy. To this end, the centre has collaborated with leading pharmaceutical companies on over 20 projects. These projects include developing traditional formulas such as Baoyuan Decoction (to improve vitality), Banxia Xiexin Decoction (to improve digestion), and Astragalus and Cinnamon Twig Decoction (to improve circulation); popular remedies such as Zishen Yutai Pills and Xiaoer Qixing Cha; and health products such as Ganoderma spore oil and Agaricus bisporus polysaccharides. The centre has also facilitated the introduction of products such as Ganoderma lucidum spore oil soft capsules, developed by GPHL International, into the Macao market. Prof Li Peng adds that with the rapid development of a medical innovation platform characterised by independent intellectual property rights and Chinese features in the Guangdong-Macao In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin, MCR&DCM is actively partnering with enterprises and research institutions in Hengqin. The centre strives to leverage the advantages of the ‘one country, two systems’ policy and incorporate resources from the mainland to advance the Chinese medicine industry. Providing Chinese Medicine Testing Services Chinese medicine products must undergo rigorous examination and testing before they are launched in the market. To meet Macao’s growing demand for these services, and with the support of the Macao SAR Government, UM commenced creation of the Macao Centre for Testing of Chinese Medicine (MCTCM) in July 2021. MCTCM was established on 12 January 2022, and officially came into operation in November 2024. Distinguished Professor Li Shaoping, deputy director of SKL-QRCM and director of MCTCM, says, ‘The Macao SAR Government and the university place a strong emphasis on Chinese medicine testing. Over the past two years, MCTCM has been committed to building a quality management system, enhancing testing capabilities, fostering partnerships, and expanding service offerings. The centre has also taken part in several testing capability assessments.’ In May 2023, MCTCM’s first testing service—measuring levels of lead, cadmium, arsenic, mercury, and copper 澳大澳門中藥檢測中心 The Macao Centre for Testing of Chinese Medicine at UM
COVER STORY • 封面專題 15 2024 UMAGAZINE 30 • 澳大新語 in Chinese medicinal ingredients—was accredited by the China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS). BBy September 2024, 118 Chinese medicine testing services provided by MCTCM had passed CNAS’s expanded and supervisory assessments. Prof Li says, ‘Our accredited testing services now basically cover the standards in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia, and include a range of chemical and microbiological tests. In terms of chemical analyses, we test for heavy metals, hazardous elements, sulphur dioxide residues, aflatoxins, and 33 banned pesticides. We are also equipped to identify and quantify content levels. For microbiological testing, our parameters include microbial limits and control strains.’ Prof Li adds that another goal of the centre is to facilitate the application of pharmaceutical research outcomes in Macao. ‘The centre is dedicated to enhancing its professional influence and positioning Macao as a leader in establishing quality standards for Chinese medicine. By developing a testing and certification industry for Chinese medicine with Macao characteristics—where quality is the core focus, standards provide guidance, testing serves as a key tool, and certification is the ultimate goal—our centre aims to ensure rigorous quality assurance for products that are developed, approved, and certified in Macao.’ Advancing Pharmaceutical Regulatory Sciences In 2023, the permanent secretariat of the Western Pacific Regional Forum for the Harmonization of Herbal Medicines was established at UM. The secretariat is committed to building a service platform for economic and trade cooperation in the Chinese medicine industry, as well as promoting research and related work for establishing regional and international standards for herbal products and developing technical requirements for product registration, in order to promote Macao’s role as a key coordinator in the global development of Chinese medicine. Also in 2023, UM established the Centre for Pharmaceutical Regulatory Sciences (CPRS). The centre is dedicated to building a sustainable platform to strengthen regulatory capabilities for healthcare products in Macao and across the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Prof Hu Yuanjia, director of CPRS, says that the centre’s key functions include assisting the Pharmaceutical Administration Bureau of Macao with technical evaluations of proprietary Chinese medicines and medical devices; conducting research on regulatory science, policy, and legal frameworks; developing new regulatory tools, standards, and methods for drug evaluation and regulatory decision-making; and undertaking government and industry research projects. The centre is also dedicated to cultivating talent in regulatory science and organising relevant training and exchange programmes. Moreover, CPRS actively promotes collaboration. The centre recently hosted the 1st Macau International Forum on Pharmaceutical Regulatory Science— High-Quality Development of Chinese Medicines: Theory and Practice. The forum brought together 澳大藥品監管科學研究中心承辦首屆「澳門藥品監管科學國際論壇—中藥高質量發展:理論與實踐」 The UM Centre for Pharmaceutical Regulatory Sciences hosted the 1st Macau International Forum on Pharmaceutical Regulatory Science—HighQuality Development of Chinese Medicines: Theory and Practice
16 封面專題 • COVER STORY 澳大新語 • 2024 UMAGAZINE 30 胡元佳教授 Prof Hu Yuanjia pharmaceutical regulatory experts, scholars, and policymakers from Macao, mainland China, Southeast Asia, Portuguese-speaking countries, and beyond, aiming to establish a collaborative and exchange platform among industry, academia, research institutions, and government departments in medical product regulation and innovation. Prof Hu says, ‘CPRS will keep expanding its role to further support the development of pharmaceutical services and the industry in Macao.’ Establishing Quality Standards for Chinese Medicine Internationally recognised quality standards are essential to bringing Chinese medicine to the global market. Therefore, SKL-QRCM is actively developing innovative quality analysis methods and international standards. The unit has established joint laboratories with the United States Pharmacopeia Convention, the European Pharmacopoeia Commission, and China’s National Institutes for Food and Drug Control, respectively. These joint laboratories have completed or are working on including more than 20 Chinese medicine quality standards in the United States Pharmacopeia, European Pharmacopoeia, and Chinese Pharmacopoeia. These standards cover key medicinal ingredients, including Panax notoginseng, ophiopogon root, goji berries, cordyceps militaris, artificial cordyceps powder, galangal, dendrobium, patchouli, and amla. When it comes to the establishment of Chinese medicine quality standards, SKL-QRCM focuses on core quality elements and developing innovative methods and applications. In 2016, SKL-QRCM, ICMS, and Peking Union Medical College conducted a research project focused on using DNA barcoding for species identification of medicinal plants, which was awarded a second prize of the State Scientific and Technological Progress Award. Committed to Making a Social Impact From drug development to product and service launch, and ultimately to promoting the development of the Chinese medicine industry, this journey is long and full of challenges. The process requires close collaboration between government departments, research institutions, and industry. Throughout this process, UM is committed to translating more Chinese medicine research results into practical applications, thus making contributions to the sustainable development of the Chinese medicine industry. 澳大已立項和制定20餘項《美國藥典》、《歐洲藥典》及《中國藥典》標準 UM scholars have completed or are working on including over 20 quality standards in the United States Pharmacopeia, European Pharmacopoeia, and Chinese Pharmacopoeia.
COVER STORY • 封面專題 17 2024 UMAGAZINE 30 • 澳大新語 中醫藥與多學科交叉融合 Chinese Medicine and Interdisciplinary Integration 在中國內地的三甲醫院開展患者臨床試驗。他們還在 研發其它基於中藥多糖的產品,其中一款不含酒精成 份、抑菌的白及葡甘聚糖免洗護膚凝膠已經上市。 王教授的團隊近期也開發出一種獨特的小分子寡 糖,並與國藥集團合作進一步開發為醫療器械。該 小分子寡糖可引導調節性T細胞(一種特殊的免疫 細胞,英文簡稱Tregs)在毛囊周圍聚集,加速小鼠 毛髮生長。王教授說:「這項研究解決了傳統多糖 材料活性多樣但缺乏特異性的問題,有助開發更 安全、有效的工具用於修復皮膚及其附屬器官。」 發現植物化學防禦系統 澳大研究人員也在探索利用中藥材的活性成分來抑 制病原菌侵襲,希望用於生產更穩定、更有效的植物 源性農藥,減少依賴化學農藥。中藥質量研究國家重 點實驗室、中華醫藥研究院教授萬建波的研究團隊近 澳門大學中藥質量研究國家重點實驗室暨中華醫藥 研究院與校內多個學院和研究院合作,開展交叉學 科研究,聚焦先進生物活性材料、合成生物學及人 工智能等在中醫藥研究上的應用。 天然多糖藥物促皮膚組織修復 許多中藥有效成分在人體內難以吸收。因此,澳大 專家正在開發中藥來源的新型材料,尤其是能促進 細胞活性和組織再生的生物活性材料。中藥質量研 究國家重點實驗室、中華醫藥研究院教授王春明的 團隊在這方面取得了重要成果。他們從中藥杜仲中 提取出一種名為EUP3的多糖敷料,能促進傷口癒 合,對糖尿病小鼠的慢性傷口具有顯著的修復效果。 他們在2019年完成基礎研究,2022年實現技術轉 化,2023年啟動臨床前測試。 目前,王教授的團隊將這些活性多糖開發成製劑,並 文 / 郭麗雅、葉浩男‧圖 / 何杰平,部分由受訪者提供 Chinese & English Text / Gloria Kuok, Davis Ip‧Photo / Jack Ho, with some provided by the interviewees
18 封面專題 • COVER STORY 澳大新語 • 2024 UMAGAZINE 30 阿爾茨海默症的工作提供基礎。」 算法平台助力藥物設計 此外,中藥質量研究國家重點實驗室、中華醫藥研 究院副教授歐陽德方帶領的團隊開發了一個名為 DeepCSP的機器學習框架,用於解決傳統晶體結構預 測中的難題。「藥物的晶體結構直接影響其安全性、療 效和生產效率,不同的晶體結構會影響藥物的吸收、 穩定性和效果。由於中藥成分複雜多變,找到穩定的 結晶形式往往充滿挑戰。」他又指出,這個機器學習框 架結合了生成對抗網絡和分子圖卷積網絡技術,能從 數據中生成潛在的晶體結構,並預測其穩定性,將晶 體結構的生成和預測縮短至幾分鐘內完成。 歐陽教授續說,製劑設計是藥物開發的關鍵一環,涉 及測試藥物的物理與化學性質和釋放方式。傳統的製 劑設計依賴大量實驗和經驗,耗時又昂貴。因此,他的 團隊推出Formulation AI平台。該平台結合豐富的藥 物製劑數據和先進的人工智能算法,旨在優化藥物設 計流程,提高效率和準確性,減少對實驗的依賴。 歐陽教授表示,Formulation AI能預測和評估難溶 性藥物的增溶配方的17種重要特性,涵蓋藥物-環 糊精、固體分散體、磷脂複合物、納米粒晶體、自乳 化、脂質體遞送共六大體系。「Formulation AI能快 速預測,毋須複雜的理論計算或實驗室測試,將製 劑開發流程由經驗驅動轉為數據驅動,目前有逾 300家知名製藥公司和研究機構使用。」 推動中藥合成生物學研究 許多中藥材來源稀缺,而且易受種植環境和氣候等 影響,質量和有效成分含量波動較大。因此,澳大研 究人員正在研究模擬中藥活性成分的生物合成過 程,通過人工構建的生物系統和合成技術來穩定提 取中藥的有效成分。中華醫藥研究院更與中國科學 院天津工業生物技術研究所共建「中醫藥合成生物 學聯合實驗室」,並在2023年起聯合培養博士生。 交叉學科研究助力中藥創新 澳大中藥質量研究國家重點實驗室與大學內外眾多 研究機構通力合作,促進中醫藥交叉學科研究,為中 醫藥產業的可持續發展開闢新方向,拓展中醫藥的 全球影響力,並為大健康產業的發展作出更大貢獻。 年聯合北京中醫藥大學和西南林業大學的專家取得 突破。他們發現,三七(一種人參屬藥用植物,雲南白 藥的主要成分)有一種由特定酶介導的雙元素防禦系 統,有助抵禦病原菌侵襲。 萬教授說,植物面對環境中的各種脅迫,會產生一 系列次生代謝產物來應對,對植物的化學防禦機制 至關重要。經過反覆驗證,他的研究團隊發現,這個 防禦系統由一種特定的酶(β-葡萄糖苷水解酶)和 一類原人參二醇型皂苷組成。當植物受病原真菌感 染時,這些真菌釋放的胞外酶會破壞葉綠體(植物 細胞中負責光合作用的小型結構)的完整性,從而 啟動該防禦系統。隨後,β-葡萄糖苷水解酶對皂苷 分子中的糖基進行選擇性水解,生成一種強效活性 物質來抵抗病菌。 萬教授表示:「我們在人參、西洋參等人參屬藥用植物中 也發現類似的雙元素防禦系統。這為我們開發植物源性 的農藥提供重要參考,有助減少種植人參類中藥材時大 量使用化學農藥,促進中藥材產業可持續發展。」 人工智能加速藥物篩選 人工智能幫助科學家高效分析海量數據,包括中藥方 劑的組合、藥理機制、製劑開發和臨床試驗結果,加速 發現潛在藥物。其中,中華醫藥研究院副院長、中藥質 量研究國家重點實驗室副教授路嘉宏的團隊與挪威 奧斯陸大學、溫州醫科大學和德睿智藥等機構合作, 將人工智能與細胞、線蟲和小鼠的阿爾茨海默病的模 型結合,開發了一款藥物篩選算法,以此從中藥材中 篩選有潛力治療阿爾茨海默症的小分子化合物。 路教授說,他們的團隊對來自兩個數據庫共1,900萬 個小分子的數據進行預訓練,開發出一個綜合考慮分 子多維資訊的表徵模型。他們隨後從3,724個天然小 分子篩選出18個作進一步驗證。 最終,路教授的團隊找到來自山奈等植物的天然黃 酮類化合物山奈酚,以及來自閉苞買麻藤的芪類化 合物丹葉大黃素:「我們發現,這兩種化合物能顯著 改善患有阿爾茨海默症小鼠的神經退行性變化,有 助減少牠們的病理特徵(例如澱粉樣蛋白和微管相 關蛋白的聚集),並且增強牠們的學習和記憶能力。 這項發現為我們將來利用線粒體自噬激活策略治療