
澳大新語 • 2024 UMAGAZINE 29 6 十年變遷歷程 • KEY MILESTONES OF THE PAST DECADE 2021年,澳大發佈五年發展規劃 (2021/22-2025/26學年) In 2021, UM released its Five-Year Development Plan for the academic years 2021/22 to 2025/26 2016年,澳大獲澳門特區政府 頒授教育功績勳章 In 2016, UM was awarded the Medal of Merit—Education by the Macao SAR Government 2020年7月,澳門特區行政長官、澳大校監 兼大學議庭主席賀一誠首次主持2019/2020 學年大學議庭及校董會聯席會議 In July 2020, Mr Ho Iat Seng, chief executive of the Macao SAR, chancellor of UM, and chair of the University Assembly, presided over his first joint meeting of the University Assembly and University Council for the 2019/2020 academic year 2014年12月,國家主席習近平視察澳大 並與學生交流 In December 2014, President Xi Jinping visited UM and engaged in discussions with students