
2024 UMAGAZINE 29 • 澳大新語 5 UM’S DECADE OF ACHIEVEMENTS ON HENGQIN ISLAND • 遷校十年 揚帆千里 2018年1月,澳大第九任校長宋永華教授 履新 In January 2018, Prof Yonghua Song assumed his role as the ninth rector of UM 十年變遷歷程 Key Milestones of the Past Decade 2014年8月,澳大全面遷入橫琴島校園, 並在當日舉行開學禮 In August 2014, UM relocated to its new campus on Hengqin Island and held a convocation 2014年7月,林金城博士獲委任為 澳大校董會主席 In July 2014, Dr Lam Kam Seng Peter was appointed Chair of the University Council of UM 2018年6月,國家主席習近平回信澳門高校 並提出要求和期許 In June 2018, President Xi Jinping replied to a joint letter from Macao’s higher education institutions, outlining his expectations for their future endeavours