
2024 UMAGAZINE 29 • 澳大新語 41 UM’S DECADE OF ACHIEVEMENTS ON HENGQIN ISLAND • 遷校十年 揚帆千里 中國與葡語國家高校校長論壇、第三屆粵港澳高校 聯盟年會暨校長論壇等。 過去十年,澳大也邀請眾多頂尖學者到校園開 講,包括十多位諾貝爾奬得主,例如在2014年剛 遷校後到訪的諾貝爾經濟學奬得主羅伯特·默頓教 授和諾貝爾文學獎得主莫言教授。2023年底,諾 貝爾物理學獎得主中村修二教授也到校園主持講 座,拓寬師生的學術視野。 提升全球聲譽 校園再大仍有邊際,全球聯繫卻無界限,澳大善用澳門 獨特的多元文化土壤和精心規劃的校園,與世界各地的 夥伴協作,不僅強化與全國各地院校和葡語國家的聯 繫,還促進與英語國家和周邊國家的合作,提升大學在 全球的高等教育舞台的聲譽,不斷擴大其國際影響力。 澳大與中國科學院轄下的研究院所建立多個聯合實驗室 UM has established multiple joint laboratories with institutes and research centres under the Chinese Academy of Sciences Forging Global Partnerships Over the last decade, UM has attracted students and scholars from around the world for exchange and learning. The university has also become a popular venue for international academic conferences. During this period, UM’s network of partner institutions has expanded from 183 partners in 2015 to 320 partners across 38 countries and regions in 2024. Additionally, up to 2024, UM has established student exchange agreements with 177 partners in 34 countries and regions, marking a significant increase from 122 partners in 2015. As the globalisation of higher education continues, UM recognises the importance of expanding external engagement to enhance teaching and research quality. Since relocating to a new campus on Hengqin Island in 2014, UM has seized every opportunity to refine its global strategy. The university has strengthened ties with partners in China, the Portuguese-speaking world, the English-speaking world, and neighbouring countries, extending its collaborative networks across the world.