
CONTENTS 目錄 2024年|總第29期 Spring/Summer 2024 | Issue 29 Sailing Towards Excellence: UM’s Decade of Achievements on Hengqin Island 遷校十年 揚帆千里 培養創新人才勇闖新時代 Nurturing Innovative Talent to Embrace New Horizons 09 十年變遷歷程 Key Milestones of the Past Decade 05 突破界限的跨學科研究 Breaking Barriers Through Interdisciplinary Research 19 持續完善社會服務平台 Optimising Platforms to Serve Society 29 澳門大學遷校10周年特刊 Special Issue Dedicated to the 10th Anniversary of UM’s Relocation to Hengqin Island