
2024 UMAGAZINE 29 • 澳大新語 33 UM’S DECADE OF ACHIEVEMENTS ON HENGQIN ISLAND • 遷校十年 揚帆千里 澳大成立「澳門中小學生人文社科教育基地」,培育學生的品德和人文素養。 UM established the Macao Base for Primary & Secondary Education in Humanities & Social Sciences to cultivate students’ moral and humanistic qualities Promoting the Constitution and the Basic Law In 2018, UM’s Faculty of Law established the Centre for Constitutional Law and Basic Law Studies with the aim of supporting the effective implementation of the ‘one country, two systems’ policy in Macao. Since its establishment, the centre has played an important role in producing teaching materials, providing assistance to government departments and schools in promoting the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China and the Basic Law of the Macao SAR, as well as facilitating relevant research endeavours. Since 2019, the centre has also served as an official partner of Peking University’s Center for Studies of Constitutional and Administrative Law, a key research centre in the field of humanities and social sciences under the Ministry of Education. Enhancing Cultural Promotion UM is committed to preserving and promoting cultural heritage. In 2017, the university established the Centre for Chinese History and Culture within the Faculty of Arts and Humanities to strengthen the study and dissemination of Chinese culture. The centre has undertaken numerous initiatives, including the publication of a chronicle of Macao literature, a journal dedicated to Chinese culture research, and a newspaper targeting teenagers in Macao. In addition, it has launched the Chinese Culture Promotion Ambassador training programme and established a base for the promotion of Chinese history and culture in collaboration with 12 local schools. The faculty also houses the Chinese-Portuguese Bilingual Teaching and Training Centre and the Confucius Institute, which aim to enhance cultural and language education, translation training, and cultural exchanges between China and Portuguese-speaking countries, while also promoting traditional Chinese culture in these nations. Prof Zhu Shoutong, director of the Centre for Chinese History and Culture, says, ‘Through partnerships with various sectors, we organise themed lectures and cultural heritage field trips. These initiatives are designed to create a relaxed environment for primary and secondary school students to learn about Chinese history and culture, and stimulate their interest in Chinese civilisation.’ Prof Zhu also mentions the launch of a degree programme in Chinese history and culture tailored for local teachers. The programme aims to Since its establishment, UM has been committed to making contributions to Macao society. Even after its relocation to Hengqin in 2014, the university has remained steadfast in this core mission. Over the past decade, UM has made significant advancements in its academic and research capabilities, enabling the university to effectively disseminate legal knowledge, promote culture, support basic education, enhance public services, expand continuing education, and align research with the needs of society. These efforts have played a vital role in the sustained development of Macao.