
校長的話 宋永華 Yonghua Song RECTOR’S WORDS 十年前,在中央政府和澳門特區政府傾力支持、澳門大學師生共同努力下,澳大實 現從「潭山初建」到「琴島重築」,在比原址大20倍的新校園築夢未來,揚帆啟航。 遷校十年,澳大革新求變、奮力追夢。我們完善人才培養體系、擘劃研究領域佈 局、構建社會服務平台、拓展全球合作網絡、優化校園設施與環境。十年間,澳大 的辦學規模和水平不斷提升,學生人數從8,000餘人增至超過13,500人、研究 領域和質量躍升、國際聲望穩步上揚。 遷校十年,澳大立足澳門,深耕細作。我們孕育一批又一批具有家國情懷、國際 視野、全球競爭力和社會責任感的公民和創新型人才。同時,澳大圍繞共建灣 區、融入國家、走向世界的發展定位積極作為,不斷擴展其研究和服務,助力澳 門、粵港澳大灣區和國家實現發展願景,並為促進人類社會進步作出貢獻。 十年後的今天,澳大乘風破浪,再迎新機。我們將握緊在橫琴粵澳深度合作區的新契機,擴大辦學空間,充分利用 「一國兩制」制度優勢,乘勢而上,為促進澳門經濟多元可持續發展、助力共建粵港澳大灣區發揮更大的作用。展 望下個十年,我們將堅持立德樹人、繼續改革創新,通過以學生為本的優質教育、具國際影響力的重點研究,以及 高水平的社會服務,矢志成為一所國際公認的卓越大學。 篤行致遠,未來可期。 Ten years ago, thanks to the strong support of the central and Macao SAR governments, as well as the dedication of staff and students, the University of Macau (UM) relocated from its original campus in Taipa to a new one on Hengqin Island, reaching a significant milestone. This new campus, twenty times the size of the old one, has allowed us to envision a future filled with possibilities and set sail towards new horizons. Throughout the past decade, UM has grasped opportunities for growth and innovation. In this period, the university has refined its talent nurturing strategies, enhanced its key research initiatives, created community service platforms, and broadened its global connections, all while upgrading its campus facilities and environment. Over this time, UM’s educational scope and quality have significantly improved. The student population has surged from just over 8,000 to more than 13,500, accompanied by a remarkable increase in both the diversity and quantity of research undertakings, bolstering the university’s global reputation. Throughout the past decade, UM, leveraging its strong foothold in Macao, has nurtured numerous citizens and innovators who love their home country, possess global perspectives and competitiveness as well as a strong sense of social responsibility. The university has also made every endeavour to jointly develop the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, integrate with national development, and go global. It has consistently expanded research and service activities, making significant contributions to the developmental goals of Macao, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and the nation as a whole. These efforts have also contributed to the betterment of humanity. A decade has passed. UM is now embracing change while seizing new opportunities. We are determined to capitalise on the new opportunities in the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin to extend our educational facilities. We will also keep up with the momentum and leverage the ‘one country, two systems’ policy to contribute to the economic diversification and sustainable development of Macao, thereby providing greater impetus into the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. As we look to the next decade, our commitment to fostering virtue and innovation remains resolute. Through quality student-centred education, key research subjects with international impact, and high-quality community services, UM strives to become an internationally recognised university of excellence. With this unwavering conviction, let us steer towards a future filled with promise and potential!