
澳大新語 • 2024 UMAGAZINE 29 26 突破界限的跨學科研究 • BREAKING BARRIERS THROUGH INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH Mathematics, and the Centre for Linguistics. The establishment of these research centres has reflected the university’s growing commitment to expanding and diversifying its academic pursuits. Fortifying Industry-Academia Collaboration to Transform Research Outcomes UM has developed a ‘5-in-1’ system for research innovation and result transfer. This system focuses on the establishment and improvement of industry-academia platforms to support the commercialisation of research results in five dimensions: innovation, service, management, cultivation, and practice. This approach further enhances the synergy between academia and industry. The Zhuhai UM Science & Technology Research Institute (ZUMRI), located in the Hengqin-Macao Youth Entrepreneurship Valley, is UM’s first demonstration base for industry-academia collaboration. ZUMRI comprises six R&D centres and the Hengqin branches of the three state key laboratories at UM. As of April 2024, ZUMRI had undertaken 160 research projects approved by national, provincial, and municipal science and technology departments. It has also conducted 127 research projects commissioned by various enterprises. Many industry-academia research projects conducted by ZUMRI, including robotic chips, traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions, stem cell and regenerative medicine projects, advanced fibre-optic sensing and acquisition equipment, and nano-foam concrete, have successfully transitioned from development phase to production, and some have even been launched in the market. Building on these achievements, UM is set to further enhance its industry-academia collaboration by establishing the Hengqin University of Macau Advanced Research Institute. Prof Chen Guokai, interim director of ZUMRI, emphasises that ZUMRI, which was established in 2019, is pivotal for enhancing industry-academia collaboration at UM. He says, ‘The institute serves as a nexus for collaboration between UM and businesses in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and beyond, facilitating a range of activities spanning from translational research, validation, pilot phase, to commercialisation services.’ Prof Chen also mentions that ZUMRI provides UM researchers with direct access to a wide array of research resources from mainland China. For example, researchers are able to analyse cancer cells with samples from various regions in the mainland without the need for cross-border delivery to Macao. Established in 2017, CIE serves as a national co-working space. The centre supports faculty, students, and alumni in transforming their creative ideas into tangible solutions and ventures through its robust industry-academia collaboration platforms. To date, the centre has incubated over 50 companies, with projects spanning cultural creativity, environmental protection, new materials, information technology, and the medical and biotechnology sectors. 澳大推動人文社科研究及與內地院校的合作 UM is committed to advancing research in the humanities and social sciences, as well as enhancing cooperation with mainland universities.