
2024 UMAGAZINE 29 • 澳大新語 23 UM’S DECADE OF ACHIEVEMENTS ON HENGQIN ISLAND • 遷校十年 揚帆千里 研究碩果纍纍 澳大在過往十年取得豐碩的研究成果,包括乳癌療法的 新突破、無人駕駛技術的新進展、中藥免疫調節機制的 新發現等科學和科技領域的成果。在人文社科領域,澳 大持續出版《南國學術》《澳門研究》和《澳門法學》 等學術期刊,以及出版有關中國憲法知識和葡語教學的 專著等,成果獲得學界和社會廣泛認可。 澳大學者每年發表的期刊論文數量從2014年的780篇 增至2023年的逾2,400篇;論文的引用次數每年從約 5,500次增至2023年近90,000次。此外,澳大的累計專 利數量也從2014年的28個增至2023年11月的236個。 其中一些成果甚至獲得國家科學技術進步獎、光華工程 科技獎、科學探索獎、澳門科學技術獎等殊榮。 造福社會 過去十年,澳大秉持著研究者必須「見人所未見、言人 所未言」的精神,跨越學科和地域界限,拓展基礎和應 用領域研究,擴大研究創新和合作平台的規模。展望未 來,大學將持續致力於跨學科研究,以更多研究成果造 福社會。 遷至新校園後,澳大加速既有的研究項目發展,也拓展全新的學術領域。 Since the campus relocation, UM has accelerated its research development and expanded into new academic disciplines. Since its relocation to the new campus on Hengqin Island in 2014, UM has significantly expanded its research facilities. This transformation has empowered UM scholars to transcend disciplinary boundaries and launch pioneering interdisciplinary projects. Over the past decade, UM has made significant contributions to academia, industry, and the broader community, amplifying the quality and impact of the university’s research. Establishing a Strategic Research Layout At the core of every university’s mission is the pursuit of knowledge. Before relocating to Hengqin, UM encountered significant space limitations. Some research institutes were confined to small rooms, which hindered their development. The move to the new campus has supercharged the university’s research capabilities, enabling it to accelerate ongoing projects and explore new avenues for academic enrichment. Over the past decade, the university has significantly expanded its research infrastructure, with research spaces on the campus now exceeding 170,000 square metres, dedicated to research in microelectronics, Internet of Things for smart cities, Chinese medicine, health sciences, applied physics and advanced materials, energy, environmental protection, and data science.