
澳大新語 • 2024 UMAGAZINE 29 14 培養創新人才勇闖新時代 • NURTURING INNOVATIVE TALENT TO EMBRACE NEW HORIZONS the ‘P.I.C.K.’ research development strategy, which focuses on Problem Orientation, Interdisciplinary Interaction, Collaborative Innovation, and Knowledge Translation, in order to nurture innovative talent and advance cutting-edge research. UM adopts a ‘4-in-1’ education model in undergraduate education, which integrates discipline-specific education, general education, research and internship education, and community and peer education. The university’s residential college system, an integrated educational platform, incorporates this approach into faculty-led teaching, offering undergraduates a dynamic learning experience that promotes whole-person development. The relocation has enabled the number of UM’s residential colleges to grow from two to ten, encompassing about 20 per cent of the campus area. In 2020, UM reformed its residential college education and introduced an upgraded 2.0 version education model, which emphasises cultivating seven key competencies: responsible citizenship, global competitiveness, knowledge integration, teamwork and collaboration, service and leadership, cultural engagement, and a healthy lifestyle. These goals seek to enhance students’ essential soft skills in tandem with professional knowledge. Six years ago, UM Rector Prof Yonghua Song emphasised in his inaugural address the importance of postgraduate education. According to him, in the few years that followed, UM prioritised knowledge integration at the master’s level by developing innovative and interdisciplinary programmes to produce graduates who address societal needs. At the doctoral level, the focus on collaborative innovation encourages an environment featuring openness, cooperation, and resource sharing. This initiative fosters interdisciplinary academic exchanges, propelling cutting-edge research for the greater good. Dr Zeng Wenliang, currently a UM Macao Fellow at the UM Institute of Microelectronics, completed his bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral studies at UM. He explains that during his undergraduate years, he had the opportunity to explore various fields in order to find his research interests. As he moved into postgraduate studies, the emphasis shifted to building knowledge and fostering innovation within his chosen field. He also highlights that his professors didn’t just 澳大於新校園全面啟動住宿式書院系統,推動「四位一體」教育模式。 UM launched its residential college education system on the new campus to push forward its ‘4-in-1’ education model 曾文良博士 Dr Zeng Wenliang