
2024 UMAGAZINE 29 • 澳大新語 13 UM’S DECADE OF ACHIEVEMENTS ON HENGQIN ISLAND • 遷校十年 揚帆千里 澳大於新校園的首個上課日 The first class on UM’s new campus 澳大獲准在內地具有研究生推薦免試(推免) 資格的高校招收優秀應屆本科推免生,攻 讀澳大碩士學位課程。該計劃的範圍隨後在 2015/ 2016學年擴大至直接攻讀博士課程的 申請者。此外,大學在2018年推出「澳大濠 江人才計劃」,提供具競爭力的獎學金和豐富 的研究機會,鼓勵年輕學者投身具社會價值及 學術意義的研究項目。 澳大亦與海內外頂尖學府合作,以提升學生的全 球競爭力和國際視野,包括與中國科學院轄下研 究所的博士生聯合培養項目,以及與愛丁堡大 學、布里斯托大學及倫敦帝國學院推行的1+3碩博 雙學位項目。此外,澳大還與里斯本大學合作, 在2023年啟動雙博士學位項目。這些合作項目均 為學生提供廣闊的學術平台和交流機會。 培養人才勇闖新程——澳大的使命 「潭山初建,琴島重築,校園毓秀鍾靈」。恰如 校歌所頌,澳大校園是匯聚靈氣、孕育秀氣之 地。琴島重築十載後,正如宋永華校長所言,澳 大站在新的起點,在以中華文化為主流、多元文 化共存的校園,將會不斷完善教學體系,引領學 生勇闖新時代。 On 23 August 2014, UM held the first-ever convocation on its new Hengqin campus to kick off the 2014/2015 academic year. This ceremony symbolised a transformative moment for UM as it was finally able to shed its image as ‘a campus-less university’. The new campus, abundant with greenery and beautiful scenery, provided a brand-new environment for students. During the opening ceremony, UM faculty dressed in academic attire greeted around 2,000 new students. Several months later on 20 December 2014, which was the 15th anniversary of Macao’s return to the motherland, a notable moment occurred when President Xi Jinping visited UM and engaged with its students. He encouraged them to work hard and aim to excel beyond their professors. strategy. Since the relocation, the university has refined its approach to talent development across all study levels, from undergraduate to doctoral. It has adopted a whole-person educational model and Committed to Talent Development The year 2014 was a crucial year for UM as it relocated to a new campus. In addition, this year marked a turning point in UM’s talent development