
Publisher: University of Macau Chief Editor: Katrina Cheong Executive Editors: Gloria Kuok, Davis Ip, Kelvin U Translators: Bess Che, Winky Kuan Designer: Jack Ho Advisors: Li Defeng, Associate Dean, Faculty of Arts and Humanities / Distinguished Professor and Director, Centre for Studies of Translation, Interpreting and Cognition Lampo Leong, Distinguished Professor and Director, Centre for Arts and Design, Faculty of Social Sciences Timothy Simpson, Associate Professor, Department of Communication, Faculty of Social Sciences Tang Keng Pan, Emeritus Professor, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts and Humanities Address: Room G012, Administration Building (N6), University of Macau, Avenida da Universidade, Taipa, Macau, China Tel: (853) 8822 8833 Fax: (853) 8822 8822 Email: Printing: Hamah (Macau), Limitada ISSN: 2077‑2491 Certain images are sourced from Chan Hin Io, Shutterstock Published biannually since 2009, UMagazine is one of the University of Macau’s official publications and aims to report innovative ideas and research breakthroughs of the University of Macau. It also showcases the latest developments and achievements of the university in teaching, research, and community services. 出版: 澳門大學 總編輯: 張惠琴 執行編輯: 郭麗雅、葉浩男、余偉業 翻譯: 謝菀菁 、關詠琪 排版: 何杰平 顧問: 人文學院副院長、翻譯傳譯認知研究中心主任 李德鳳特聘教授 社會科學學院藝術設計中心主任 梁藍波特聘教授 社會科學學院傳播系副教授 Timothy Simpson 人文學院中國語言文學系榮休教授 鄧景濱 地址: 中國澳門氹仔大學大馬路 澳門大學行政樓(N6) G012室 電話: (853) 8822 8833 傳真: (853) 8822 8822 電郵: 印刷: 澳門豪邁實業有限公司 國際刊號: 2077‑2491 部分圖片來自陳顯耀、Shutterstock 《澳大新語》創於2009年,為澳門大學官方刊物之一, 每年出版兩期,旨在展示澳門大學的創見和突破、 報導教研和社會服務的最新發展和成果。 2024年|總第29期

校長的話 宋永華 Yonghua Song RECTOR’S WORDS 十年前,在中央政府和澳門特區政府傾力支持、澳門大學師生共同努力下,澳大實 現從「潭山初建」到「琴島重築」,在比原址大20倍的新校園築夢未來,揚帆啟航。 遷校十年,澳大革新求變、奮力追夢。我們完善人才培養體系、擘劃研究領域佈 局、構建社會服務平台、拓展全球合作網絡、優化校園設施與環境。十年間,澳大 的辦學規模和水平不斷提升,學生人數從8,000餘人增至超過13,500人、研究 領域和質量躍升、國際聲望穩步上揚。 遷校十年,澳大立足澳門,深耕細作。我們孕育一批又一批具有家國情懷、國際 視野、全球競爭力和社會責任感的公民和創新型人才。同時,澳大圍繞共建灣 區、融入國家、走向世界的發展定位積極作為,不斷擴展其研究和服務,助力澳 門、粵港澳大灣區和國家實現發展願景,並為促進人類社會進步作出貢獻。 十年後的今天,澳大乘風破浪,再迎新機。我們將握緊在橫琴粵澳深度合作區的新契機,擴大辦學空間,充分利用 「一國兩制」制度優勢,乘勢而上,為促進澳門經濟多元可持續發展、助力共建粵港澳大灣區發揮更大的作用。展 望下個十年,我們將堅持立德樹人、繼續改革創新,通過以學生為本的優質教育、具國際影響力的重點研究,以及 高水平的社會服務,矢志成為一所國際公認的卓越大學。 篤行致遠,未來可期。 Ten years ago, thanks to the strong support of the central and Macao SAR governments, as well as the dedication of staff and students, the University of Macau (UM) relocated from its original campus in Taipa to a new one on Hengqin Island, reaching a significant milestone. This new campus, twenty times the size of the old one, has allowed us to envision a future filled with possibilities and set sail towards new horizons. Throughout the past decade, UM has grasped opportunities for growth and innovation. In this period, the university has refined its talent nurturing strategies, enhanced its key research initiatives, created community service platforms, and broadened its global connections, all while upgrading its campus facilities and environment. Over this time, UM’s educational scope and quality have significantly improved. The student population has surged from just over 8,000 to more than 13,500, accompanied by a remarkable increase in both the diversity and quantity of research undertakings, bolstering the university’s global reputation. Throughout the past decade, UM, leveraging its strong foothold in Macao, has nurtured numerous citizens and innovators who love their home country, possess global perspectives and competitiveness as well as a strong sense of social responsibility. The university has also made every endeavour to jointly develop the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, integrate with national development, and go global. It has consistently expanded research and service activities, making significant contributions to the developmental goals of Macao, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and the nation as a whole. These efforts have also contributed to the betterment of humanity. A decade has passed. UM is now embracing change while seizing new opportunities. We are determined to capitalise on the new opportunities in the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin to extend our educational facilities. We will also keep up with the momentum and leverage the ‘one country, two systems’ policy to contribute to the economic diversification and sustainable development of Macao, thereby providing greater impetus into the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. As we look to the next decade, our commitment to fostering virtue and innovation remains resolute. Through quality student-centred education, key research subjects with international impact, and high-quality community services, UM strives to become an internationally recognised university of excellence. With this unwavering conviction, let us steer towards a future filled with promise and potential!

CONTENTS 目錄 2024年|總第29期 Spring/Summer 2024 | Issue 29 Sailing Towards Excellence: UM’s Decade of Achievements on Hengqin Island 遷校十年 揚帆千里 培養創新人才勇闖新時代 Nurturing Innovative Talent to Embrace New Horizons 09 十年變遷歷程 Key Milestones of the Past Decade 05 突破界限的跨學科研究 Breaking Barriers Through Interdisciplinary Research 19 持續完善社會服務平台 Optimising Platforms to Serve Society 29 澳門大學遷校10周年特刊 Special Issue Dedicated to the 10th Anniversary of UM’s Relocation to Hengqin Island

拓展全球合作網絡 Strengthening Global Networks 37 全方位建設育人環境 Building an All-Encompassing Educational Environment 47 緊握澳琴一體新機遇 Seizing New Opportunities from Macao-Hengqin Integration 55

2024 UMAGAZINE 29 • 澳大新語 5 UM’S DECADE OF ACHIEVEMENTS ON HENGQIN ISLAND • 遷校十年 揚帆千里 2018年1月,澳大第九任校長宋永華教授 履新 In January 2018, Prof Yonghua Song assumed his role as the ninth rector of UM 十年變遷歷程 Key Milestones of the Past Decade 2014年8月,澳大全面遷入橫琴島校園, 並在當日舉行開學禮 In August 2014, UM relocated to its new campus on Hengqin Island and held a convocation 2014年7月,林金城博士獲委任為 澳大校董會主席 In July 2014, Dr Lam Kam Seng Peter was appointed Chair of the University Council of UM 2018年6月,國家主席習近平回信澳門高校 並提出要求和期許 In June 2018, President Xi Jinping replied to a joint letter from Macao’s higher education institutions, outlining his expectations for their future endeavours

澳大新語 • 2024 UMAGAZINE 29 6 十年變遷歷程 • KEY MILESTONES OF THE PAST DECADE 2021年,澳大發佈五年發展規劃 (2021/22-2025/26學年) In 2021, UM released its Five-Year Development Plan for the academic years 2021/22 to 2025/26 2016年,澳大獲澳門特區政府 頒授教育功績勳章 In 2016, UM was awarded the Medal of Merit—Education by the Macao SAR Government 2020年7月,澳門特區行政長官、澳大校監 兼大學議庭主席賀一誠首次主持2019/2020 學年大學議庭及校董會聯席會議 In July 2020, Mr Ho Iat Seng, chief executive of the Macao SAR, chancellor of UM, and chair of the University Assembly, presided over his first joint meeting of the University Assembly and University Council for the 2019/2020 academic year 2014年12月,國家主席習近平視察澳大 並與學生交流 In December 2014, President Xi Jinping visited UM and engaged in discussions with students

2024 UMAGAZINE 29 • 澳大新語 7 UM’S DECADE OF ACHIEVEMENTS ON HENGQIN ISLAND • 遷校十年 揚帆千里 THE排名從2015年的276-300位之間升 至2024年的193位;QS排名從2015年的 701+位升至2024年的254位 UM’s position in the THE ranking improved from 276-300 in 2015 to 193 in 2024, while its QS World University Rankings rose from 701+ in 2015 to 254 in 2024 學生規模十年間從8,000多人 增至超過13,500人 The student population grew from approximately 8,000 to more than 13,500 in ten years 與內地一流大學開展多個聯合培養人才項 目,2023年底加入C9聯盟+ UM launched multiple collaborative talent development programmes with leading universities in mainland China, and joined the C9 League+ in late 2023 十年間,與澳大簽訂合作協議的高校數量 從183所增至320所,涵蓋全球38個國家 及地區 The number of higher education institutions partnering with UM increased from 183 to 320 over the past ten years, spanning 38 countries and regions 十年變遷歷程 Key Milestones of the Past Decade

澳大新語 • 2024 UMAGAZINE 29 8 十年變遷歷程 • KEY MILESTONES OF THE PAST DECADE 不斷完善學科及課程體系,十年間課程 從96個增至120個 Academic and programme structures were consistently refined. The number of programmes offered increased from 96 to 120 over a ten-year period 進入基本科學指標資料庫(ESI) 全球前1%的學科從2018年的5個 增至2024年的12個 In 2024, UM ranked the top 1 per cent in 12 subjects in the Essential Science Indicators rankings, up from 5 subjects in 2018 應對新冠疫情挑戰,積極發揮大學 高端智庫的作用 UM actively responded to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic by leveraging its high-end think tank expertise 逐步設立更多學術平台,全方位服務 澳門社會發展 UM established more academic platforms to support Macao’s social development

2024 UMAGAZINE 29 • 澳大新語 9 UM’S DECADE OF ACHIEVEMENTS ON HENGQIN ISLAND • 遷校十年 揚帆千里 培養創新人才勇闖新時代 Nurturing Innovative Talent to Embrace New Horizons 文 / 葉浩男、資深校園記者鄭瑋璐‧圖 / 編輯部 Chinese & English Text / Davis Ip, Senior UM Reporter Zheng Weilu ‧ Photo / Editorial Board 2014年8月23日,澳門大學首度於橫琴島新校園舉行開學禮。這場2014/2015學年的開學禮標誌著澳大不再 「有校無園」,學生得以在依山傍水、綠茵滿目的校園求學修業。開學禮當日,澳大教授身披學術袍,迎接約 2,000名學子入學。數月後的12月20日,恰逢澳門回歸祖國15周年,國家主席習近平親臨澳大視察,與學生親 切交流,勉勵他們努力學習,青出於藍,學以致用。 培養學生成人成才 2014年,澳大迎來全面遷校的重要時刻,是澳大人 才培養發展的轉折點。遷校以來,澳大持續完善本 科、碩士、博士的人才培養策略,並推進「P.I.C.K.」 研究發展策略,即「以問題為導向」(Problem Orientation)、「跨學科合作」(Interdisciplinary

澳大新語 • 2024 UMAGAZINE 29 10 培養創新人才勇闖新時代 • NURTURING INNOVATIVE TALENT TO EMBRACE NEW HORIZONS Interaction)、「協同創新」(Collaborative Innovation)及「知識轉移」(Knowledge Translation),以培養創新人才及推進尖端研究。 在本科階段,澳大推動「四位一體」教育模式,將專 業、通識、研習及社群教育融合一起。同時,澳大通 過建立住宿式書院系統作為整合式教育平台,使書 院與學院課堂相互貫通、協同育人,提供豐富的體驗 式學習環境,促進學生全人發展。遷校後,澳大的住 宿式書院從兩間增至十間,佔地約為校園的五分之 一。2020年,書院教育實施改革,推出2.0版,強調 培養學生七項勝任力,包括公民責任心、全球競爭 力、知識整合能力、團隊協作、服務與領導、文化參 與、健康生活,培養學生的軟實力。 在研究生教育方面,澳大校長宋永華教授在六年前的 就職演說中強調研究生教育的重要性。他表示,過去 數年,澳大在碩士階段 推行「知識整合」,創 建並完善前沿和交叉學 科課程,培養符合社會 發展需求的人才。在博 士階段,澳大強調「協 同創新」,以開放、合 作、資源共享的模式, 促進跨領域研究和交 流、取得研究突破,造 福社會。 現時在澳大微電子研究院擔任澳大濠江學者的曾文良 博士,在澳大取得學士、碩士和博士學位。他表示, 他在本科階段涉獵不同領域的知識,確定研究興趣, 在研究生階段則專注於研究方向的知識積累和創新, 在教授支持下致力將科研成果化為實際應用。 澳大校長宋永華教授 UM Rector Prof Yonghua Song

2024 UMAGAZINE 29 • 澳大新語 11 UM’S DECADE OF ACHIEVEMENTS ON HENGQIN ISLAND • 遷校十年 揚帆千里 在教學、研究和學術管理領域的卓越水平。 培養學生家國情懷 澳大以多種方式培養學生的家國情懷。2018年,澳 大成立全澳公立高校第一支學生國旗儀仗隊,並於 同年5月26日在畢業典禮前首辦升旗儀式,逾800 名師生參與,成為澳門首間舉行升旗儀式的公立大 學。自此澳大每逢畢業禮、開學禮、國慶、澳門特 區成立紀念日及元旦等節慶均會舉行升旗儀式。 澳大的本科通識教育設有必修科「道德、價值觀、法 律與社會」,由法學院憲法與基本法研究中心的導師 授課,講解中國憲法與澳門基本法知識。學生亦經常 前往內地交流學習、參訪愛國教育基地,以及參與 國家安全教育展和紀念 五四運動、國慶及澳門 特區成立日的活動。自 2022/2023學年起,每 所書院均設有由學生主 導的家國情懷小組。 學生事務長彭執中表 示,透過住宿式書院 系統、通識教育及多 元的學生活動,澳大 澳大全面遷入新校園後的首個開學禮 UM’s first convocation following the relocation to the new campus 來自馬來西亞的學生許偉恆先在澳大取得金融學 理學士學位,繼而轉攻金融科技理學碩士課程。 他表示,跨界學習比預想的困難得多,但收穫也 遠超預期,獲得將金融概念融入軟件開發的整合 能力,克服跨學科學習帶來的挑戰。 完善學科及課程體系 在過去十年間,澳大學生人數從8,000多人增至 13,500多人,期間增設約10個學系及逾20個學位課 程,覆蓋澳門法學、中國法與環球法律、國際綜合度 假村管理、應用物理及化學、公共衛生及醫藥管理、 哲學及宗教學、生物醫學、藥物科學及科技、藝術, 以及海洋科學及技術等領域,目前約有120個博士學 位、碩士學位、學士學位及學士後證書/文憑課程。 澳大的多個課程獲得國際認證,反映出高水平的 教學質量,例如工商管理學院的理學士學位(會計 學)課程獲得香港會計師公會認可、科技學院 計算機科學學士課程及工程學士課程均通過香港 工程師學會的全面評鑑,並經由香港工程師學 會,取得《首爾協定》及《華盛頓協議》的成員 國認可。此外,澳大工商管理學院更獲得國際 商學院聯合會(AACSB)、工商管理碩士協會 (AMBA)和歐洲質量發展系統(EQUIS)的國際 認證,連續數年保持「三冠王」地位,反映該院 彭執中先生 Mr Paul Pang

澳大新語 • 2024 UMAGAZINE 29 12 培養創新人才勇闖新時代 • NURTURING INNOVATIVE TALENT TO EMBRACE NEW HORIZONS 將愛國愛澳教育融入到學生的日常學習和生活 中,使他們深入了解國家的傳統文化和當今發 展,培養家國情懷。他還提到,看到學生在這種 環境中茁壯成長,成為更有社會責任感的公民, 令人格外欣慰。 培養創新創業人才 澳大鼓勵創新創業,並將其融入教育體系。2017 年,澳大創新創業中心成立,為本科生和研究生 提供創新創業課程,同時選拔有潛力的創業團 隊,鼓勵他們進駐孵化平台。中心還舉辦多次創 業大賽和創新創業展,為創業青年提供交流競技 和投資融資的機會。2020年,該中心被評為 「國家級眾創空間」,至今已孵化約50家公司, 大多數由澳大學生或 校友主導,涉及醫療 科技、新型材料和資 訊科技等領域。 創新創業中心主任梁 麗嫻教授表示,澳大 為學生提供完善的設 施與技術支持,包括 實驗室與共享工作空 間,為創新創業活動 創造優良環境。她還強調,大學的多元文化氛圍 和國際交流機會對培養創業人才至關重要,能夠 拓寬學生視野。 澳大鄭裕彤書院的學生充分利用大學豐富的創新 創業資源。他們將釀製啤酒時產生的麥芽渣轉化 為環保貓砂產品,運用技術噬走麥芽渣中的糖 分,以避免幼貓誤食糖分。該團隊的成員付昊明 表示,在書院的協助下,他們從澳門科學技術發 展基金獲得兩項科研資助,實現從理念到產品的 突破。該書院還舉辦創業營系列活動,邀請創業 投資專家協助提升他們的項目。此外,該團隊在 進駐澳大創新創業中心期間不僅獲得項目啟動基 金的支持,還多次參加創業比賽及商業展會,並 在中心協助下與廣洲南沙區及增城區的企業簽訂 協議,將產品在粵港澳大灣區推廣。 吸引優秀學生 澳大也致力吸引海內外優秀學生到澳大學習。在本 地學生方面,大學設立了「校長推薦入學計劃」,吸 引優秀的學生入學,在2019/2020學年還增設「葡語 專才推薦計劃」和「傑出運動員入學計劃」,以培 養中葡雙語人才和本地優秀學生運動員。 為吸引高質素的研究生,自2012/2013學年起, 國家主席習近平親臨澳大新校園視察 President Xi Jinping visited UM’s new campus 梁麗嫻教授 Prof Elaine Leung

2024 UMAGAZINE 29 • 澳大新語 13 UM’S DECADE OF ACHIEVEMENTS ON HENGQIN ISLAND • 遷校十年 揚帆千里 澳大於新校園的首個上課日 The first class on UM’s new campus 澳大獲准在內地具有研究生推薦免試(推免) 資格的高校招收優秀應屆本科推免生,攻 讀澳大碩士學位課程。該計劃的範圍隨後在 2015/ 2016學年擴大至直接攻讀博士課程的 申請者。此外,大學在2018年推出「澳大濠 江人才計劃」,提供具競爭力的獎學金和豐富 的研究機會,鼓勵年輕學者投身具社會價值及 學術意義的研究項目。 澳大亦與海內外頂尖學府合作,以提升學生的全 球競爭力和國際視野,包括與中國科學院轄下研 究所的博士生聯合培養項目,以及與愛丁堡大 學、布里斯托大學及倫敦帝國學院推行的1+3碩博 雙學位項目。此外,澳大還與里斯本大學合作, 在2023年啟動雙博士學位項目。這些合作項目均 為學生提供廣闊的學術平台和交流機會。 培養人才勇闖新程——澳大的使命 「潭山初建,琴島重築,校園毓秀鍾靈」。恰如 校歌所頌,澳大校園是匯聚靈氣、孕育秀氣之 地。琴島重築十載後,正如宋永華校長所言,澳 大站在新的起點,在以中華文化為主流、多元文 化共存的校園,將會不斷完善教學體系,引領學 生勇闖新時代。 On 23 August 2014, UM held the first-ever convocation on its new Hengqin campus to kick off the 2014/2015 academic year. This ceremony symbolised a transformative moment for UM as it was finally able to shed its image as ‘a campus-less university’. The new campus, abundant with greenery and beautiful scenery, provided a brand-new environment for students. During the opening ceremony, UM faculty dressed in academic attire greeted around 2,000 new students. Several months later on 20 December 2014, which was the 15th anniversary of Macao’s return to the motherland, a notable moment occurred when President Xi Jinping visited UM and engaged with its students. He encouraged them to work hard and aim to excel beyond their professors. strategy. Since the relocation, the university has refined its approach to talent development across all study levels, from undergraduate to doctoral. It has adopted a whole-person educational model and Committed to Talent Development The year 2014 was a crucial year for UM as it relocated to a new campus. In addition, this year marked a turning point in UM’s talent development

澳大新語 • 2024 UMAGAZINE 29 14 培養創新人才勇闖新時代 • NURTURING INNOVATIVE TALENT TO EMBRACE NEW HORIZONS the ‘P.I.C.K.’ research development strategy, which focuses on Problem Orientation, Interdisciplinary Interaction, Collaborative Innovation, and Knowledge Translation, in order to nurture innovative talent and advance cutting-edge research. UM adopts a ‘4-in-1’ education model in undergraduate education, which integrates discipline-specific education, general education, research and internship education, and community and peer education. The university’s residential college system, an integrated educational platform, incorporates this approach into faculty-led teaching, offering undergraduates a dynamic learning experience that promotes whole-person development. The relocation has enabled the number of UM’s residential colleges to grow from two to ten, encompassing about 20 per cent of the campus area. In 2020, UM reformed its residential college education and introduced an upgraded 2.0 version education model, which emphasises cultivating seven key competencies: responsible citizenship, global competitiveness, knowledge integration, teamwork and collaboration, service and leadership, cultural engagement, and a healthy lifestyle. These goals seek to enhance students’ essential soft skills in tandem with professional knowledge. Six years ago, UM Rector Prof Yonghua Song emphasised in his inaugural address the importance of postgraduate education. According to him, in the few years that followed, UM prioritised knowledge integration at the master’s level by developing innovative and interdisciplinary programmes to produce graduates who address societal needs. At the doctoral level, the focus on collaborative innovation encourages an environment featuring openness, cooperation, and resource sharing. This initiative fosters interdisciplinary academic exchanges, propelling cutting-edge research for the greater good. Dr Zeng Wenliang, currently a UM Macao Fellow at the UM Institute of Microelectronics, completed his bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral studies at UM. He explains that during his undergraduate years, he had the opportunity to explore various fields in order to find his research interests. As he moved into postgraduate studies, the emphasis shifted to building knowledge and fostering innovation within his chosen field. He also highlights that his professors didn’t just 澳大於新校園全面啟動住宿式書院系統,推動「四位一體」教育模式。 UM launched its residential college education system on the new campus to push forward its ‘4-in-1’ education model 曾文良博士 Dr Zeng Wenliang

2024 UMAGAZINE 29 • 澳大新語 15 UM’S DECADE OF ACHIEVEMENTS ON HENGQIN ISLAND • 遷校十年 揚帆千里 encourage theoretical advancements; they also encouraged him to apply his research in practical settings. Aymo Khoo, a Malaysian student, is pursuing a master’s degree in financial technology at the UM Faculty of Science and Technology. He earned a bachelor’s degree in finance from the UM Faculty of Business Administration. He shares that interdisciplinary learning was much more challenging than he had expected. However, the rewards he has gained have far exceeded his expectations. During his time at UM, Aymo has not only acquired the skills to integrate financial concepts into software development, but has also overcome the challenges of interdisciplinary learning. Refining Disciplines and Programme Structures Over the past decade, UM’s student population has grown from just around 8,000 individuals to more than 13,500. Moreover, the university has introduced about 10 new academic departments and nearly 20 new degree programmes. These include specialised fields such as Macao legal studies, Chinese law and global legal studies, international integrated resort management, applied physics and chemistry, public health and medicinal administration, philosophy and religious studies, biomedical sciences, pharmaceutical sciences and technology, arts, as well as ocean science and technology. Today, the university offers around 120 programmes across doctoral, master’s, bachelor’s, and postgraduate certificate/diploma levels. Many UM degree programmes have gained international accreditation, serving as a testament to the university’s high teaching quality. For instance, the Bachelor of Science in Accounting programme is accredited under the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants’ Qualification Programme. Moreover, the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science programme and other bachelor’s degree programmes in engineering have received full accreditation from the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, and have subsequently been recognised by all signatories to the Seoul Accord and the Washington Accord. Furthermore, the Faculty of Business Administration holds the ‘Triple Crown’ status, accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), the Association of MBAs (AMBA), and the EFMD Quality Improvement 澳大校長宋永華教授(右一)就職 Prof Yonghua Song (1st from right) took office as the rector of UM 許偉恆 Aymo Khoo

澳大新語 • 2024 UMAGAZINE 29 16 培養創新人才勇闖新時代 • NURTURING INNOVATIVE TALENT TO EMBRACE NEW HORIZONS System (EQUIS), underscoring its excellence in teaching, research, and academic management. Strengthening Students’ Sense of National Identity UM strengthens students’ sense of national identity through various initiatives. For example, the university established its National Flag Team in 2018, marking the first university national flag team in Macao. On 26 May 2018, the team conducted its inaugural flag-raising ceremony in the presence of over 800 students and faculty members, becoming the first public university in Macao to do so. Since then, flag-raising ceremonies have become regular events on major occasions, including congregation and convocation days, National Day, the anniversary of the Macao SAR, and the first day of the new year. UM’s general education curriculum for undergraduate students includes a mandatory course titled ‘Ethics, Values, Laws, and Society’. This course, delivered by experts from the Faculty of Law’s Centre for Constitutional Law and Basic Law Studies, provides a comprehensive understanding of the Constitution and the Macao Basic Law. Students also engage in activities that strengthen their sense of national identity, including exchange visits to mainland China, tours of national education bases, national security education exhibitions, and participation in celebrations of the May Fourth Movement, National Day, and the anniversary of the Macao SAR. Since the 2022/2023 academic year, each residential college has established a student-led group to further strengthen students’ sense of national identity. Dean of Students Mr Paul Pang says that through UM’s residential college system, general education, and a variety of student activities, the university weaves education about love for the country and Macao into students’ daily learning and lives. This enriches their understanding of the nation’s traditional culture and its contemporary development, fostering a strong sense of national identity. He adds that it is rewarding to see students flourish in this environment and become more socially responsible. Fostering Innovative and Entrepreneurial Talent As a university that encourages innovation and entrepreneurship, UM integrates these concepts into its educational framework. In 2017, the university established the Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE), with the objective of providing training courses on innovation and entrepreneurship for undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as providing promising entrepreneurial teams with access to its incubation platform. In addition, CIE has held many entrepreneurship competitions as well as 澳大舉行首個升旗儀式 UM’s first flag-raising ceremony

2024 UMAGAZINE 29 • 澳大新語 17 UM’S DECADE OF ACHIEVEMENTS ON HENGQIN ISLAND • 遷校十年 揚帆千里 innovation and entrepreneurship exhibitions, providing aspiring young entrepreneurs platforms to exchange ideas and explore investment and financing avenues. In 2020, CIE was recognised as a ‘National Co-working Space’. To date, it has incubated around 50 companies, mostly led by UM students or alumni, with ventures spanning medical technology, new materials, and information technology. Prof Elaine Leung, head of CIE, emphasises UM’s commitment to boosting innovation and entrepreneurship: ‘The university provides students with state-of-the-art facilities and support, including laboratories and co-working spaces, creating an optimal environment for entrepreneurial pursuits.’ She also highlights that UM’s multicultural environment and international exchange opportunities are pivotal in broadening students’ perspectives and nurturing entrepreneurial talent. A student entrepreneurial team from Cheng Yu Tung College at UM has repurposed brewer’s spent grain, a by-product of beer brewing, into eco-friendly cat litter. This innovative product utilises a technology to remove sugar from the spent grain so that it is safe for kittens who might ingest it. Team member Fu Haoming shares, ‘With the support of the college, we secured two research grants from the Science and Technology Development Fund of Macao to transform our initial idea into a tangible product. Furthermore, the college hosted entrepreneurship camps where venture capital specialists provided valuable advice on enhancing our project.’ While being incubated at CIE, the project not only secured initial funding but also gained exposure through different entrepreneurship competitions and trade shows. With CIE’s assistance, the team has also established partnerships with enterprises in Nansha and Zengcheng districts in Guangzhou, thereby expanding the product’s reach across the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Attracting Talented Individuals UM is dedicated to attracting outstanding local and international students to study at the university. It implements various schemes and initiatives to 付昊明 Fu Haoming 澳大40周年校慶啟動儀式 UM held a ceremony to kick off the celebrations for its 40th anniversary

澳大新語 • 2024 UMAGAZINE 29 18 培養創新人才勇闖新時代 • NURTURING INNOVATIVE TALENT TO EMBRACE NEW HORIZONS attract talented individuals. For example, the UM Principals’ Recommended Admission Scheme attracts many outstanding local students. In the 2019/2020 academic year, the university introduced two new initiatives: the Chinese and Portuguese Bilingual Talent Nurturing Scheme and the Outstanding Student-Athletes Admission Scheme. These two initiatives aim to develop students’ bilingual proficiency in Chinese and Portuguese, and support exceptional student athletes, respectively. To attract high-quality postgraduate students, UM launched a recommendation scheme in the 2012/2013 academic year for master’s degree programme applicants from mainland China. This scheme allows graduating bachelors’ students with outstanding performance to progress to postgraduate studies without entrance exams. Since the 2015/2016 academic year, the scheme has also included doctoral applicants. In 2018, the university introduced the ‘UM Macao Talent Programme’, offering competitive scholarships and extensive research opportunities. This initiative seeks to inspire young academics to pursue research with both social impact and academic significance. To enhance students’ global competitiveness and expand their international perspectives, UM has forged partnerships with leading universities across China and the globe. These collaborations include joint doctoral training with institutions affiliated with the Chinese Academy of Sciences and 1+3 master’s and PhD dual degree programmes with the University of Edinburgh, the University of Bristol, and Imperial College London. Moreover, UM launched a dual PhD degree programme with the University of Lisbon in 2023. These collaborative efforts have created a broad academic platform and provided exchange opportunities for students. UM’s Mission: Nurturing Talent to Embrace New Horizons As the UM anthem notes, on either Taipa Hill or Hengqin Plain, beauty’s brightness shines. Whether on the old or new campus, the university remains a vibrant intellectual hub that attracts people of different backgrounds and fosters their excellent potential. A decade after UM’s relocation to Hengqin Island, Rector Song affirms that at this new starting point, on a campus where Chinese culture thrives amid a tapestry of multiculturalism, UM is poised to enhance its academic offerings and lead its students to embark on a new journey. 澳大鼓勵創新創業,為創業青年提供交流競技和投資融資平台。 As a university that encourages innovation and entrepreneurship, UM provides aspiring young entrepreneurs with platforms to exchange ideas and explore investment and financing avenues.

2024 UMAGAZINE 29 • 澳大新語 19 UM’S DECADE OF ACHIEVEMENTS ON HENGQIN ISLAND • 遷校十年 揚帆千里 突破界限的跨學科研究 Breaking Barriers Through Interdisciplinary Research 文 / 葉浩男、資深校園記者張方博、古詠軒‧圖 / 編輯部 Chinese & English Text / Davis Ip, Senior UM Reporters Zhang Fangbo & Ku Weng Hin ‧ Photo / Editorial Board 澳門大學自2014年全面遷入橫琴島校園以來,研究環境和條件得到改善,學者有更廣闊的空間打破學科邊界,在 跨學科研究的前沿不斷探索,十年間為學界、業界以至社會整體作出貢獻,研究質量和影響力取得飛躍。 確立研究戰略佈局 格物致知是大學的首要使命。在遷校前,澳大舊校園 空間狹小,研究設施有限,研究活動深受限制。然 而,自從遷入現今的新校園後,澳大的研究空間大幅 增加,加速了既有研究項目的發展,也拓展了全新的 學術領域。十年間,大學不斷增設科研設施,現時 校園內科研空間的建築面積超過17萬平方米,聚焦 於微電子、智慧城市物聯網、中醫藥、健康科學、 應用物理與先進材料、能源、環保、數據科學等領 域的研究。

澳大新語 • 2024 UMAGAZINE 29 20 突破界限的跨學科研究 • BREAKING BARRIERS THROUGH INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH 澳大推動以「3+3+3+3」為核心的研究戰略佈局,全 力支持三個國家重點實驗室(中藥質量研究、模擬與 混合信號超大規模集成電路、智慧城市物聯網)、重 點發展三個新興方向(精準醫學、先進材料、區域海 洋)、積極推進三個跨學科交叉領域(人工智能與機 器人、數據科學、認知與腦科學),以及建好三個人 文社科研究平台(人文社科高等研究院、澳門研究中 心、亞太經濟與管理研究所)。截至2024年3月,澳 大有12個學科領域因被引用次數達國際排名前1%而 躋身美國頂尖學術指標基本科學指標(ESI),遠超 2018年時的五個學科。 拓展國家及區域研究平台 自2010年起,澳大積極發展其國家及區域研究平台。 其中,中藥質量研究國家重點實驗室於2010年獲批成 立,並在2020年與世界500強中藥企業合作成立澳門中 藥研發中心。該實驗室更在2021年獲澳門特區政府頒 授專業功績勳章,其後設立澳門中藥檢測中心,2024 年3月起試營運,以支持澳門大健康產業發展。 模擬與混合信號超大規模集成電路國家重點實驗室也於 2010年獲批成立。澳大以該實驗室為基礎,在2018年 成立微電子研究院,致力於微電子及跨學科領域的人才 培養、研究和應用。該實驗室的學者於2023年的第70 屆國際固態電路會議(ISSCC)上發表15篇論文,研究 成果在國際上處於領先地位。該實驗室還與粵港澳大灣 區和全國各地的企業建立聯合實驗室。 澳大於2018年設立智慧城市物聯網國家重點實驗室, 並憑藉其在技術及應用研究方面的成就,獲得多項重要 獎項,包括國家科學技術進步獎。該實驗室以雙碳戰略 和打造宜居韌性的智慧城市為導向,通過跨學科交叉合 作進行研究,如建立澳門首個協同智能驅動的自動駕駛 關鍵技術平台、開發多種傳感器技術來支持智能交通系

2024 UMAGAZINE 29 • 澳大新語 21 UM’S DECADE OF ACHIEVEMENTS ON HENGQIN ISLAND • 遷校十年 揚帆千里 鄧初夏教授 Prof Chuxia Deng 計劃」和「卓越出版計劃」等,建設人文範疇的跨學 科國際水平研究團隊。另外,澳大於2022年獲批成立 澳門先進材料研發中心,以新能源材料、環保材料、 大健康保護材料為主要研究方向,旨在促進先進材料 產業發展。 過去十年,澳大的各大學院也陸續增設多個研究中心, 如翻譯傳譯與認知研究中心、憲法與基本法研究中心、 區域海洋研究中心、應用數學研究中心、語言學研究中 心等,反映大學在學術領域的廣度和深度。 加強產學研合作促進成果轉化 澳大致力於構建和完善「五位一體」研究創新及轉化體 系,重點在於構建五類平台,支持有關科研成果轉化的 創新、服務、管理、培育及實踐,加快產學研發展。 珠海澳大科技研究院(以下簡稱「珠研院」)是大學首 個產學研示範基地,位於澳大校園一牆之隔的橫琴·澳 門青年創業谷內,設有六個研發中心和澳大三個國家重 點實驗室的橫琴分部。截至2024年4月,該研究院承擔 了160項獲國家、省市科技部門立項資助的科研項目, 以及127項由企業委託的研究專案。研究院的多個產學 研項目,例如機器人芯片、經典名方、幹細胞再生醫學 項目、智能光纖傳感採集設備、納米泡沫水泥等,已開 展研發、落地生產,甚至推出市場。在該研究院的基礎 上,澳大還計劃設立橫琴澳門大學高等研究院,推進產 學研合作。 珠研院代院長陳國凱教授表示,該研究院於2019 年在橫琴啟用,是澳大推動產學研合作的重要一 統,以及搭建澳門首個 「智慧城市混合現實仿 真與智能決策平台」。 健康科學學院是首間遷入 新校園的學院,自遷校 後,澳大的精準醫學研究 發展迅速。健康科學學院 院長鄧初夏教授說:「新 校園有先進生物科學和醫 學實驗設施,推動我們在 藥物研發、疾病機制探索,特別是癌症研究方面的科研 工作,取得多項具國際水平的科研成果。」他表示,澳 大於2020年底獲國家教育部批准成立「教育部澳門大 學精準腫瘤學前沿科學中心」,是國家在港澳地區佈局 的首個及唯一一個設於境外的前沿科學中心。 此外,澳大與中國科學院成立五個聯合實驗室,並在 2019至2023年期間獲批成立12個粵港澳聯合實驗室。 目前澳大也與企業、機構及高校共同建立超過20個聯 合實驗室,拓展研究的規模和影響力。 推進研究創新 澳大遷校後積極推進研究創新,增設多個研究院,發展 新興方向、跨學科交叉領域和人文社科研究。其中,為 促進人文社科領域與現代科技結合,澳大於2017年成 立協同創新研究所(後更名為協同創新研究院),並於 2019年改革,設立認知與腦科學研究中心、人工智能與 機器人研究中心、數據科學研究中心及創新創業中心。 同年,澳大成立人文社科高等研究院,推行「駐院學人 澳大研究創新及轉化體系 The UM System of Research and Knowledge Translation

澳大新語 • 2024 UMAGAZINE 29 22 突破界限的跨學科研究 • BREAKING BARRIERS THROUGH INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH 陳國凱教授 Prof Chen Guokai 步。他表示:「研究 院搭建了澳大與粵港 澳大灣區以至內地其 它省市的企業之間的 合作平台,涉及轉化 研究、概念驗證、中 試階段,以及轉化服 務。」陳教授還提到, 研究院有助澳大研究 人員直接獲取內地的 研究資源,例如在進 行癌症細胞檢測時,內地各省市的樣本可送到該 研究院檢測,無需跨境運往澳門。 2017年成立的澳大創新創業中心則作為國家級眾 創空間,協助師生、校友將創意理念轉化為實踐, 並利用大學的產學研支持平台將成果商品化。透過 該中心孵化的企業超過50間,入駐項目涵蓋各個領 域,包括文化創意、環保、新材料、信息科技、醫 療及生物科技等。 為完善產學研服務,澳大於2019年改組了澳大創科有 限公司,負責知識產權管理和產業化,支持創新成果的 保護和商業化。此外,澳大於2020年成立澳大工程研 究及檢測中心有限公司,以滿足澳門工程質量監管和技 術支援方面的需求。 延攬優秀學者 隨著科研佈局日趨完備,澳大也革新人才引進策略,於 2017/2018學年啟動「澳大人才計劃」(原名「澳大濠 江人才計劃」),旨在延攬優秀學者。其中的「澳大濠 江學者」項目致力於培養本地年輕學者。此外,澳大招 聘全球各地的頂尖學者,2023年就有超過80位學術精 英加盟。 健康科學學院副院長沈漢明教授在2020年成為澳大講 座教授。在此之前,他在新加坡國立大學任職超過20 年,從事細胞自噬等領域的研究。他表示,加入澳大是 基於看重大灣區發展潛力、整個大學尤其是健康科學學 院的學術氛圍和美麗的校園。自加入澳大後,他迅速組 建了一支包括博士後研究員和博士研究生的科研團隊, 取得多項研究突破,涉及線粒體自噬和針對非小細胞肺 癌的靶向治療等領域。 人文社科高等研究院院長、法學院講座教授於興中則 在2022年加入澳大。此前,他在康奈爾大學任教約十 年,研究興趣包括社會理論、比較法哲學、智能科技與 法。他說:「到澳大參加兩次研討會後,我對大學在跨 學科研究方面的理念深感認同。」他目前與其他學者一 起推動澳大的人文和社會科學研究,並促進這些學科和 科技領域的跨界合作。加入澳大後,於教授也發表了關 於法治與文明秩序、數字素養等方面的專著,以及開展 有關心性哲學的研究。 澳大成立首個產學研示範基地─珠海澳大科技研究院 UM established the Zhuhai UM Science & Technology Research Institute, its first industry-academia collaboration demonstration base.

2024 UMAGAZINE 29 • 澳大新語 23 UM’S DECADE OF ACHIEVEMENTS ON HENGQIN ISLAND • 遷校十年 揚帆千里 研究碩果纍纍 澳大在過往十年取得豐碩的研究成果,包括乳癌療法的 新突破、無人駕駛技術的新進展、中藥免疫調節機制的 新發現等科學和科技領域的成果。在人文社科領域,澳 大持續出版《南國學術》《澳門研究》和《澳門法學》 等學術期刊,以及出版有關中國憲法知識和葡語教學的 專著等,成果獲得學界和社會廣泛認可。 澳大學者每年發表的期刊論文數量從2014年的780篇 增至2023年的逾2,400篇;論文的引用次數每年從約 5,500次增至2023年近90,000次。此外,澳大的累計專 利數量也從2014年的28個增至2023年11月的236個。 其中一些成果甚至獲得國家科學技術進步獎、光華工程 科技獎、科學探索獎、澳門科學技術獎等殊榮。 造福社會 過去十年,澳大秉持著研究者必須「見人所未見、言人 所未言」的精神,跨越學科和地域界限,拓展基礎和應 用領域研究,擴大研究創新和合作平台的規模。展望未 來,大學將持續致力於跨學科研究,以更多研究成果造 福社會。 遷至新校園後,澳大加速既有的研究項目發展,也拓展全新的學術領域。 Since the campus relocation, UM has accelerated its research development and expanded into new academic disciplines. Since its relocation to the new campus on Hengqin Island in 2014, UM has significantly expanded its research facilities. This transformation has empowered UM scholars to transcend disciplinary boundaries and launch pioneering interdisciplinary projects. Over the past decade, UM has made significant contributions to academia, industry, and the broader community, amplifying the quality and impact of the university’s research. Establishing a Strategic Research Layout At the core of every university’s mission is the pursuit of knowledge. Before relocating to Hengqin, UM encountered significant space limitations. Some research institutes were confined to small rooms, which hindered their development. The move to the new campus has supercharged the university’s research capabilities, enabling it to accelerate ongoing projects and explore new avenues for academic enrichment. Over the past decade, the university has significantly expanded its research infrastructure, with research spaces on the campus now exceeding 170,000 square metres, dedicated to research in microelectronics, Internet of Things for smart cities, Chinese medicine, health sciences, applied physics and advanced materials, energy, environmental protection, and data science.

澳大新語 • 2024 UMAGAZINE 29 24 突破界限的跨學科研究 • BREAKING BARRIERS THROUGH INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH UM has implemented its ‘3+3+3+3’ strategic research layout in recent years. This plan provides comprehensive support for the three state key laboratories (State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicine, State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI, and State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City), three emerging research fields (precision medicine, advanced materials, and regional oceanology), three interdisciplinary research fields (artificial intelligence and robotics, data science, cognitive and brain sciences), and three research platforms for the humanities and social sciences (Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, Centre for Macau Studies, and Asia-Pacific Academy of Economics and Management). As of March 2024, UM was among the top 1 per cent in the Essential Science Indicators (ESI) database in 12 subjects, which indicates a remarkable advancement as the university was represented in only five subjects in 2018. Expanding National and Regional Research Platforms Since 2010, UM has been putting effort into developing its national and regional research platforms. One notable example is the State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicine, which UM obtained approval to establish in 2010. In 2020, the laboratory partnered with a leading company specialising in Chinese medicine and listed on the Fortune Global 500 to establish the Macao Centre for Research and Development in Chinese Medicine. In 2021, the laboratory was awarded the Medal of Merit–Professions by the Macao SAR Government in recognition of its research achievements. Building on the laboratory’s pioneering work, the Macao Centre for Testing of Chinese Medicine at UM began trial operations in March 2024. UM also obtained approval to establish the State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI in 2010. In 2018, UM set up the Institute of Microelectronics to enhance its efforts in talent cultivation, research, and practical applications in microelectronics and related interdisciplinary fields. At the 70th International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) in 2023, scholars from the laboratory presented 15 papers, which demonstrated the university’s leading global position in the field. Additionally, the laboratory has set up joint laboratories with enterprises in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and across the country. In 2018, UM established the State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City, which has since garnered a number of prestigious awards such as the State Scientific and Technological Progress Award. The laboratory is at the forefront of the national ‘dual carbon’ strategy and the development of a salubrious and resilient smart city. Scholars working in the laboratory have conducted fundamental and applied research through interdisciplinary collaboration. Its key projects include Macao’s first platform for autonomous driving vehicles featuring collaborative intelligence, the development of various sensor technologies for intelligent 澳大致力發展國家及區域研究平台 UM is committed to developing national and regional research platforms

2024 UMAGAZINE 29 • 澳大新語 25 UM’S DECADE OF ACHIEVEMENTS ON HENGQIN ISLAND • 遷校十年 揚帆千里 transport systems, and Macao’s first smart city virtual reality simulation and decision-making platform. The Faculty of Health Sciences was the first faculty to relocate to UM's new Hengqin campus. Since the relocation, UM has made significant achievements in precision medicine research. Prof Chuxia Deng, dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, says, ‘The new campus provides state-of-the-art facilities for biological sciences and medical research, which have enhanced our investigations into drug development, disease mechanisms, and in particular, cancer research. This has resulted in numerous internationally recognised research achievements.’ He adds that the faculty’s fruitful results in precision oncology research led to the Ministry of Education’s (MoE) approval for the establishment of the MoE Frontiers Science Center for Precision Oncology in late 2020. This centre is the first and so far the only Frontiers Science Center established by the central government in Hong Kong and Macao. Moreover, UM has established five joint laboratories with the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Between 2019 and 2023, the university obtained approval to set up 12 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao joint laboratories. It has also set up over 20 joint laboratories in collaboration with enterprises, organisations, and other higher education institutions, which have expanded the scale and impact of UM’s research. Advancing Innovative Research Following its campus relocation, UM has enhanced its research infrastructure by establishing several new institutes. These entities are dedicated to advancing research in emerging fields, interdisciplinary areas, and disciplines within the humanities and social sciences. In 2017, UM established the Institute of Collaborative Innovation to integrate the humanities and social sciences with advanced technology. A strategic reorganisation in 2019 broadened the institute’s scope to include the Centre for Cognitive and Brain Sciences, the Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, the Centre for Data Science, and the Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. The year 2019 also saw the establishment of the Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences. This institute has launched several schemes, including the Fellowship Scheme and the Excellence Publication Scheme, with the aim of fostering the development of world-class, interdisciplinary research teams in the humanities and social sciences. In addition, UM obtained approval to establish the Macao Centre for Research and Development in Advanced Materials in 2022. The centre focuses on research on new energy materials, eco-friendly materials, and materials for health protection, thereby driving forward the advanced materials industry. Over the past decade, various UM faculties have established research centres, such as the Centre for Studies of Translation, Interpreting and Cognition, the Centre for Constitutional Law and Basic Law Studies, the Centre for Regional Oceans, the Centre for Applied 澳大推動產學研發展,其中包括自動駕駛巴士。 UM is committed to promoting industry-academia collaboration, exemplified by the development of its autonomous bus.