
RC DEVELOPMENT • 書院發展 2023 UMAGAZINE 28 • 澳大新語 69 On 28 May 2023, a train made its way from Guangzhou to Guizhou. On the train, a group of young people in bright orange T-shirts were talking to each other and taking notes. They were all service leaders from Henry Fok Pearl Jubilee College (HFPJC) of the University of Macau (UM), and were preparing for the volunteer teaching programme that would begin the following day in Congjiang county in Guizhou. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the programme had been suspended for a few years. Now the service leaders were eagerly anticipating a trip to the mountains to re-launch the programme. ‘Integrated’ Education Model and Service-Learning Programmes Since its establishment in 2010, HFPJC has been committed to developing an ‘integrated’ education model that incorporates academic learning, hands-on practice, and community service into college activities. In this model, the college ensures that activities with different educational objectives can complement each other, and at the same time, provide a broad and seamless experiential learning network for students of different disciplines, interests, and hobbies. At the core of the ‘integrated’ education model lies service learning, which encourages students to serve the community by applying their academic knowledge in a practical context, and thus developing the ability of self-reflection and the concept of lifelong learning. The college has launched service-learning programmes every year since 2014 to offer free education to underprivileged children in remote areas of mainland China. To date, nearly 200 HFPJC service leaders have travelled to Hainan, Guizhou, Jiangxi, Yunnan, Hunan, Guangxi and other provinces and regions to provide a variety of courses for more than 20,000 primary and secondary students in over 400 classes at 13 schools. An Activity Network for Service-Learning Programmes Each year, HFPJC organises a multitude of service-learning programmes in Macao and in remote, mountainous regions of mainland China. These initiatives allow students to contribute to the community while learning from and reflecting on their experiences. It is worth noting that such experiential learning opportunities not only occur when they are serving others, but also in programme planning and coordination. In particular, the college organises an annual bazaar to raise funds for volunteer teaching programmes to be carried out in the mountainous regions in the mainland, and the students all take up different roles in the preparation process. Some attend workshops to learn basic techniques to design and develop products according to customer preferences. Some handle the donations by sorting, labelling, and displaying the products for sale. Some form a publicity and promotion team for designing posters, taking photos for advertisements, and creating product catalogues. And some join the sales team and take turns manning the booth and selling the products. In addition to charity bazaars, the college organises sharing sessions, talks, workshops related to volunteer teaching, and visits to partner organisations. It also publishes books on service learning, composes theme songs, makes promotional videos, and holds exhibitions to showcase student accomplishments. The service-learning programmes aim to serve others and contribute to the community. They also empower students to develop seven competencies through a variety of activities. These include responsible citizenship (affection for home country and social responsibility), global competitiveness (global perspective and intercultural communication), knowledge integration (integration of academic knowledge and problem-solving skills), teamwork and collaboration (communication, coordination, and cooperation), service and leadership (cultivation and development of leadership skills), cultural engagement (multicultural experience and appreciation), and healthy lifestyle (healthy living and environmental protection). These competencies are integral to the ‘integrated’ education model and are 2019年,貴州省從江縣的兒童在衛生課上展示潔世亞洲捐贈的環保肥皂。 Children in Congjiang county, Guizhou province, demonstrated the use of eco-friendly soap donated by Clean the World Asia during a personal hygiene lesson in 2019.