
學術研究 • ACADEMIC RESEARCH 澳大新語 • 2023 UMAGAZINE 28 58 robots fail to inspire. Firstly, robots lack agency and autonomy, which prevents them from taking credit for their virtuous actions. Additionally, robots face fewer risks and dangers than people. Therefore, while courageous humans inspire others, robots, by contrast, fail to generate such motivation due to their low vulnerability and low autonomy. Reaffirming Humans in Disaster Response Some solutions to this dilemma: 1) put people front and centre; 2) highlight the efficiency of robots; 3) humanise robots to increase their autonomy and vulnerability. Based on these findings, we offer a few suggestions to address this dilemma. Firstly, while robots are highly efficient, organisations should bear in mind that when disasters occur, human help 「學術研究」為投稿欄目,內容僅代表作者個人意見。 Academic Research is a contribution column. The views expressed are solely those of the author(s). 陳方圓是澳門大學工商管理學院市場學副教授、亞太經濟與管理研究所成員,研究重點為利用擬人化和 社會感知理論來理解消費者與市場中的非人類實體的互動。 Chen Fangyuan is an associate professor of marketing in the Faculty of Business Administration and a member of the Asia-Pacific Academy of Economics and Management at the University of Macau. Her research focuses on using anthropomorphism and social perception theories to understand consumers’ interaction with non-human entities in the marketplace. 黃思綺是史丹福大學市場行銷學系副教授、R.Michael Shanahan學者,研究重點是消費者動機,包括如何促 使人們向非營利組織捐款或參與志願服務。 Huang Szu-chi is an associate professor of marketing and R. Michael Shanahan Faculty Scholar at Stanford University. Her research focuses on consumer motivation, including what drives people to donate to non-profits or volunteer to help others. ‘We don’t feel as encouraged by the disaster response robots. And when we are not encouraged and inspired, we are less likely to help others.’ may remain the default assumption among the general population. Therefore, to avoid disrupting people’s prosocial intentions, journalists should put human workers front and centre in these news stories. At the same time, emphasising robots’ efficiency may help counteract individual feelings of powerlessness during catastrophic events. Adding Human Elements to Robots Moreover, humans are not inspired when confronted with robots that are simply programmed to perform tasks. Therefore, imbuing robots with human-like characteristics, such as autonomy and vulnerability, could increase their perceived bravery and, consequently, their ability to inspire us. In addition, our study suggestes that creating hybrid human-robot teams is another viable option to elevate robots’ humanness and thus achieve the same objective. Reshaping Human-Robot Collaboration In light of society’s increasing reliance on service robots in various domains, our research highlights the need to rethink our perspective on technology. We need to focus on designing technology that not only optimises efficiency but also inspires people to act prosocially. In the future, people and robots will increasingly collaborate in disaster response and other difficult tasks. These insights have significant implications for leveraging technology for the betterment of society as a whole.