
在大數據技術為全球各行各業帶來變革之際,澳門 大學培養數據專才,深化跨學科研究,並且推動數據 科學應用於日常生活和工作。我們引領讀者進入本 期精彩內容,將封面專題放在澳大協同創新研究院 數據科學中心與各學院的合作上,揭示它們如何推 進數據科學在人工智能應用、市場營銷分析、金融科 技、數據戰略與合規管理、精準醫學、計算語言學、教 學分析及智慧政務等八大領域的應用與創新。 在「專題探討」欄目,我們介紹澳大的澳門先進材料 研發中心,探討其如何推進澳門新材料產業邁向綠 色、低碳、精細及節約的未來,同時向讀者介紹四項 環保科研項目,展示澳大在可持續發展領域的努力。 本期也專訪了兩位教授,分別是藝術與設計系主任 李軍和英文系教授Nick Groom。李軍教授分享他對 藝術史及文藝復興時期藝術作品的獨特見解,Nick Groom教授則暢談他的文學研究心路歷程。 在「學術研究」投稿欄目,澳大學者探討中國投資者 在歐盟面臨的挑戰、機器人能否激勵人類,以及電子 皮膚技術的潛在應用,這些研究突出了澳大學者在 探索當今社會重要問題方面的努力。最後,我們帶領 讀者了解何鴻燊東亞書院和霍英東珍禧書院學生的 社會服務成果。 我們期待本期《澳大新語》為讀者帶來新的視野和啟 發,一起探索知識的無限可能。 In an era where big data technologies transform global industries, the University of Macau (UM) has made strides in cultivating data professionals, fostering interdisciplinary research, and integrating data science into both personal and professional spheres. In this issue of UMagazine, we spotlight the collaboration between UM’s Centre for Data Science and various faculties within the university, delving into their endeavours in artificial intelligence applications, marketing analytics, financial technology, data strategy and compliance, precision medicine, computational linguistics, analytics in teaching and learning, and smart governance. In this issue’s Topic Insight, our focus shifts to the Macao Centre for Research and Development in Advanced Materials at UM. We examine the centre’s role in shaping a more environmentally conscious and efficient new materials industry in Macao. In addition, we highlight four research projects that illustrate the university’s commitment to sustainable development. We have also interviewed two professors, Prof Li Jun in the Department of Arts and Design, and Prof Nick Groom in the Department of English. Prof Li talks about the captivating realm of art history and the Renaissance, while Prof Groom shares his experience in literary research. Within the pages of Academic Research, UM scholars unravel the challenges faced by Chinese investors in the EU, examine whether robots can inspire humans to do good deeds, and shed light on the potential applications of electronic skin technology. These studies not only showcase UM’s commitment to scholarly pursuits but also underscore its efforts to address some of the most pressing issues of our time. Lastly, we introduce the social services provided by the students of Stanley Ho East Asia College and Henry Fok Pearl Jubilee College. We believe this issue of UMagazine will provide fresh perspectives about timely social issues. Together, let us embark on a journey to explore UM’s contribution to the pursuit of knowledge. 編者的話 張惠琴 Katrina Cheong EDITOR’S WORDS