
澳大新語 • 2023 UMAGAZINE 28 10 封面專題 • COVER STORY structure and the declining birth rate in Macao will affect the proportion of waste types, in addition to affecting the overall amount of waste. ‘For instance, smaller households, especially those without children, are more likely to order takeaway food than cooking at home, thereby increasing the use of plastic utensils,’ he notes. In view of this, Prof Cai hopes to develop more robust models to predict the overall amount of waste and the amount of each type of waste, which can help with the planning of waste sorting and processing facilities in Macao. Exploring Communication Processes Data science enhances our understanding of communication, whether between individuals or groups. Zhao Xinshu, chair professor in the Department of Communication and a member of CDS, employs big data analytics in communication studies. He says, ‘In today’s digital age, people have ready access to abundant real-time information. However, there’s a significant caveat: we are increasingly likely to only receive information that aligns with our viewpoints, which may lead to wider division among the public. Rigorous big data analytics is therefore essential for exploring these issues.’ Prof Zhao expands on the concept of ‘selective spiral’, which is formed as information is disseminated, received, and reposted on social media. ‘In our examinations of social media platforms in mainland China, post creators can mostly lead the selective spiral in the initial stage. However, as the spiral continues, it will be more heavily influenced by the preferences of people who like, share, and read the post, leading to the formation of an “echo chamber” in online public opinion,’ he explains. In a recent study, Prof Zhao and his team used big data technologies to collect and analyse Chinese-language social media posts, so as to understand the impact of headline length on click-through and share rates. The study shows that readers generally prefer medium-length headlines, with a length of around 28 characters as optimal. On the other hand, sharers favour shorter headlines, with an ideal length of no more than 20 characters. ‘Such findings not only shed light on online public opinion in mainland China but also provide guidance for marketing strategies,’ he concludes. Applying Data Science Across Industries Data science serves not just as a conduit between the past, present, and future, but also as a nexus among different communities and phenomena. It fosters innovation and new methodologies in different sectors. Prof U states, ‘Through rigorous interdisciplinary collaboration, CDS is cultivating a new generation of data scientists. The centre engages in extensive interdisciplinary research to promote in-depth knowledge exploration and create predictive models. Such endeavours facilitate the application of data science in all aspects of life, thereby supporting the development of emerging technologies and making contributions to society.’ 蔡天驥教授 Prof Cai Tianji 趙心樹教授 Prof Zhao Xinshu