
TOPIC INSIGHT • 專題探討 2023 UMAGAZINE 27 • 澳大新語 37 respectively. Since then, UM has also established eight new RCs, namely Chao Kuang Piu College, Cheng Yu Tung College, Cheong Kun Lun College, Choi Kai Yau College, Lui Che Woo College, Ma Man Kei and Lo Pak Sam College, Moon Chun Memorial College, and Shiu Pong College. The establishment of the ten RCs signified the full implementation of the RC system, which not only offers students a full range of experiential learning opportunities, but also defines the competencies that students need to develop through community and peer education. Serving as an important vehicle for community and peer education and an integrated learning platform at UM, the RCs provide effective guidance and full support for students to achieve success in the other three aspects of whole-person education, namely discipline-specific education, general education, and research and internship education. More importantly, the RCs work in synergy with the faculties to create an environment conducive to multidisciplinary and multicultural interchange, as well as collaborative learning. In 2019, the RC system began a phase of development and enhancement based on previous experience, and defined new educational goals by encapsulating the outcomes of RC education into seven competencies. These competencies include responsible citizenship, global competitiveness, knowledge integration, teamwork and collaboration, service and leadership, cultural engagement, and healthy lifestyle, with each competency consisting of four attributes that complement each other. ‘RC education is designed to promote whole-person development. Along with the professional knowledge students gain in the faculties, the competencies they develop in the RCs will have a positive influence on their future lives and careers. These competencies are essential for students to achieve whole-person development,’ says Prof Mok. Fostering responsible citizenship in students is an important part of RC education. This competency encompasses four attributes, namely affection for home country, social responsibility, law-abidance, and integrity. According to Prof Mok, students should demonstrate a strong sense of responsible citizenship, regardless of their background. To this end, the RCs have trained ambassadors for the promotion of the Constitution of China and the Basic Law of Macao SAR and the enhancement of related activities and programmes. The RCs also arrange for students to participate in community services with the goal of cultivating responsible citizenship and social responsibility in them, so that they will learn to care for others and serve those in need. With extensive experience in education, Prof Mok has dedicated himself to creating long-term educational goals for the RCs since he assumed office as vice rector. 住宿式書院管理組織架構 The organisational structure of the RCs