TOPIC INSIGHT • 專題探討 2023 UMAGAZINE 27 • 澳大新語 35 劃師證書)課程,專為書院和負責學生事務工作的 教職員工而設,使學員透過標準化的職業生涯諮詢 流程及專業諮詢工具,系統化地為大學生規劃生涯 發展,從而找到適合的發展道路。 「有不少院生因為參與書院的體驗學習得到啟發而 更加了解自己的能力,敢於不斷挑戰自我,拓展潛 能。我們希望不斷優化學生生涯規劃的關顧工作, 鼓勵更多學生提升生涯規劃意識,及早做好個人學 習及未來發展路向的規劃,為畢業後融入國家發展 大局、把握發展潮流機遇做好準備。」莫教授說。 Walking on Alumni Avenue at the University of Macau (UM), one can see colour-coded buildings on both sides. The buildings with blue roofs are faculty buildings, while those with walls in hues of orange are residential colleges (RC). During peak hours, the avenue is bustling with students rushing to classrooms for lessons or returning to RCs to have meals, rest, or study. At UM, the RCs are not only a place of accommodation, but also a platform for community and peer education and knowledge integration. Exploring Residential College Education College-based education systems can be found in the history of both China and Western countries, from the Bailudong Academy in the Song dynasty to colleges of the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge in the 13th century, and they provide valuable experience for the implementation of modern 書院庭園 An RC atrium 教育應是潤物細無聲 教育工作應該是「潤物細無聲」,書院推行的種種 教育舉措都對學生起著潛移默化的影響。 莫啓明教授希望學生在書院支持下,提高創新思 維、培養領袖才能、具備全球視野,並且成為德 才兼備和能夠擔當重任的創新型人才,畢業後在 全球激烈的競爭環境立足,發揮公民責任心,為 社會貢獻力量。 college systems. Blessed with a unique historical background and advantageous geographical location, Macao became a centre for exchanges between Chinese and Western civilisations. UM, as a university rooted in the city, has inherited the Chinese tradition and has introduced elements of Western educational systems into its education layout, and the RC system is an important component.1 UM has developed its RC system for more than ten years, starting with the establishment of two RCs in 2010, namely Pearl Jubilee College (now known as Henry Fok Pearl Jubilee College) and East Asia College (now known as Stanley Ho East Asia College). Over the years, the RC system has evolved from a trial project to an integral part of the university’s ‘4-in-1’ education model, which consists of discipline-specific education, general education, research and internship 書院鼓勵學生與老師一同進膳,互相啟發。 Students are encouraged to have meals with professors for mutual inspiration