
2023年|總第27期 Publisher: University of Macau Chief Editor: Katrina Cheong Deputy Chief Editor: Ella Cheong Editors: Davis Ip, Debby Seng Translators: Anthony Sou, Winky Kuan Advisors: Li Defeng, Professor and Director, Centre for Studies of Translation, Interpreting and Cognition / Associate Dean, Faculty of Arts and Humanities Lampo Leong, Distinguished Professor and Director, Centre for Arts and Design, Faculty of Social Sciences Timothy Simpson, Associate Professor, Department of Communication, Faculty of Social Sciences Tang Keng Pan, Professor Emeritus, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts and Humanities Design: Jack Ho Address: Room G012, Administration Building (N6), University of Macau, Avenida da Universidade, Taipa, Macau, China Contact: Tel: (853) 8822 8833 Fax: (853) 8822 8822 Email: Printing: Hamah (Macau), Limitada ISSN: 2077‑2491 Published biannually since 2009, UMagazine is one of the University of Macau’s official publications and aims to report innovative ideas and research breakthroughs of the University of Macau. It also showcases the latest developments and achievements of the university in teaching, research, and community services. 出版: 澳門大學 總編輯: 張惠琴 副總編輯: 張愛華 編輯: 葉浩男、盛惠怡 翻譯: 蘇恩霆、關詠琪 顧問: 人文學院副院長、翻譯傳譯認知研究中心主任李德鳳教授 社會科學學院藝術設計中心主任梁藍波特聘教授 社會科學學院傳播系副教授Timothy Simpson 人文學院中國語言文學系榮休教授鄧景濱 排版: 何杰平 地址: 中國澳門氹仔大學大馬路澳門大學行政樓(N6) G012 室 聯絡: 電話: (853) 8822 8833 傳真: (853) 8822 8822 電郵: 製版印刷: 澳門豪邁實業有限公司 國際刊號: 2077‑2491 《澳大新語》創於2009年,為澳門大學官方刊物之一, 每年出版兩期,旨在展示澳門大學的創見和突破、 報導教研和社會服務的最新發展和成果。

全球先進城市紛紛借助數字科技力量引領城 市往智慧化轉型,解決因發展而衍生的能 源、環境和交通問題。澳門大學對此發揮所 長,對物聯網、大數據和人工智能等新一代 資訊科技開展前沿探索,建設以人為本、宜 居、綠色、韌性、可持續發展的智慧城市。 今期「封面專題」探討澳大智慧城市物聯網 國家重點實驗室成立以來,如何在智能傳感 與網路通信、大數據與智能技術這兩大基礎 領域,以及支撐智慧能源、智能交通、城市 公共安全與災害防治等智慧城市應用領域的 研究,有些項目已跟業界緊密融合,推動城 市智慧化發展。 澳大辦學特色之一是書院與學院協同育人。 書院是實踐社群教育及知識整合的學習平 台,通過體驗式教學幫助學生在本科階段獲 得全方位和多元栽培。「專題探討」全面展 示書院如何潛移默化地通過五大教育舉措培 養學生的軟實力,同時介紹中華醫藥研究院 副教授王瑞兵的團隊用於改良癌症治療的超 分子技術研究。此外,人文社科高等研究院 院長於興中教授分享法理學和社會理論等方 面的洞見,中國語言文學系主任袁毓林教授 則暢談其研究語言學的經歷和視野。 「學術研究」欄目探究腸炎弧菌產生的 RhsP毒素與海鮮食物中毒的關係,並且介 紹極子研究如何開拓二維材料的應用潛 能。「書院發展」欄目則帶領讀者了解紹邦 書院怎樣培養心懷天下的學生,以及曹光 彪書院「Me to We戶外領袖冒險計劃」的 理念和成效。 Leading cities across the globe are embracing digital technologies to transform into smart cities in order to tackle imminent issues in energy, environment, and transportation brought by urban development. The University of Macau (UM) strives to contribute to this transformation and has been at the forefront of exploring next-generation information technologies, such as the Internet of Things, big data, and artificial intelligence, with the aim of building people-oriented, livable, green, resilient, and sustainable smart cities. The issue’s Cover Story focuses on research at the State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City at UM. It showcases the innovative studies conducted by researchers in the laboratory in two fundamental areas, namely intelligent sensing and network communication, and urban big data and intelligent technology, as well as those that aim to support smart city applications in smart energy, intelligent transportation, and urban public safety and disaster prevention. The results of some of these projects have been used by industry partners to promote smart city development. Joining forces with the university’s faculties, UM’s residential colleges (RCs) act as a platform for community and peer education and knowledge integration, assisting the development of undergraduate students through experiential learning. The Topic Insight column explores how the residential colleges cultivate students’ soft skills through five major educational measures. The magazine also highlights a research study led by Wang Ruibing, associate professor in the Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences, on using supramolecular technology to enhance cancer treatment. Furthermore, Yu Xingzhong, director of the Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, shares his insights on jurisprudence and social theory, while Yuan Yulin, head of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, discusses his experiences and perspectives on linguistics. The Academic Research column examines the link between RhsP toxin produced by Vibrio parahaemolyticus and seafood poisoning and explores the potential applications of two‐dimensional materials through research on polarons. Lastly, the RC Development column presents Shiu Pong College’s approach to nurturing worldly‐minded students and Chao Kuang Piu College’s ‘Me to We’ outdoor leadership programme. 編者的話 張惠琴 Katrina Cheong EDITOR’S WORDS

CONTENTS 目錄 2023年|總第27期 Spring/Summer 2023 | Issue 27 封面專題 COVER STORY Core Technologies for IoT-based Smart Cities 物聯網核心技術 助構建智慧城市 開拓與創新:澳大智慧城市物聯網國家重點實驗室 Exploration and Innovation: UM State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City 05 支撐智慧城市建設——智能傳感與網路通信技術 Supporting Smart City Development — Intelligent Sensing and Network Communication 11 驅動智慧應用——城市大數據與智能技術 Driving Smart Applications – Urban Big Data and Intelligent Technology 15 構建低碳高效智慧能源體系 Creating a Low-Carbon Smart Energy System with High Efficiency 19 開發安全高效自動駕駛技術 Developing Safe and Efficient Autonomous Driving Technologies 23 提升城市結構監測及防災力 Enhancing Structural Health Monitoring and Disaster Response Capabilities 27

專題探討 TOPIC INSIGHT Subtle Nourishment: UM’s Exploration and Reform of Residential College Education 潤物細無聲:澳大書院教育的探索與變革 31 心靈重於科技:於興中探求理想社會框架 Mind over Machines: Yu Xingzhong’s Pursuit for an Ideal Social Framework 人物專訪 EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW 47 袁毓林:研究語言學的終極性走向是人文關懷 Yuan Yulin: The Ultimate Goal of Linguistics Research is to Benefit Humanity 53 腸道菌群戰:RhsP毒素在海鮮食物中毒的角色 Exploring the Gut Microbial Warfare: RhsP Toxin in Seafood-Induced Food Poisoning 極子研究開拓二維材料潛能 Polarons: A Key to Unlocking the Potential of 2D Materials 學術研究 ACADEMIC RESEARCH 59 63 以書院為家 心懷天下 Residential College — A Home for Worldly-Minded Students 書院發展 RC DEVELOPMENT 67 71 Giving Life to Life — The Meaning of Experiential Learning Chao Kuang Piu College’s ‘Me to We’ Outdoor Leadership Programme 「給生命‧生命」——體驗與生命之連結 曹光彪書院Me to We戶外領袖冒險計劃 Enhancing Targeted Cancer Therapy with Supramolecular Technology 超分子技術提升癌症靶向治療 41

COVER STORY • 封面專題 2023 UMAGAZINE 27 • 澳大新語 5 開拓與創新: 澳大智慧城市物聯網國家重點實驗室 Exploration and Innovation: UM State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City 文 / 余偉業‧圖 / 何杰平,部分由受訪者提供‧英文翻譯 / 關詠琪 Text / Kelvin U ‧ Photo / Jack Ho, with some provided by the interviewee ‧ English Translation / Winky Kuan 物聯網、大數據與人工智能等新技術不斷向前,正在 重塑世界格局。城市如何借助科技提升資源配置和 增強建設的創新能力是全球關注的議題。澳門大學智 慧城市物聯網國家重點實驗室以「立足澳門、面向世 界」的定位和學科交叉的研究團隊,精準提煉智慧城 市的科學問題,攻關物聯網領域的核心科研任務,為 構建智慧城市產業生態系統貢獻澳門的力量。 建設智慧城市科技創新高地 國家科技部依托大學和研究院所,在關鍵領域設立 國家重點實驗室,聚集和培養科技人才,組織開創 性研究,是攻克前沿科學問題的重要基地。在澳門 特區政府和科學技術發展基金支持下,澳大於2018 年獲國家科技部批准設立智慧城市物聯網國家重點 實驗室(以下簡稱實驗室),是全國第一個智慧城 市物聯網領域的國家重點實驗室,也是澳大第三個 國家重點實驗室。實驗室致力以雙碳戰略和打造宜 居韌性的智慧城市為導向,通過跨學科交叉合作, 聯合不同領域的學者解決重大科學問題、攻關關鍵 核心技術,持續開展戰略性基礎與應用研究,為構 建智慧城市的科技創新共同體而服務。 實驗室匯聚一批實力雄厚、跨學科的學術大師,在澳大 校長、實驗室主任宋永華講座教授領軍下,以「立足澳 門、融入國家、面向世界」的定位,聚焦先進的物聯網 技術研究,培養理論研究與應用實踐能力俱備的複合型 人才,通過國家級重大項目及平台,以原創性科學研究 探索城市智慧化的顛覆性技術創新及創新實踐,為澳門 構建智慧城市及粵港澳大灣區發展注入新動力。 宋永華教授表示,實驗室秉持「綠色、智慧、韌性、 可持續發展」的原則,以具影響力的戰略性基礎研 究,積極推動可持續智慧城市的科技攻關和研發成果

澳大新語 • 2023 UMAGAZINE 27 6 封面專題 • COVER STORY 推廣應用,並與社會各界共同譜寫「澳門方案」,支 撐「雙碳」目標及國家智慧城市建設,發揮好實驗室 的示範性引領作用。 實驗室聚焦國家智慧城市建設的重大戰略需求和物聯 網產業發展中的關鍵瓶頸,不斷完善無線通信、大數 據及能源管理等基礎技術供給體系,開發具代表性的 自動駕駛及城市防災應急等應用,促進學術、工程和 產業全方位協同,為智慧城市的發展及應用提供科學 依據和技術支撐。 基礎領域研究方面,由於網路的智能傳感與通信技術是 城市互聯的核心和基礎,研究團隊圍繞未來網路的智能 傳感與通信基礎理論與關鍵技術深入研究,在可重構智 能反射面輔助的高效節能通信、高能效通信感知一體化 的無線物理層、智能感知與傳輸計算一體化等方面取得 進展及突破,助力城市萬物互聯。 大數據對智慧城市建設起著重要支撐作用。研究團隊 圍繞城市智慧化過程中的大數據與智能技術基礎理論 與關鍵技術深入研究,在時空數據表徵學習、時空數 據建模、大規模複雜結構知識圖譜推理、跨城市多粒 度知識遷移、算法博弈論、多媒體大數據信息取證與 安全等方面取得諸多成果,助力城市決策及治理。 應用基礎研究方面,研究團隊圍繞「雙碳」目標下城 市能源系統面臨的機遇與挑戰,深入研究綜合能源系 統運行優化與柔性配電的理論與方法,在能源大數據 挖掘與利用、需求側資源靈活調控、綜合能源系統安 全與防護、柔性配電關鍵裝備研發與應用等方面取得 了諸多成果。面對灣區城市群一體化建設的智能交通 問題,研究團隊開發協同智能駕駛的感知技術,通過 大規模交通數據處理及融合智能交通調度等手段,探 索適合城市的新型智能交通解決方案。此外,城市公 共安全與災害防治領域的研究團隊探究海洋災害及極 端天氣對城市空間節點及重大設施的影響,研究結構 健康監測和智慧運維等防災前沿性研究。 實驗室牽頭或承擔了多項國家科技部、國家自然科學 基金委員會及澳門科學技術發展基金項目,獲批多個 粵港澳聯合實驗室,並穩步前進,獲得多項國家級的 科技成果獎項,包括國家科技進步獎二等奬、廣東省 科技進步獎一等獎、光華工程科技獎,何梁何利基金 科學與技術進步獎,以及多項澳門科學技術獎等,受 到國家和澳門各界充分肯定。 設計澳門首個智慧城市仿真決策平台 實驗室搭建澳門首個「智慧城市混合現實仿真與智能 決策平台」,涵蓋城市基礎大數據、智慧綜合能源 宋永華教授 Prof Yonghua Song

COVER STORY • 封面專題 2023 UMAGAZINE 27 • 澳大新語 7 管理、虛實結合混合駕駛測試、城市基礎設施健康監 測、城市水災害仿真模擬等多個模塊。平台以澳門城 市三維模型為基礎,利用數字孿生技術,搭建數字澳 門模型,以可追溯的實時數據記錄構建模擬與試驗驗 證平台,鼓勵學科交叉融合和跨學科研究,建設可持 續發展的智慧城市。 研究團隊通過此平台實現城市建模及互動模擬,在不 同城市場景下顯示了良好的應用效果,其中城市基礎 大數據模塊,基於時空大數據及知識圖譜技術科研成 果,於2022年6月結合澳門實際情況,構建實時高效的 「新冠疫情熱點分析系統」,為澳門抗疫貢獻科學力 量。團隊將繼續透過物聯網、混合現實與數字孿生技 術,提升數字城市與物理系統的耦合互動模擬,為城 市的智慧監管與分析決策提供科學理論和應用支撐。 培育複合型的高端科技人才 響應教育、科技和人才「三位一體」的國家戰略,實 驗室針對物聯網、人工智慧、大數據等新科技的廣泛 應用,加快高質量複合型科技人才的選拔和培養。實 驗室透過組建科研團隊,重點培育複合型科技人才, 有序推動澳門發展高新技術產業。實驗室自成立以 來,透過澳大各類學術項目積極引智,培養了逾百名 碩士及博士,並積極吸引海內外的優秀年輕學者及本 地畢業生從事科研實踐,以優質人才儲備支撐國家自 主創新和整體科技實力快速發展,將研究成果本地市 場化和產業化。 為增強澳門青少年的科技素養,充分激發中學生心中 科技火花,助力本澳科技產業發展,實驗室每年定 期面向澳門中學生,舉辦各類科普活動,以大學開放 日、科普講座、師生座談、科技競賽、參觀實驗室及 科研設備等形式,向澳門中學生普及智慧城市和物聯 網的基礎知識。實驗室期望學生通過與一線科研團隊 及資深學長交流,從實踐中加深對智慧城市的理解, 為學術傳播及本地人才儲備打穩根基。 推動國際化的科技創新 展望未來,實驗室將繼續以教學和科研並重的發展路 徑加強資源整合,堅持以立足澳門、全球視野、國際 標準推動科技創新,為澳門、國家和全球共同關注的 智慧城市物聯網研究議題貢獻澳大力量。 宋永華教授說:「歷史上,每一場工業革命都顛覆了 全球經濟格局。如今數字科技正掀起新一輪變革,而 澳大在此關鍵的歷史節點上,藉著實驗室的教研力量 抓緊發展機遇,發揮好澳大擔當,以開創性的研究成 果助力構建城市新型的數字基礎設施,提出具世界領 先性的澳門方案,並與領軍企業合作,共同支撐智慧 城市建設不斷向前。」 智慧城市混合現實仿真與智能決策平台 The Smart City Virtual Reality Simulation and Decision-making Platform

澳大新語 • 2023 UMAGAZINE 27 8 封面專題 • COVER STORY 智慧城市物聯網國家重點實驗室於2018年在澳大設立,是全國第一個智慧城 市物聯網領域的國家重點實驗室。 UM established SKL-IOTSC, the first State Kay Lab in its area of research, in 2018. with professionals from various sectors, we will create a smart city blueprint tailored for Macao, stride towards China’s “dual carbon” goals, and facilitate the development of smart cities across the country,’ he says. SKL-IOTSC devotes itself to strategically addressing the national needs for pilot smart city development and the bottlenecks facing the IoT industry. To this end, the laboratory has established fundamental technological synergies with technologies such as wireless communications, urban big data, and artificial intelligence (AI) to support smart city applications in smart energy, intelligent transport, and disaster prevention. All its efforts made in fundamental and applied research are essential for laying a solid foundation for smart city development and industry-academia collaboration. In terms of fundamental research, considering intelligent sensing and network communication are at the core of urban interconnectivity, the researchers have conducted studies extensively on both theories and technologies in this field. Significant breakthroughs have been made in intelligent reconfigurable surface-empowered communications, integrated sensing and communication, and space-air-ground integrated network, strengthening the internet of everything for cities. Urban big data and AI are also key domains of fundamental research which the laboratory has been exploring and where researchers have been generating new findings. Substantial progress The new global landscape brought about by the evolution of the Internet of Things (IoT), big data and artificial intelligence has prompted urban decision-makers to harness the power of digital technologies to enhance urban resource allocation and innovations. As an institution rooted in Macao with a global perspective, the State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City (SKL-IOTSC) at the University of Macau (UM) brings together a team of interdisciplinary researchers to address core scientific problems facing smart city development and IoT research, with the aim of generating innovative technologies and sustainable solutions for smart cities. Core Innovation Hub for Smart City Development As crucial hubs for cutting-edge research, state key laboratories (SKLs) are institutions established with the approval of China’s Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) in top-notch universities and research institutes across the country. With the support of the Macao SAR government and the Macao Science and Technology Development Fund, UM established SKL-IOTSC upon the endorsement by MOST in 2018 and it is the first SKL of its kind in China. It is also the third SKL at UM. In line with the national ‘dual carbon’ strategy to build a salubrious and resilient smart city, the laboratory conducts fundamental and applied research through interdisciplinary collaboration to bring forth technological innovations dedicated to smart city development. Led by Chair Professor Yonghua Song, rector of UM and director of the laboratory, and composed of interdisciplinary researchers with strong academic backgrounds, SKL-IOTSC focuses on research in advanced IoT technologies, undertaking large-scale national projects and nurturing talent with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. This research will not only benefit smart city development in Macao, but also help to gain momentum for the growth of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA). Prof Song says that the laboratory is committed to achieving technological breakthroughs in strategic fundamental research that would accelerate progress towards building sustainable smart cities and applying research results. ‘Working together

COVER STORY • 封面專題 2023 UMAGAZINE 27 • 澳大新語 9 has been made in spatiotemporal representation learning, spatiotemporal modelling, inference of large-scale and complex knowledge graphs, cross-city multi-granular knowledge transfer, algorithmic game theory, and multimedia big data forensics and security, and these research achievements will support urban decision-making and smart governance. With respect to applied research, researchers have conducted in-depth studies on theories and methodologies for optimising the operation and flexible power distribution of integrated energy systems (IES) for the ‘dual carbon’ goals. Significant progress has been made in energy data mining and utilisation, flexible power demand side management, IES security and protection, and R&D and application of key components for flexible power distribution. In addition, the researchers have developed efficient sensing, control, and decision-making technologies for autonomous driving. They have also explored intelligent transportation innovations through large-scale traffic data processing and integrated traffic planning, which further reinforces the intelligence in future transportation systems. Moreover, the researchers have investigated the mechanism of coastal marine disasters, especially under extreme climate events, and proposed advanced methods for structural health monitoring and intelligent operation and maintenance, which are significant in improving urban public safety and resilience. SKL-IOTSC has led or undertaken various projects under MOST, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and the Macao Science and Technology Development Fund, and has established several Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao joint laboratories to foster research collaboration in the GBA. The laboratory has received a substantial number of national and regional awards for its scientific and technological achievements, including a second prize in the State Scientific and Technological Progress Award, a first prize in the Guangdong Science and Technology Progress Award, the Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Prize, the Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation Science and Technology Progress Award, as well as Macao Science and Technology Awards. These accolades are a testament to the laboratory’s recognition in Macao and across the country. Macao’s First Smart City Simulation and Decision-making Platform SKL-IOTSC has built the first smart city simulation and decision-making platform in and for Macao. The platform consists of various modules, including urban big data, smart energy, intelligent transportation, structural health monitoring of civil infrastructure, and urban flooding simulation, and it can further facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration for sustainable smart city development. Based on a 3D graphic model of Macao, the laboratory has also established a city-wide simulation system with digital twin technology, through which researchers can collect traceable real-time data, develop simulation models, and conduct pilot tests. The researchers have implemented effective interactive simulation models of urban systems in various settings and obtained fruitful application results. For instance, they developed a COVID-19 hotspot map for Macao in June 2022 through the platform (urban big data module) with spatiotemporal big data and knowledge graph technologies. The real-time operating system enhanced the city’s capability in epidemic prevention. The researchers will continue to contribute to the city’s competence in coupling a physical replica with its digital twin model in order to provide theoretical and technological support for intelligent urban regulation and decision-making. 科研佈局:兩大基礎研究領域+三大重點應用領域 Research layout: two fundamental fields and three typical application fields

澳大新語 • 2023 UMAGAZINE 27 10 封面專題 • COVER STORY Cultivating High-Calibre and Interdisciplinary Talent In line with the national strategy to build a global powerhouse in science and technology, SKL-IOTSC spares no effort to nurture high-calibre and interdisciplinary professionals in the fields of IoT, AI and big data to facilitate the extensive applications of these technologies. UM’s academic capacity has encouraged many outstanding overseas young scholars and local graduates to pursue their dream as researchers at SKL-IOTSC. Since its inception, the laboratory has successfully trained more than 100 graduates with master’s or doctorate degrees. Through its top-tier faculties and talent nurturing scheme, the laboratory not only strives to accelerate the transfer of its research results and the development of the high-tech industry in Macao, but also aims to strengthen the country’s independent innovation capability and R&D in science and technology. To enhance digital literacy among adolescents in Macao and inspire them to become high-tech professionals in the future, SKL-IOTSC organises various science promotion activities for local secondary school students on a regular basis to stimulate their interest in science and technology. Activities such as the UM Open Day, distinguished lectures, seminars, competitions, and visits to the laboratory enable local students to better understand the concept of a smart city and learn more about the latest developments in IoT. Furthermore, the students can enjoy learning through hands-on experiments and interactions with researchers and students at SKL-IOTSC. All efforts made to enhance teenagers’ digital literacy are crucial to the expansion of the local talent pool. Advancing Technological Innovation in a Global Landscape Looking ahead, SKL-IOTSC will continue to optimise resource integration by placing equal emphasis on teaching and research, and adhere to its position as an institution rooted in Macao with global perspectives. At the same time, the laboratory will uphold international standards to advance technological innovation in IoT for smart city development, making contributions to this research front that are not only important to Macao and China, but also to the world. ‘Looking back in history, each industrial revolution led to radical changes to the global economic landscape. UM is now at a critical moment in history where digital technology is setting off a new round of reform. We will seize the opportunity to enhance the academic and research competence of SKL-IOTSC, in order to help UM leverage its promising innovative research results to accelerate the development of novel digital infrastructure, propose a world-leading smart city blueprint for Macao, and collaborate with leading enterprises to bring forth smart city initiatives,’ says Prof Song. 實驗室向澳門多所中學提供科普教育 SKL-IOTSC provides science education to a number of secondary schools in Macao

COVER STORY • 封面專題 2023 UMAGAZINE 27 • 澳大新語 11 文 / 余偉業,實習校園記者朱江舸‧圖 / 何杰平,部分由受訪者提供‧英文翻譯 / 蘇恩霆 Text / Kelvin U, Trainee UM Reporter Zhu Jiangge ‧ Photo / Jack Ho, with some provided by the interviewee‧ English Translation / Anthony Sou Supporting Smart City Development — Intelligent Sensing and Network Communication 支撐智慧城市建設—— 智能傳感與網路通信技術 物聯網開啟了萬物互聯的時代,是物理世界與數字世 界的橋樑,也是各國城市智慧化轉型的關鍵支撐技 術。因此,解決物聯網的關鍵科學和技術問題成為 了澳門大學智慧城市物聯網國家重點實驗室的研究重 點。該實驗室的智能傳感與網路通信研究團隊肩負起 鋪設信息感知和傳遞管道的重任,為虛實世界融合發 揮紐帶作用,亦為智能技術應用打下穩固基石。 創新技術驅動城市數字化轉型 城市感知、網路通信技術作為物聯網的主要手段,加 速全球先進城市智能升級。澳大智慧城市物聯網國家 重點實驗室(以下簡稱實驗室)的智能傳感與網路通 信研究團隊聚焦核心技術的攻關,以支撐全面感知、 泛在連接、低時延、安全可靠的物聯網新型基礎設施 建設,為智慧城市發展提供技術。 實驗室助理主任、電機及電腦工程系教授馬少丹是無 線通信專家,她表示,若把物聯網簡單理解為一棵大 樹,那麼智能傳感與網路通信這部分就是「根」,透 過接收與傳輸信息,為大樹提供成長所需的養分,而 城市大數據與智能技術就是「莖」,透過數據挖掘和 智能算法支撐「善解人意」的技術開發,才能「開花 大規模天線通信系統 Massive MIMO systems

澳大新語 • 2023 UMAGAZINE 27 12 封面專題 • COVER STORY 搭建大規模高效通信系統 沒有康莊的網路通信大道,就難以實現高效的信息感 知。5G網路作為數字世界新型基建,為城市大數據的 傳輸「打通經脈」,同時對無綫通信的速度、效率和 可靠性提出更高要求。研究團隊在馬教授帶領下,針 對5G系統低時延、大連結、高速率、超可靠等關鍵需 求,開展大規模天線通信系統研究,以構建高效的信 息傳輸體系。馬教授說,團隊積極構建更佳的網路通 信環境,也為智能感知提供新途徑。 團隊搭建了「大規模天線通信系統」:透過波束賦形 技術,善用豐富的空間資源,實現海量用戶於同一空 間、同一頻率、同時接入;同時可透過波束賦形,利 用大規模多天線將空間切塊細化,保證每個小區域均 可支持多路數據同時傳輸,提高網路容量,實現低時 延通信。 另外,團隊還就大規模天線通信系統與生俱來的技術 難題,如高維信道矩陣和複雜信道結構等挑戰,提供 了新的分析理論與優化方法,為5G及下一代移動通信 系統設計與實現奠定理論與技術基礎,成果獲頒澳門 科學技術獎自然科學獎三等獎。 探索適合澳門的智能傳感體系 城市大腦信息反饋的敏捷程度除了講究網路傳輸的效 能,亦取決於擔當城市「神經末梢」的智能傳感器能 否迅速、精準地掌握城市的脈搏;搭建城市的智能傳 感體系有賴學術、工程和產業全方位協同。近年,全 球先進城市陸續利用智慧街燈,建設智慧城市的感知 系統,因此澳大與澳門電力股份有限公司在2020年就 澳門構建智慧街燈系統開展研究,把工程應用與理論 研究相結合,探索適合澳門的方案。 團隊針對澳門發展智慧街燈的基礎條件開展調查,並 透過在澳大校園設置的智慧街燈試點,深入研究智慧 街燈系統各功能模塊的技術開拓和控制平台設計。 馬教授表示,智慧街燈集智慧照明、人流及車流管 理、環境監測、資訊交互多功能於一桿,是建設智慧 城市全面感知網路的載體。團隊將繼續完善無線通 訊、感知網路的技術供給體系,支撐澳門智慧城 市的發展。 結果」,應用到智慧能源、智能交通、城市公共安全 與災害防治等各大智慧城市發展的重要領域。「這也 反映了實驗室研究佈局的戰略思路。」 智能傳感與網路通信研究團隊以構建物聯網的有效感知 與傳輸體系為目標,面向未來萬物智聯時代的科技演 進,致力研發先進的傳感和通信技術,驅動城市數字化 轉型。馬教授是此研究團隊的學術領軍人物,她指城市 的「物」遍佈每個角落,遠至萬丈高樓、偏僻街道、橋 樑,廣至樓梯轉角、車輛,深至地下管網,對城市互聯 感知、網路通信體系建設有著更廣、更深的需求。 智能傳感如人之五感 研究團隊現聚焦智能傳感、網路通信兩大方向,進行 拓展物聯網技術的基礎研究,為城市互聯、萬物互 聯打牢地基。馬少丹教授表示,智能傳感有如人之 五感,透過採集物理世界四方八面的信息,如圖像、 溫度、路況、視頻、能耗等數據,感知城市運行的脈 搏;同時,利用網路通信技術,鋪設更寬敞的康莊大 道,使信息傳輸更流暢和迅速,從而向城市作出反饋 和控制,形成與物理世界的互動,最終實現以最低程 度的人為介入、智慧化的城市管理與運行。 物聯網如今邁向下一階段變革,對智能傳感、網路通 信技術提出更高的發展要求。研究團隊面對海量接 入、動態複雜與資源受限的通信環境、多樣化感知與 通信需求、跨行業多領域應用場景,以及高效安全傳 輸等諸多挑戰,在可重構智能反射面輔助的高效節能 通信、高能效通信感知一體化的無線物理層、智能感 知與空天地一體化網絡,取得實質進展及突破,持續 為物聯網新型基建作有力支撐。 馬少丹教授 Prof Ma Shaodan

COVER STORY • 封面專題 2023 UMAGAZINE 27 • 澳大新語 13 The Internet of Things (IoT) has given rise to an era of interconnectivity, bridging the gap between the physical world and the virtual world. It is also the key technology in the development of smart cities around the world. The State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City (SKL-IOTSC) of the University of Macau (UM) has tasked itself with solving important scientific and technological problems facing IoT. In particular, the laboratory’s intelligent sensing and network communication group strives to enable information perception and transmission in a smart city to realise physical-virtual world integration and lay the ground for smart technology applications. Digital Transformation of Cities Driven by Innovative Technologies Urban sensing and network communication, two major IoT technologies, have accelerated the pace of smart upgrading of cities around the world. The group aims to tackle core problems and provide technical support for smart city development, especially in the development of new IoT-based infrastructure with comprehensive sensing capability, ubiquitous connectivity, low latency, and high safety standards. Ma Shaodan, assistant director of SKL-IOTSC and professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, is an expert in the field of wireless communication. She says that IoT may be conceived as a big tree, where intelligent sensing and network communication are the roots that provide the tree with the nutrients needed for growth by receiving and transmitting the information. Urban big data and smart technology are the tree trunk which tries to understand what people need through data mining and intelligent algorithms. The flowers of the tree will eventually blossom, and the fruits are data for use in major areas of smart city development, such as smart energy, intelligent transportation, as well as urban public safety and disaster prevention. ‘This can reflect the strategic research layout of the laboratory,’ says Prof Ma. At present, the group aims to build an effective IoT-based sensing and transmission system. Through the R&D of advanced sensing and communication technologies, the researchers hope to drive the digital transformation of cities to usher them into the era of smart interconnectivity. As the leader of the group, Prof Ma says, ‘things’ that can be connected to the network exist in every corner of a city, from buildings, streets, and bridges, to stairways, vehicles, and even underground pipes. To effectively connect various ‘things’ and achieve intelligent sensing, it is necessary to implement a far-reaching network that can cover all urban spaces. Intelligent Sensing Comparable to the Five Senses Focusing on intelligent sensing and network communication, the researchers conduct fundamental research to expand IoT technology and lay a solid foundation for the interconnection of all elements in an urban environment. According to Prof Ma, intelligent sensing operates like the five human senses, collecting information in the physical world, such as images, videos, temperature, road 澳大與澳門電力開展智慧街燈在澳應用研究 UM and CEM study the use of smart streetlights in Macao

澳大新語 • 2023 UMAGAZINE 27 14 封面專題 • COVER STORY conditions, and energy consumption, in order to sense the pulse of the urban operation. At the same time, network communication technology paves the way for smooth and rapid information transmission in feedback channels to inform city control, realising interactions with the physical world and leading to smart city management and operation with minimal human intervention. The new IoT development raises the demand for better intelligent sensing and network communication technologies. The existing challenges include massive connectivity, assessing the dynamic and complex communication environment with limited resources, the diverse sensing and communication needs, applying the technology across different industries and domains, and maintaining efficient and secure transmission. To overcome these challenges, the researchers carried out studies such as intelligent reconfigurable surface-empowered communications, integrated sensing and communication, and space-air-ground integrated network. They have made significant progress, offering solid support for new IoT-based infrastructure. Building Efficient Massive MIMO Systems It is difficult to achieve efficient information perception and transmission without a well-established communication network. As a new digital technology, 5G network enables big data transmission in cities, but at the same time requires enhanced speed, efficiency, and reliability of wireless communication. The researchers study communication systems based on massive antennas in order to build more efficient information transmission systems. The research focuses on the key requirements of 5G system, such as low latency, massive connectivity, high speed, and ultra-reliability. Prof Ma says that the researchers are building a better environment for network communication, and providing a new means for intelligent sensing. The group has successfully built its own massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system. Using beamforming techniques, the system takes advantage of spatial resources to realise simultaneous connections to a massive number of users in the same space and at the same frequency. The system also uses massive antennas through beamforming to subdivide space into tiny areas and ensure that each area supports simultaneous transmission of data, thus increasing network capacity and realising low latency communications. The group has also developed new theories and optimisation methods to overcome challenges posed by massive MIMO systems, such as high-dimension channel matrix and complex channel structure, laying the theoretical and technical foundation for 5G and the design and implementation of the next-generation mobile communication system. The research result received a third prize in the Natural Science Award category of the Macao Science and Technology Awards. Developing an Intelligent Sensing System Suitable for Macao In addition to a highly-efficient network, the speed of information feedback to the brain of a smart city also depends on smart sensors that act as ‘nerve endings’ to quickly and accurately grasp the pulse and dynamics of the city. Moreover, the collaboration between academia and industry is crucial to building an intelligent sensing system. In recent years, leading cities around the world have used smart streetlights as the building blocks of their smart city sensing systems. Macao is no exception. UM and Companhia de Electricidade de Macau conducted a collaborative project in 2020 to investigate the implementation of a smart streetlight system in Macao. To understand the conditions required for implementing smart streetlights in Macao, the group set up a pilot site on the UM campus to explore the development of the various modules in the smart streetlight system and the design of the control platform. According to Prof Ma, the poles of smart streetlights can perform various functions, including intelligent lighting, pedestrian and traffic flow management, environmental monitoring, and information interaction, and are therefore the cornerstones of a comprehensive sensing network in a smart city. The group will persist in bolstering its capacity to offer technical support in wireless communication and sensing networks for Macao, thereby facilitating the city’s smart development.

COVER STORY • 封面專題 2023 UMAGAZINE 27 • 澳大新語 15 文 / 余偉業、實習校園記者張嘉禾‧圖 / 何杰平,部分由受訪者提供‧英文翻譯 / 關詠琪 Text / Kelvin U, Trainee UM Reporter Zhang Jiahe ‧ Photo / Jack Ho, with some provided by the interviewees‧ English Translation / Winky Kuan 驅動智慧應用—— 城市大數據與智能技術 Driving Smart Applications – Urban Big Data and Intelligent Technology 如今,運算科學是國家科技核心競爭力的重要標誌, 也是澳大近年銳意發展的學科領域。解決許多重大科 學問題時都高度依賴基礎演算法與可計算建模的發展 水平。研究團隊積極開展多項高效能的基礎演算法研 究,深入探索智慧城市的多源數據融合技術。團隊已 在基於大數據驅動的知識圖譜(Knowledge Graph) 構建方法和基於深度學習的智能多媒體信息處理系統 的開發上取得突破。 構建城市知識圖譜 知識圖譜能將網路上的信息、數據等聚集為知識,使 信息資源更易於計算、理解,從而實現對知識的快速 回應和推理。研究團隊利用影響城市運行、不斷變化 的數據流,構建動態的信息系統,以形成城市知識圖 譜,為城市管理者提供「一張圖」的綜合監管。 大數據、人工智能等新一代信息技術是開發城市大腦 的驅動力,更是全球先進城市推動智慧應用的關鍵技 術支撐。澳門大學智慧城市物聯網國家重點實驗室城 市大數據與智能技術研究團隊以應用為牽引,從基礎 研究入手,設計能滿足實際需求的高效基礎演算法, 著力提升智慧城市的計算思維,以萃取準確和有用的 數據,助力更明智的決策。 演算法支撐智慧城市應用 從政府決策與服務到衣食住行,再到城市的產業佈局 和規劃等,如今都在大數據支撐下逐步智慧化。城市 大數據與智能技術研究團隊聚焦解決大數據分析與處 理技術底層依賴的相關數學模型、分析原理與計算方 法等科學問題,對大數據加工處理,萃取準確和有用 資訊,使決策和產品更符合人的需求,助力城市落實 以人為本的建設理念。 澳大開發的「新冠疫情熱點分析系統」融合時空大數據和知識圖譜技術 The Macau COVID-19 HotSpot Map developed by UM integrates spatiotemporal big data and knowledge graph technologies

澳大新語 • 2023 UMAGAZINE 27 16 封面專題 • COVER STORY 發展,其數據高度共用加大了安全風險。為破除網路信 息傳播的安全漏洞,電腦及資訊科學系、實驗室副教授 周建濤近年帶領團隊開發更敏銳的圖像篡改檢測系統, 與日新月異的反取證技術博弈。 團隊2021年提出新的人工智能偵測算法,能在0.5秒 內對被篡改圖像的偽造區域定位,於國際安全人工智 能挑戰賽擊敗1,500多支隊伍,分別在「篡改」與 「檢測」賽道奪得冠軍及季軍,其成果能供司法界辨 識篡改影像。團隊後獲阿里巴巴邀請和贊助開發更強 大的偵測工具「假圖粉碎機」,2022年開放予大眾試 用,以產學研合作助力解決智慧城市的安全問題。 隨著雲計算迅速發展,各種資料獲取存放裝置廣泛使 用,這對多媒體工具技術與社交網路安全提出更高要 求。有見及此,團隊就社交網絡多媒體安全的關鍵技 術,包括受信道干擾性強、魯棒泛化性差、安全可信 性低等問題,率先建立了社交網絡信道分析機制,研 發出高魯棒多媒體取證技術,以及具數據隱私保護的 特徵學習算法。該項目成果獲澳門科學技術獎自然科 學獎三等獎,更獲海內外學者反複引用與應用。 探索新一代關鍵數字科技 基於澳大與中國科學院深圳先進技術研究院聯合實驗 室的優勢,團隊針對新一代關鍵數字科技,不斷探索 城市大型數據集的關聯性與模式,拓展人工智能領域 的創新性研究。團隊的基礎演算法研究,將對智慧城 市的應用領域,如智慧能源、智能交通、城市公共安 全與災害防治,起著關鍵技術支撐作用,促使城市實 現最合理的資源配置與自我調節。 長期研究大規模數據處理的數據科學中心代主任、實 驗室副教授余亮豪帶領團隊於2022年7月結合澳門實 際情況,融合時空大數據和知識圖譜技術,建立實時 高效的「新冠疫情熱點分析系統」。該系統借助實驗 室的城市基礎大數據平台,針對疫情數據的多樣性及 數據量,利用知識圖譜分析病毒株的傳播鏈與時空之 間熱點關係圖,深入探索疫情的起源及趨勢,為澳門 抗疫貢獻力量。 在分析演示系統上,研究團隊提出的熱點算法較目 前的算法庫快10至100倍。另外,礙於時間複雜度, 分析工作的反響時間難以達至實時。因此,團隊 開發了一系列優化技術,降低搜索空間和計算複雜 度,達至接近實時演示需求。多項成果已於多個國 際數據工程會議發表。 建全澳最大型智能超算中心 澳大的第三代高性能計算集群 (Coral) 由130台伺服器組 成,提供超過4,200個計算核心及37個圖形處理核心, 並配備八台超大記憶體計算節點,合共提供24TB記憶 體。大學同時建成全澳最大型的「智能超算中心」, 內含管理與計算伺服器群組、雲計算平台軟件、高速 網路設備、大容量存儲服務器、英偉達DGX-2,強大算 力滿足研究團隊面對龐大的海量數據流、參數量將達 萬億級的人工智能高強度運算時的需求。上述關鍵的 基礎設施能大幅度提升人工智能運算速度,有效支撐 智慧應用對於城市大數據分析和處理的需求。 圖像篡改檢測系統 智慧城市信息基礎設施以雲計算為中心的方式向集約化 「假圖粉碎機」偵測工具 The detection e-tool Fake Pictures Crusher 周建濤教授 Prof Zhou Jiantao

COVER STORY • 封面專題 2023 UMAGAZINE 27 • 澳大新語 17 The new generation of information technologies, including big data and AI, is the driving force behind smart city development, promoting smart applications in advanced cities around the world. To facilitate such applications, a research group on urban big data and intelligent technology of the State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City (SKL-IOTSC) at the University of Macau (UM) conducts fundamental research to design highly-efficient algorithms in order to enhance the computational thinking capabilities of smart cities and extract valuable information to assist decision-makers. Developing Algorithms to Support Smart City Applications With the support of big data, intelligent technologies are transforming all aspects of our lives, from government decision-making and services, to the way people live, to industrial layout and urban planning. The research group is committed to solving fundamental scientific problems facing big data analysis and processing by developing mathematical models, principles, and computational methodologies. Through big data analytics, the researchers can extract accurate and useful information to inform decision-making and improve products based on the practical needs of residents in order to develop more human-centred cities. Computational science is not only an important symbol of China’s competitiveness in science and technology, but also a discipline that UM developed in recent years. The solutions to many major scientific problems rely heavily on fundamental algorithms and computational models. Currently, the researchers are developing a number of high-performance fundamental algorithms and exploring multisource data fusion techniques for smart city development. They have made breakthroughs in creating methods for knowledge graph construction with big data and an intelligent multimedia information processing system based on deep learning. Building Urban Knowledge Graphs Knowledge graphs integrate information and data available on the network to make them easier to compute and understand, thereby enabling rapid responses and reasoning. The research group uses data streams that are constantly changing and affecting urban operations to build a dynamic information system. The system can generate knowledge graphs and provide city managers with comprehensive monitoring information. In July 2022, a team led by U Leong Hou, interim head of the Centre for Data Science and associate professor in SKL-IOTSC, developed the Macau COVID-19 HotSpot Map, an efficient real-time system based on spatiotemporal big data and knowledge graph technology. With the large variety and volume of epidemic data in hand, the group used the laboratory’s urban data platform and knowledge graph technology to analyse spatiotemporal data in relation to the transmission chains of different viral strains. The 余亮豪教授 Prof U Leong Hou 澳大與中科院深圳先進技術研究院共建人工智能與機器人聯合實驗室 The Joint Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics jointly established by UM and the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

澳大新語 • 2023 UMAGAZINE 27 18 封面專題 • COVER STORY study shed light on the origin and development of the outbreak in Macao and was one of the group’s major contributions to Macao against COVID-19. To build an analysis and demonstration system, the research group proposed a hotspot algorithm that could run between 10 to 100 times faster than existing algorithms. However, the time complexity of the analysis made it difficult to achieve real-time responses. The group then developed a series of optimisation algorithms to reduce the search space and computational complexity, and as a result, the system produced almost real-time responses. They have presented the research results at several international data engineering conferences. Building the Largest Super Intelligent Computing Centre in Macao UM’s third-generation HPC Cluster (Coral) comprises 130 servers, offering over 4,200 computing units and 37 graphics processing units. It also provides eight high-memory computing nodes that contain a total of 24TB of memory. The laboratory has also established the Super Intelligent Computing Center in Macao, the largest of its kind in the city. Equipped with a management and computing server cluster, cloud computing platform software, high-speed network equipment, a high-capacity storage server, and NVIDIA DGX-2, the centre has the immense computing power to assist researchers in handling massive data streams and trillions of parameters, satisfying the demanding requirements for AI technology. These facilities and equipment significantly increase the computational speed of AI and can effectively meet the needs of smart applications for urban big data analysis and processing. Image Tampering Detection System At present, the intensive development of communications infrastructure in smart cities revolves around cloud computing. However, the development has also increased security risks due to the high amount of data shared in the process. To address security loopholes in the dissemination of information on the network, a team led by Zhou Jiantao, associate professor in the Department of Computer and Information Science and SKL-IOTSC, has developed a robust image tampering detection system based on AI algorithms. The system is designed to prove the authenticity of images in the face of ever-evolving anti-forensic techniques. In 2021, the team proposed a new AI detection algorithm that can locate the forged area of a tampered image within 0.5 seconds. The algorithm stood out from over 1,500 teams at the Security AI Challenger Contest and won the championship in the image forgery track, as well as the third prize in the detection track, and was used by the judicial community to identify tampered images. Furthermore, the team was later invited and sponsored by Alibaba to develop Fake Pictures Crusher, a more powerful detection e-tool, which was made available to the public in 2022. Through industry-academia collaboration, the team strives to address security issues in smart city development. The rapid development of cloud computing and the widespread use of various data acquisition and storage devices have led to increasing demands for better multimedia technology and social network security. To address key issues in multimedia and social network security, such as social network interference, poor generalisation ability, and low security reliability, the team took the initiative to establish an analysis mechanism for different social media platforms. The researchers developed highly robust multimedia forensic technologies and feature learning algorithms with data privacy protection. The project was awarded a third prize in the natural science category of the Macao Science and Technology Award and has been widely cited and applied by scholars in China and abroad. Exploring the New Generation of Digital Technology Building on the strength of the joint laboratory between UM and the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the research group is constantly exploring the relevance and patterns of large urban datasets and expanding innovative AI research, with a focus on developing the new generation of digital technology. The group’s fundamental algorithmic research will play a key role in supporting smart city applications, such as smart energy, intelligent transportation, and urban public safety and disaster prevention, enabling cities to achieve rational resource allocation and self-regulation.