
澳大新語 • 2022 UMAGAZINE 26 66 學術研究 • ACADEMIC RESEARCH that examined public attitudes in mainland China towards online learning models such as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). This shows that the public would likely take a negative stance if they participate in online education involuntarily. Topic Clusters of Microblogs about Online Education Meanwhile, we found that the optimal number of topic clusters was 2 in the Pre-pandemic Period dataset, 4 in the Mid-pandemic Period dataset, and 7 in the Post-pandemic Period dataset. In the Pre-pandemic Period, the first group of topics was primarily about the purposes and functions of online education, expressed in a positive tone. During the Mid-pandemic Period, the topics mainly reflected concerns about schools, teachers, students, and curriculum. In the Post-pandemic Period, the topics that appeared on Weibo were even more diverse, although the number of microblogs about online education decreased. To our knowledge, our study is the first attempt to analyse public opinion about online education in mainland China during this period. The results have been published in Educational Technology Research and Development, the only peer-reviewed journal in the field of education that focuses exclusively on the research and development of educational technology. The journal is ranked sixth among international journals of educational technology, with an Impact Factor of 5.58 in 2021. According to our datasets, ‘sleepy’ and ‘anxious’ emerged as frequent keywords in microblogs during the Mid-pandemic Period. Online education often requires learners to be highly self-disciplined and self-directed, but it can be difficult for learners to meet this expectation when online learning is not voluntary. While we acknowledge the benefits of online education, a greater variety of online activities is needed to maximise the value of learning through the screen during long hours of online sessions. 「學術研究」為投稿欄目,內容僅代表作者個人意見。 Articles in the Academic Research column were submitted by UM scholars. The views expressed are solely those of the author(s). 周明明副教授是澳大教育學院代副院長(科研)及教育研究中心主任,並負責國家教育部普通高校人文社會科學 重點研究基地在澳大的建設。主要研究方向為教育心理學與現代科技的跨學科研究,包括社交媒體與在線教育的 結合、教育大數據挖掘、數字科技在高等教育課堂中的應用,以及如何利用新科技手段測量傳統教育及心理學的 重要概念。在學術期刊與國際會議中發表了80餘篇論文和學術報告。 Zhou Mingming is an associate professor and the interim associate dean (research) at the UM Faculty of Education (FED), where she also serves as the director of the Educational Research Centre. At UM, Prof Zhou is responsible for the management of the key research base of humanities and social sciences of the Ministry of Education. Her studies focus on interdisciplinary research of educational psychology and computing technology, including the integration of social media and online education, educational data mining, the use of digital technology in higher education, and how to innovate traditional measures of key concepts in education and psychology. She has published and presented over 80 papers in academic journals and international conferences. 在三個時間階段有關線上教育的微博帖文的情感值的變化 Changes in sentiment scores of microblogs about online education during the three periods