
CONTENTS 目錄 2022年|總第26期 Autumn/Winter 2022 | Issue 26 封面專題 COVER STORY Brain Sciences + 腦科學 + 跨學科研究探尋腦部奧秘 Multidisciplinary Efforts to Unlock the Brain’s Secrets 05 行為成癮對腦部的影響 The Impact of Behavioural Addiction on the Brain 11 多語言使用與大腦的執行功能 Multilingualism and the Brain’s Executive Functions 15 繪製跨腦網絡圖譜 探索高級認知能力 Mapping the Brain Network to Explore Higher-level Cognitive Functions 19 人腦連接電腦 意念化為行動 Turning Thoughts into Actions with Brain-Computer Interfaces 23 探索兒童認知行為的大腦神經機制 Neural Mechanisms of Early Brain Development 31 腸道如何影響神經認知障礙 The Links between Gut and Neurocognitive Disorders 27