
2022年|總第25期 Publisher: University of Macau Chief Editor: Katrina Cheong Deputy Chief Editor: Ella Cheong Editors: Davis Ip, Debby Seng Translator: Anthony Sou Advisors: Li Defeng, Professor and Director, Centre for Studies of Translation, Interpreting and Cognition / Associate Dean, Faculty of Arts and Humanities Lampo Leong, Distinguished Professor and Director, Centre for Arts and Design, Faculty of Social Sciences Timothy Simpson, Associate Professor, Department of Communication, Faculty of Social Sciences Tang Keng Pan, Professor Emeritus, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts and Humanities Design: Jack Ho Address: Room G012, Administration Building, University of Macau, N6, Avenida da Universidade, Taipa, Macau, China Contact: Tel: (853) 8822 8833 Fax: (853) 8822 8822 Email: Printing: Hamah (Macau), Limitada ISSN: 2077‑2491 Published biannually since 2009, UMagazine is one of the University of Macau’s official publications and aims to report innovative ideas and research breakthroughs of the University of Macau. It also showcases the latest developments and achievements of the university in teaching, research, and service. 出版: 澳門大學 總編輯: 張惠琴 副總編輯: 張愛華 編輯: 葉浩男、盛惠怡 翻譯: 蘇恩霆 顧問: 人文學院副院長、翻譯傳譯認知研究中心主任李德鳳教授 社會科學學院藝術設計中心主任梁藍波特聘教授 社會科學學院傳播系副教授Timothy Simpson 人文學院中國語言文學系榮休教授鄧景濱 排版: 何杰平 地址: 中國澳門氹仔大學大馬路澳門大學N6行政樓G012 室 聯絡: 電話: (853) 8822 8833 傳真: (853) 8822 8822 電郵: 製版印刷: 澳門豪邁實業有限公司 國際刊號: 2077‑2491 《澳大新語》創於2009年,為澳門大學官方刊物之一, 每年出版兩期,旨在展示澳門大學的創見和突破、 報導教研和社會服務的最新發展和成果。

為助力澳門經濟適度多元發展,在國 家政策支持和澳門特區政府推動下, 澳門大學的產學研項目蓄勢待發,在 澳門、橫琴粵澳深度合作區和粵港澳 大灣區其它地方轉化科研成果,促進 經濟和產業發展。 今期《澳大新語》封面專題探討澳大 新的「五位一體」研究創新及轉化 體系。該體系是《澳大五年發展規劃 (2021/2022-2025/2026學年)》的 重點規劃之一。我們採訪了宋永華校 長、葛偉副校長和多位教授,一同探討 「五位一體」體系如何協助研究人員 將其成果從實驗室帶到生產線。 「三文四語」是澳門獨特的語言景 觀。澳大匯聚了一批來自世界各地的 語言學家。他們在大學多語多文化的 環境傳道授業,使澳大的語言教學形 成鮮明特色,今期專題我們探討其獨 特之處。 我們也訪問了經濟學系主任朱智豪 教授和卓越教學奬得主、英文系 助理教授盧杰,分享他們的教研經 驗。「學術研究」剖析新型冠狀病毒 De l ta突變株的傳染性,以及運用人 工智能從中藥篩選潛在老人癡呆藥 物的最新研究。 澳大設有10所書院,各具特色,在澳 門獨一無二。書院作為多元文化與多 元學科融會貫通的知識整合學習平 台,體現了大學本科教育融合專業、 通識、研習及社群教育的「四位一體」 全人教育模式。今期新推出「書院發 展」,帶領讀者了解鄭裕彤書院的學 生創業模式,以及滿珍紀念書院跨學 科和具國際化色彩的教育。 With the support of the national policy and the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) government, the University of Macau (UM) has launched a number of projects involving industry-academia collaboration in order to promote moderate economic diversification of Macao. Some of the projects are currently undergoing a process of technology transfer in Macao, the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin and other parts of the GuangdongHong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and are expected to generate economic value and promote the development of various industries. The cover story of this issue’s UMagazine features UM’s new ‘5-in‑1’ system for research innovation and results transfer. The system is one of the key initiatives set out in the university’s Five-Year Development Plan (Academic Years 2021/2022 to 2025/2026). We interviewed Rector Yonghua Song, Vice Rector Ge Wei, and some other professors about how the system can help UM researchers bring their research results from the laboratory to the production line. Macao is a unique and linguistically diverse community, with three primary written languages and four primary spoken languages. Taking advantage of this multilingual and multicultural environment, UM has gathered linguists from around the world who developed a model of language education with distinctive characteristics on the campus. In this issue, we talk to these scholars to gain a deeper understanding of language teaching at UM. We also interviewed Prof Angus Chu, head of the Department of Economics, and Prof Jeremy De Chavez, assistant professor in the Department of English and recent recipient of the UM Teaching Excellence Award. These two professors shared with us their experience in teaching and research. The Academic Research column explores two of the latest research topics at UM, namely the contagiousness of the SARS-CoV-2 Delta strain and the role of artificial intelligence in identifying compounds from traditional Chinese medicine with therapeutic potential against Alzheimer’s disease. UM is the only university in Macao with a residential college (RC) system, which is a multicultural and multidisciplinary learning platform for knowledge integration. Consisted of ten unique RCs, the RC system embodies the concept of whole-person education at the undergraduate level through a ‘4-in-1’ model that includes discipline-specific education, general education, research and internship education, and community and peer education. To help readers learn more about each RC, we have launched a new section titled RC Development. In this issue, the section covers an entrepreneurship model that Cheng Yu Tung College has developed to help students start businesses, and explores the characteristics of Moon Chun Memorial College that make it a multidisciplinary and international institution. 編者的話 張惠琴 Katrina Cheong EDITOR’S WORDS

CONTENTS 目錄 2022年|總第25期 Spring/Summer 2022 | Issue 25 澳大與企業合作轉化研究成果 UM Collaborates with Enterprises to Promote Research Results Transfer 產學研平台促進成果轉化 Accelerating Research Results Transfer through Various Platforms for Industry-Academia Collaboration 推動澳門醫藥創新成果轉化 Promoting the Transfer of Innovative Medical Research Results in Macao 高新技術產品投入市場應用 Placing Products of High Technology on the Market 封面專題 COVER STORY 專題探討 TOPIC INSIGHT Language Education in a Multicultural Context Research Results Transfer from the Laboratory to the Production Line 多元文化下之語言教學 研究成果:從實驗室走進生產線 06 12 18 26 30

鄭裕彤書院創業模式下的創業項目:澳門 BioPeTech 環保麥芽貓砂 滿珍紀念書院:跨學科的國際化書院 SARS-CoV-2 的Delta突變株為何傳染性如此之強? Why Is the SARS-CoV-2 Delta Strain So Contagious? 運用人工智能從中藥篩選潛在的老人癡呆藥物 Using AI Technology to Develop TCM-based Drugs for Alzheimer’s Disease 盧杰:教學就是說一個好故事 Jeremy De Chavez: Teaching is Telling a Good Story 朱智豪:經濟學家應先天下之憂而憂 Angus Chu: Economists Need to Be Visionary When Solving the World’s Problems The BioPeTech Malted Cat Litter Produced in Macao — A Project under the CYTC Entrepreneurship Model Moon Chun Memorial College: A Multidisciplinary and International Institution 學術研究 ACADEMIC RESEARCH 書院發展 RC DEVELOPMENT 人物專訪 EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW 38 44 50 54 58 62

COVER STORY • 封面專題 2022 UMAGAZINE 25 • 澳大新語 6 澳大與企業合作轉化研究成果 UM Collaborates with Enterprises to Promote Research Results Transfer 文 / 葉浩男‧圖 / 編輯部‧英文翻譯 / 蘇恩霆 Chinese / Davis Ip ‧ Photo / Editorial Board ‧ English Translation / Anthony Sou 橫琴粵澳深度合作區為澳大帶來新發展機遇(小圖為設於橫琴的珠海澳大科技研究院) The Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin has brought new opportunities for development for UM (The photo on the upper right is the Zhuhai UM Science & Technology Research Institute in Hengqin) 澳門大學近年成為許多本地和內地企業推動創新 的重要合作夥伴。他們攜手在澳門和橫琴促進大 健康、現代金融、高新技術、會展商貿和文化體 育共四大新產業發展,同時推動澳大研究成果從 實驗室走進生產線、轉化具條件的研究成果。 科研成果與企業需求配對 澳大校長宋永華教授表示:「大學科研成果最終要 走向市場,為經濟和社會發展服務。如果創造知識 是從無到有的第一步,為新知識開發應用技術就是 第二步,接下來則是將技術轉化為產品和服務。學

澳大新語 • 2022 UMAGAZINE 25 7 封面專題 • COVER STORY 術和研究機構可以單獨走前兩步,接下來必須有業 界參與。」 國家《第十四個五年規劃和2035年遠景目標綱要》、 澳門特區《第二個五年規劃(2021-2025年)》和 《橫琴粵澳深度合作區建設總體方案》均指出,澳 門應加強與粵港澳大灣區其它地方的產學研協同發 展。宋永華教授表示,澳大作為澳門一所國際化綜 合性公立大學,其開展的產學研項目含括澳門第二 個五年規劃提出的、需加強發展的四大產業(以中 醫藥研發製造為切入點的大健康、現代金融、高新 技術、會展商貿和文化體育),合作夥伴主要來自 澳門、橫琴粵澳深度合作區和大灣區其它地方。 他又指:「為支持澳門經濟適度多元發展,澳大近 年將科研成果與企業需求配對,一些科研項目早 期已有企業參與,形成產學研深度協同發展。大學 與企業合作也不局限於個別研究員與企業的單項合 作,還有大學整體推動、明確面向澳門新產業所需 的大型合作計劃。 」 佈局灣區三年有成 宋永華教授指出,澳門市場狹小、產業用地有限、 科技人才不足,澳大的產學研發展不能局限於本 地。自2019年2月《粵港澳大灣區發展規劃綱要》 公佈後,澳大採取了多項重要措施參與區內產學研 發展,最重要的是同年3月依托珠海澳大科技研究 院(以下簡稱珠研院)在大灣區設立首個產學研示 範基地。

COVER STORY • 封面專題 2022 UMAGAZINE 25 • 澳大新語 8 珠研院在先進材料、智慧城市、微電子、轉化醫 學、中華醫藥共五個領域設研發中心,亦設人文社 科研究中心和高級培訓中心。在過去三年,該院與 澳門和內地數十間企業合作,獲多項國家級、省級 和市級機構提供科研資金開展項目。珠研院承接包 括國家自然科學基金、科技部重點研發計劃等政府 科研項目。該院2020年起先後獲批成立及認定為 「博士後科研工作站分站」、「珠海市新型研發機 構」及「廣東省新型研發機構」。 澳大也在珠研院設立了校內三個國家重點實驗室 橫琴分部,將大學在中醫藥、微電子和智慧城市 物聯網等方面積累多年的成果產業化。此外,澳 大積極支持師生在橫琴設立科技企業,經澳大創 科有限公司將澳大專利轉讓予企業,以及與企業 建立聯合實驗室。 宋永華教授表示,2021年9月公佈的《橫琴粵澳深 度合作區建設總體方案》提出大力發展集成電路、 電子元器件、新材料、新能源、大數據、人工智 能、物聯網、生物醫藥產業,澳大在這些領域均有 一定成果和培養出一批人才。他說:「借助大學三 個國家重點實驗室、優勢學科和院所之力,我們積 極與澳門和大灣區其它地方的企業及政府部門合 作,逐步構建出一條從原創科技、關鍵技術突破到 融入大灣區產業鏈的生態鏈。」 集力建設成果產業化路徑 為配合中央和澳門特區政府關於產學研發展 的重大規劃,校方在《澳門大學五年發展規劃 (2021/2022-2025/2026學年)》(以下簡稱《五 年發展規劃》)中重點提出構建「五位一體」研究 創新及轉化體系,充分發揮三個國家重點實驗室的 引領作用,從創新、服務、管理、培育、實踐五個 維度構建高水平產學研平台,集中力量建設出一條 澳大科研成果產業化的路徑。宋永華教授表示,這 五個產學研平台環環相扣,將會形成合力,全面提 升澳大產學研發展的深度和廣度。 澳大校長宋永華教授表示,大學將在產學研方面創出更多成果。 Prof Yonghua Song, rector of UM, says the university seeks more achievements in industry-academia collaboration.

澳大新語 • 2022 UMAGAZINE 25 9 封面專題 • COVER STORY 生、物聯網、機器人與無人系統、近岸及環境工程、 認知與腦科學、先進新材料和藝術學等領域的研究生 課程,全面培養澳門和橫琴新產業緊缺的人才。 在中央和澳門特區政府大力支持下,澳大各方面發 展一日千里。宋永華教授表示,澳大是目前唯一設 於橫琴島的大學,有責任培養更多人才,在產學研 方面創出更多成果。「大學既是政策受益者,也應 是能推動社會和經濟發展的貢獻者。澳大研究一直 貫徹『國家所需、澳門所長,澳門所需、澳大所 長』的方針,通過不斷拓展及加深與內地合作,更 好地發揮澳門與內地的優勢,實現協同創新、協同 發展,使澳門融入國家創新科技發展大局。目前澳 門經濟結構急需轉型,澳大將繼續配合中央和特區 政府的政策部署,加快推動科研成果從實驗室走進 生產線,服務國家和澳門所需。」 在推進科研成果轉化發展方面,澳大採取多項措 施,包括獲批設立教育部精準腫瘤學前沿科學中 心、積極建設橫琴產學研示範基地、成立澳門中藥 研發中心和澳門轉化醫學創新研究院、與中國科學 院建立的五個聯合實驗室確立多項合作專項課題, 以及參與和承擔更多澳門、廣東省和國家層面的重 點研發項目,並繼續參股由澳大教員或研究團隊成 立的初創公司。另外,獲批為國家級眾創空間的澳 大創新創業中心已孵化30多家由師生共建的科技企 業,正積極推動和鼓勵更多澳門青年面向大灣區開 展創新創業活動。 為澳門和橫琴新產業培養緊缺人才 從師資力量、教學水準和科研實力而言,澳大在大 灣區尤其是西岸優勢突出。大學近年開辦了微電 子、數據科學和金融科技等方面的新課程,也準備 增設藥物科學及科技學士課程,以及全球公共衛 In recent years, the University of Macau (UM) has become an important partner for many local and mainland enterprises to promote innovation. UM has worked together with its partners to foster the development of four new industries in Macao and Hengqin: health, modern finance, high technology, as well as exhibitions and trade/culture and sports. The collaborations also facilitate the transfer of research results from the laboratory to the production line, enabling the translation of research results. Matching Research Results with the Right Enterprises According to UM Rector Yonghua Song, technological research results of universities should ultimately be commercialised to serve economic and social development. ‘If creating knowledge is the first step in starting something from scratch, developing applied technologies for the new knowledge is the second step, followed by transforming the technologies into products and services,’ says Prof Song. ‘Academic and research institutions can take the first two steps on their own, but the next step must involve industry.’ China’s 14th Five-Year Plan and Vision 2035 plan, the second Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) of the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR), and the Master Plan of the Development of the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin all point out that Macao should strengthen collaboration with other locales in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) for the development of the industrial, academic, and research sectors. According to Prof Song, as an international public comprehensive university in Macao, UM has launched collaboration projects with enterprises in the four aforementioned industries, which are also highlighted in the second five-year development plan of Macao as ‘a health industry with Chinese medicine R&D and manufacturing as an entry point, a modern finance industry, a high technology industry, as well as an industry of exhibitions and trade/culture and sports’. The university’s collaboration partners are mainly located in Macao, the Hengqin cooperation zone, and other parts of the GBA. ‘To support the moderate economic diversification of Macao, UM has been matching its existing research achievements with the demand of enterprises in various industries. The university has also launched research projects that involve enterprises in the early stages. This strategy has created a deep synergy between the industry, academic, and research sectors,’ says Prof Song. ‘The collaborations between the university and enterprises are not limited to individual researcher-enterprise collaborations, but also

COVER STORY • 封面專題 2022 UMAGAZINE 25 • 澳大新語 10 include large-scale collaborative projects at the university level that are clearly geared towards the needs of Macao’s new industries.’ Three Years of Contributions to the GBA According to Prof Song, Macao’s market is small, with limited industrial land and a shortage of technology professionals, so industry-academia collaboration at UM cannot be confined to the local area. Since the announcement of the Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area in February 2019, UM has taken a number of important initiatives to participate in industry-academia collaboration in the region. The most important was the establishment of UM’s first demonstration base for industry-academia collaboration in the GBA via the Zhuhai UM Science & Technology Research Institute (ZUMRI) in March of the same year. ZUMRI has five R&D centres in the areas of advanced materials, smart city, microelectronics, translational medicine and Chinese medicine. It also includes a humanities and social sciences research centre and an executive training centre. Over the past three years, the institute has collaborated with dozens of enterprises in Macao and mainland China and has received research funding from national, provincial, and municipal institutions, including funds from the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the National Key R&D Programme. Since 2020, ZUMRI has been named a postdoctoral research station, a new R&D institute in Zhuhai, and a new R&D institute in Guangdong. UM has set up branches of its three state key laboratories within the institute to promote the commercialisation of the university’s achievements in Chinese medicine, microelectronics, and the internet of things for smart cities. In addition, UM actively supports students and faculty in setting up technology enterprises in Hengqin, transferring the university’s patents to enterprises through UMTec Limited, and establishing joint laboratories with enterprises. According to Prof Song, the Master Plan of the Development of the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin released in September 2021 proposes to vigorously develop industries focused on integrated circuits, electronic components, new materials, new energy, big 澳大開辦新課程為澳門和橫琴新產業培養緊缺人才 UM offers new programmes to nurture talent for new industries in Macao and Hengqin

澳大新語 • 2022 UMAGAZINE 25 11 封面專題 • COVER STORY data, artificial intelligence, internet of things, and biomedical sciences, all of which are areas where UM has already made achievements and nurtured a considerable number of professionals. ‘Taking advantage of the research strengths of the university’s three state key labs and institutes in key disciplines, we are actively collaborating with enterprises and government departments in Macao and other parts of the GBA,’ says Prof Song. ‘We have created an ecosystem that is capable of developing original technology, achieving technological breakthroughs, and integrating new research results into industries in the region.’ Paving the Way for the Commercialisation of Research Results In line with the major plans of the central government and the Macao SAR government on industry-academia collaboration, UM has proposed in its Five-Year Development Plan (Academic Years 2021/2022-2025/2026) to develop a ‘5-in-1’ system for research results transfer. UM will expand its three state key labs and build five high-level platforms for industry-academia collaboration, incorporating innovation, service, management, cultivation, and implementation respectively, to promote technological innovation and transfer of research results. According to Prof Song, the five platforms are interlinked and will form a synergy to enhance the depth and breadth of industry-academia collaboration at UM. In terms of the transfer of research results, the university has taken a series of measures, including establishing the Frontier Science Center for Precision Oncology as approved by the Ministry of Education, a demonstration base for industry-academia collaboration in Hengqin, an R&D centre for Chinese medicine, and the Macau Institute for Translational Medicine and Innovation. UM also launched a series of collaborative projects in five joint labs with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, participated in and undertook key R&D projects at the local, provincial, and national levels, and continues to invest in start-up companies established by UM faculty members or research teams. In addition, UM’s Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, which has received approval to serve as a national co-working space, has incubated more than 30 science and innovation enterprises jointly established by students and professors. It is actively encouraging more Macao youth to launch innovation and entrepreneurship activities in the GBA. Nurturing Talent for New Industries in Macao and Hengqin Across the GBA, especially in the western part of the region, UM has distinct advantages over its counterparts in terms of faculty, quality of teaching, and research capacity. In recent years, the university has launched new programmes in areas such as microelectronics, data science, and financial technology. It is preparing to offer a new undergraduate programme in pharmaceutical sciences and technology, as well as postgraduate programmes in various fields, such as global public health, internet of things, robotics and unmanned systems, coastal and environmental engineering, cognitive neurosciences, advanced materials, and fine arts, in order to develop a comprehensive array of talent to respond to the demand of new industries in Macao and Hengqin. With the tremendous support of the central government and the Macao SAR government, the university has rapidly developed in all aspects. According to Prof Song, as the only university on Hengqin Island, UM has the responsibility for nurturing professionals and producing results via industry-academia collaboration. ‘The university is not only a beneficiary of government policies, but also a contributor to social and economic development,’ says Prof Song. ‘Through research, UM aims to leverage the advantages of Macao and the university to respond to the needs of China and the city, respectively. By continuously expanding and deepening our collaboration with stakeholders in mainland China, we can give full play to the strengths of Macao and the mainland to achieve collaborative innovation and development, and to integrate Macao into the overall development of innovation and technology in the country. At a time when Macao’s economic structure is in dire need of transformation, UM will continue to complement the policies of the central government and the SAR government to accelerate technology transfer in order to serve the needs of the country and Macao,’ he adds.

COVER STORY • 封面專題 2022 UMAGAZINE 25 • 澳大新語 12 文 / 葉浩男、校園記者林程峰‧圖 / 編輯部 Chinese & English / Davis Ip, UM Reporter Victor Lam ‧ Photo / Editorial Board Accelerating Research Results Transfer through Various Platforms for Industry-Academia Collaboration 產學研平台促進成果轉化 為推動澳門產業多元化發展,澳門大學積極部署新的 研究戰略,同時建立並完善「五位一體」研究創新 及轉化體系,從創新、服務、管理、培育和實踐等維 度構建高水平產學研平台,提升科研成果質量和影響 力,系統推動科技創新和成果轉化。 研究戰略佈局 澳大副校長(研究)葛偉教授表示,澳門特區政府注 重產學研發展,社會也期盼澳門產學研發展有更大進 展,因此澳大作出新的研究部署,尤其是推動研究創 新及成果轉化。 推動產學研發展,首重研究創新。澳大的「3+3+3+3」 研究戰略佈局包括中醫藥、微電子和智慧城市物聯網三 個國家重點實驗室。該佈局也包括三個重點發展方向, 分別是癌症醫學(主要由健康科學學院負責)、先進材 料(主要由應用物理及材料工程研究院負責)和區域海 洋(主要由區域海洋研究中心負責)。 在該佈局下,大學充分利用協同創新研究院的跨學科 平台,支持三個跨學科領域發展。該院設三個研究中 心,分別是認知與腦科學研究中心、人工智能與機器 人研究中心、數據科學研究中心。三者均跨越人文社 科和科技兩大領域,備有先進儀器和設備,很多使用 者是人文社科教授。 此外,澳大人文社科領域的研究力量也十分強大,在 有關領域有三個校級研究平台,包括近年成立的人文 澳大為促進產學研發展提供各種支援。圖為澳大科研基地。 UM takes various steps to support industry-academia collaboration. This picture shows the scientific research base at UM.

澳大新語 • 2022 UMAGAZINE 25 13 封面專題 • COVER STORY 的產品或技術,可以直接和企業對接。 澳大師生有很多研究項目,基本上處於初期階段, 但繼續研究下去可能會有商業價值。在這種情況 下,澳大會推薦一些項目到珠海澳大科技研究院(以 下簡稱珠研院)進一步發展。珠研院地處橫琴,可取 得不少內地資源,也能支持團隊參與內地較完整的 產業鏈。珠研院也因此構成了澳大產學研的實踐平 台。珠研院正推進及已完成的項目有160多個,包括 110多個國家級、省級和市級項目,以及50多個與企 業的合作項目。 葛教授說:「創新、服務、管理、培育和實踐平 台,加起來就是澳大較完整的產學研生態體系。 有時研究人員會說,我研究到這個階段,下一步 可以怎樣?我們有了這個體系,就能清楚下一步 該如何走。」 與50多間企業合作 澳大研究成果轉化集中在材料、生物醫學(包括中 醫藥)、微電子、智慧城市物聯網、人工智能,大數 據和人文學科(如語言翻譯系統)等領域。澳大目前 與50多間企業合作,除了內地公司,也非常積極與本 地公司合作,包括澳門電力股份有限公司、澳門電訊 有限公司和南光集團。2021年,澳大還與澳門博維資 社科高等研究院,以及亞太經濟與管理研究所和澳門 研究中心。上述所有元素共同構成大學的研究創新體 系,也是「五位一體」產學研體系中最重要的一環。 轉化體系引發協同效應 「五位一體」科研成果轉化體系是《澳門大學五年 發展規劃(2021/2022 - 2025/2026學年)》的重要 部分,重心是建立和完善創新、服務、管理、培育 及實踐共五類平台。葛教授說:「五類平台均有重 要角色,但此體系最大特點在於平台互通。當不同 平台整合為一體,就能產生協同效應。」 「五位一體」成果轉化體系第二類平台是服務平 台,主要由澳大研究服務及知識轉移辦公室向大學 師生提供研究服務,以及負責知識產權的管理、申 請和轉化。葛教授指出,知識產權、專利和成果出 現後便需要管理平台,即「五位一體」成果轉化體 系第三類平台。這一環主要由澳大全資擁有的澳大 創科有限公司負責。澳大創科主要任務是管理、推 廣和應用知識產權,包括澳大在海外和內地持有的 100多個專利及其商業轉化。葛教授說:「如有公司 對某項技術感興趣,他們不會和大學談判,而是找 澳大創科。澳大創科在我們整個產學研發展體系扮 演核心角色,因為知識產權轉化的最後階段均通過 澳大創科完成。」 創新創業孵化平台 考慮到大部分教授和學生商業經驗不足,大學的 「五位一體」成果轉化體系專門設有孵化平台,作 為其第四類平台。澳大在協同創新研究院之下成立 創新創業中心,為有意創業的師生提供各種支持、 培訓和服務。在2019年澳門回歸20週年之際,該中 心獲國家科學技術部批准成為國家級眾創空間。 自成立以來,創新創業中心已孵化30多個師生創業 團隊。這些團隊離開中心時會正式註冊公司,繼續 發展,為澳門產業多元化作貢獻。葛教授指出: 「澳大創科目前持有多間經大學孵化的初創公司的 股份,在促進知識產權轉化方面發揮了重要作用。」 產學研實踐平台 「五位一體」成果轉化體系最後一環是實踐平台。 很多團隊在創新創業中心接受培育後會通過澳大創 科聯繫企業。有一些團隊則已有較成熟和接近市場 澳大副校長(研究)葛偉教授 UM Vice Rector (Research) Ge Wei

COVER STORY • 封面專題 2022 UMAGAZINE 25 • 澳大新語 14 面,澳大技術已經深植於很多公司的產品。」 研究成果在轉化過程中,除了大學,還需要政府和 企業的充分參與。葛教授說:「企業會給我們帶來 很多研究的啟發,他們的意見更可以幫助師生設計 的產品或開發的技術進一步接近市場所需。」 灣區機遇助科研成果轉化 在研究創新及轉化體系下,澳大各領域的研究人員 和單位齊心協力,長遠必將提升大學的科研創新能 力和產學研合作成效。葛教授指出:「澳大將會更 充分地結合國家和內地省市的科研資源,與更多海 內外一流大學及優秀企業開展高水平科研創新和產 學研合作。」 大灣區正積極構建國際科技創新中心,無疑為大學 和研究人員創造更廣闊的空間,將研究成果付諸實 現。在此背景下,澳大的研究創新及轉化體系不單 體現了其在推動科研成果轉化的願景和具體行動, 更展現大學以科研造福社會的決心。 訊系統有限公司簽署戰略合作框架協議,建設聯合實 驗室,目前也積極推動與源自澳門的芯片領域獨角獸 企業芯耀輝科技共建聯合實驗室。葛教授說:「澳 大在澳門與公共和私營企業都有相當多合作,在澳 門科技和產業的創新作用毋庸置疑。」 天時地利人和 澳大是澳門一所綜合性公立大學,在協助政府促進 科技商業化方面責無旁貸。當下,澳大推動科技創 新和成果轉化可謂是天時地利人和俱備。葛教授 說:「天時,就是粵港澳大灣區協同發展,為澳大 創造千載難逢的機會。橫琴粵澳深度合作區在2021 年成立,也為澳大帶來新動能。地利,則是澳門是 灣區核心城市,澳大又坐落於橫琴。人和,是澳門 特區政府重視產學研發展,社會各界都清楚經濟多元 化是澳門的必然方向,全力以赴推動產學研發展。」 經過41年發展,澳大研究成果豐碩。大學在此環 境下加快產學研發展,積極利用過去打下的基礎, 前景廣闊無比。葛教授說:「澳大一些中藥產品已 非常接近市場。在先進材料、中醫藥、微電子等方 澳大工程研究及檢測中心有限公司為社會提供專業服務 UMCERT Engineering Research and Testing Limited provide professional services for society The University of Macau (UM) has developed a new and ambitious research strategy. UM has also been building and improving a new ‘5-in-1’ system for research innovation and results transfer. The new system, which aims to support the economic diversification of Macao, includes high-level platforms for various stages of industry-academia collaboration, including innovation, service, management, cultivation, and implementation. It will enable the university to enhance the quality and impact of its research results, to further promote research and innovation, and to support the systematic transfer of research results. Strategic Research Layout According to Prof Ge Wei, UM vice rector for research, the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) government attaches great importance to industry-academia collaboration and many people in the community expect further progress in this realm. As a response, UM has identified several areas to give priority to research, innovation, and the transfer of research results. Research and innovation are among the most important aspects of industry-academia collaboration. To this end, UM has developed a ‘3+3+3+3’ strategic research layout. The first ‘3’ refers to the three state key laboratories for Chinese medical sciences, microelectronics, and the internet of things for smart cities, respectively. The second ‘3’ refers to three emerging research

澳大新語 • 2022 UMAGAZINE 25 15 封面專題 • COVER STORY and results transfer is an important part of the university’s Five-Year Development Plan (Academic Year 2021/2022-2025/2026). This system aims to build and enhance platforms for the five phases of industry-academia collaboration, namely innovation, service, management, cultivation, and implementation. ‘While each of the five categories of platforms has an individual role to play, the system allows them to interact with each other,’ says Prof Ge. ‘When different platforms are integrated into one, synergies can be created.’ Service platforms constitute the second type of platform in the ‘5-in-1’ system. Most are operated by the Research Services and Knowledge Transfer Office. The office provides research services to staff and students, and handles the management and transfer of intellectual property rights (IPRs) of UM, as well as their applications. According to Prof Ge, the available IPRs, patents, and research results call for management platforms, which are the third type of platform in the ‘5-in-1’ system. UMTec Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of UM, is primarily responsible for managing these IPRs. The university entrusts UMTec Limited to manage, promote and apply all its IPRs, including more than 100 patents filed in mainland China and overseas, and their commercialisation. ‘If a company wants to use a technology from UM, it can turn to UMTec rather than the university,’ says Prof Ge. ‘UMTec plays a central role in our industry-academia areas, namely precision medicine (mainly through the Faculty of Health Sciences), advanced materials (mainly through the Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering), and regional oceanology (mainly through the Centre for Regional Oceans). The third ‘3’ refers to the three interdisciplinary research areas supported by three centres under the Institute of Collaborative Innovation (ICI), namely the Centre for Cognitive and Brain Sciences, the Centre for Data Science, and the Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. The three centres all span the fields of humanities and social sciences as well as science and technology, and are all equipped with advanced facilities and equipment, with many of the users being professors of humanities and social sciences. The fourth ‘3’ refers to the three university-level research platforms of UM in the humanities and social sciences, areas where the university has a strong research culture. They include the recently-established Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, the Asia-Pacific Academy of Economics and Management, and the Centre for Macau Studies. All of the elements above combine to form a mechanism for research and innovation at UM, which is also the first and most important type of platform in the ‘5-in-1’ system. A Transfer System that Creates Synergy The ‘5-in-1’ system for research innovation 澳大研究創新及轉化體系 The system for research innovation and results transfer at UM

COVER STORY • 封面專題 2022 UMAGAZINE 25 • 澳大新語 16 collaboration system. The company takes care of the final phase of transferring our IPRs.’ Cultivation Platform for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Most professors and students lack commercial experience. That is why UM has included cultivation platforms in the ‘5-in-1’ system as the fourth type of platform. The Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE) under the ICI provides various types of support, training, and services to students and professors who want to start a business. In 2019, which marked the 20th anniversary of the handover of Macao, the CIE received approval from the Ministry of Science and Technology to join China’s national system of co-working spaces. Around 30 business teams, founded by UM students and faculty members, have been incubated in the CIE. When incubation is completed, the teams continue to exist as registered companies to contribute to the industrial diversification of Macao. ‘With shares in many start-up companies incubated at UM, UMTec is playing an important role in the transfer of the university’s IPRs,’ says Prof Ge. Implementation Platform for Industry-Academia Collaboration The fifth and last type of platform under the ‘5-in-1’ system is the implementation platform. Many teams incubated at the CIE have been connected by UMTec to companies for cooperation. Meanwhile, teams with products or technologies that are more mature and closer to market needs can approach potential partners directly. Many products developed by UM research teams are still in their initial stages, but they show great promise for applications. In this context, the university would recommend they seek further development at the Zhuhai UM Science & Technology Research Institute (ZUMRI). As the university’s demonstration base for industry-academia collaboration in Hengqin, the institute has access to rich research resources in mainland China. In essence, ZUMRI is serving as UM’s implementation platform for industry-academia collaboration.As of today, the institute has about 160 ongoing or completed projects. They include over 110 projects funded by national, provincial, and municipal agencies and over 50 collaborative projects with enterprises. ‘The innovation, service, management, cultivation, and implementation platforms together form a fairly complete ecosystem for industry-academia collaboration. Sometimes researchers wonder what the next step will be for their research projects. With this system in place, we can show them exactly what the next step is.’ says Prof Ge. Partnerships with Over 50 Companies UM has transferred its research results in several key areas, including materials, biomedical sciences (including traditional Chinese medicine), the Internet of Things for smart city development, artificial intelligence, big data, and humanities (such as translation systems). UM actively collaborates with over 50 commercial partners, which are based in the mainland and Macao. The university’s local partners include Macao’s electricity company CEM, telecommunications provider CTM, and Nam Kwong (Group) Company Limited. In addition, UM signed a strategic collaboration framework agreement with Boardware Information System Limited in 2021 on the establishment of a joint laboratory. The university is also actively planning a joint laboratory with Akrostar Technology, a Macao-based chip unicorn company. ‘UM has extensive collaborations with public and private enterprises across Macao. One can easily see the university’s role in promoting technological and industrial innovation in this city.’ Right People, Right Time, and Right Place UM has a vital role to play in helping the government promote technological innovation and transfer research results. According to Prof Ge, UM has encountered the right people in the right place at the right time, which will help the university fulfil its responsibility as a comprehensive public university. ‘The timing is right as UM is able to grasp the unprecedented opportunities brought about by the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) for collaborative development. The Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin established in 2021 has also given the university new impetus. We are in the right place because Macao is a core city of the GBA, and our university is located on Hengqin island,’ says Prof Ge. ‘The Macao SAR government attaches great importance to industry-academia collaboration. It has become clear to people from all sectors that economic diversification is essential for Macao’s future development. Industry-academia collaboration

澳大新語 • 2022 UMAGAZINE 25 17 封面專題 • COVER STORY 掃二維碼 觀看訪談片段 Scan the QR code to watch the interview has therefore become a shared goal for all members of the community,’ says Prof Ge. 41 years after its founding, UM has become a university with many outstanding results. Now is the time that the university should accelerate industry-academia collaboration and take stock of past achievements to advance development. ‘Some of our university’s products in traditional Chinese medicine are about to be launched,’ says Prof Ge. ‘Many companies in the fields such as materials, traditional Chinese medicine, and microelectronics have already integrated technologies from UM into their products.’ In the process of research results transfer, the government and enterprises need to be fully involved, apart from initiatives from universities. Prof Ge says: ‘Companies give us a lot of ideas for research, and their input can help students and professors produce products or technologies that are closer to the needs of the market.’ Taking Advantage of GBA Opportunities to Transfer Research Results The new system for research innovation and results transfer will bring UM researchers and units in all areas to work together. In the long run, the collaborative effort will improve the university’s research and innovation capacity and make industry-academia collaboration more effective. ‘The university will make better use of research resources provided by the central government as well as different provinces and cities. We will also launch more projects in research innovation and industry-academia collaboration with top universities and enterprises at home and abroad,’ says Prof Ge. At the moment, the GBA is transforming itself into an international centre for innovation and technology, which will open up more opportunities for universities and researchers to transfer their research results. Against this backdrop, the new system for research innovation and result transfer at UM demonstrates not only the university’s vision and concrete actions to promote technology transfer, but also its determination to change society for the better through research. 澳大一些中藥研究成品已非常接近市場 UM will soon launch some traditional Chinese medicine-based products

COVER STORY • 封面專題 2022 UMAGAZINE 25 • 澳大新語 18 文 / 余偉業‧圖 / 何杰平、部分由受訪者提供‧英文翻譯 / 蘇恩霆 Chinese / Kelvin U ‧ Photo / Jack Ho, with some provided by the interviewees ‧ English Translation / Anthony Sou 高新技術產品投入市場應用 Placing Products of High Technology on the Market 水廠二沉池剩餘的污泥為原料,提取和純化出工業級 硫酸多糖,分離出工業級海藻酸鈉、卡拉膠、海藻酸 鉀等產品,已獲兩項中國發明專利,正透過澳大的研 究服務及知識轉移辦公室與多家環境工程及創業投資 公司商討合作。 該系統技術成熟度達TRL6級別,從污泥提取的硫酸多 糖經協力廠商檢測,品質滿足國家工業級硫酸多糖品質 標準,純度與市售海藻產品相同。全球對工業級硫酸多 糖的需求快速增長,其市場在2021年達154.3億美元。 但傳統醫學級硫酸多糖生產複雜費時,全球嚴重供不應 澳門大學積累多年科研成果,厚積薄發,例如在環境 工程、中醫藥、先進材料、芯片、智慧城市物聯網等 領域有多項具市場前景的創新技術,配合天時地利人 和,正逐步透過澳大的研究創新及轉化體系,轉化成 高新技術產品投入市場,從實驗室走進生產線,實現 大學以研究造福社會的使命。 提取污泥變高價值商品 澳大團隊開發的市政污泥中高附加值資源回收系統在 澳門科學技術發展基金主辦、國家科學技術部支持的 「2021年科技周暨創科成果展」首次亮相。系統以污 澳大的芯片技術於橫琴•澳門青年創業谷進行成果轉化 Chip technologies developed at UM are being commercialised in the Hengqin-Macao Youth Entrepreneurship Valley

澳大新語 • 2022 UMAGAZINE 25 19 封面專題 • COVER STORY 澳大創新創業中心,並獲得澳大創科有限公司的首批 種子輪投資。 從實驗室樣品到商品,工藝和品質控制至為關鍵。該 研究項目負責人、國家自然科學基金委員會優秀青年 科學基金獲得者、國家中醫藥管理局「青年岐黃學 者」、澳大中華醫藥研究院副教授王春明闡述三個產 品的意義:「現時可用於糖尿病足的藥物不多,我們 這款敷料的原料是從杜仲提取的天然成分,在小鼠實 驗模型中能減輕患處供血困難的情況,如能用於人 體,或可大大降低糖尿病患者的截肢風險。此外,很 多人衰老時會有骨質疏鬆這個健康難題,目前有鈦釘 等人工替代物替代骨質。我們研發的葡甘聚糖種植體 塗層可促進鈦釘和骨頭整合,可望讓人們恢復缺損前 的生活品質。最近,我們還因應抗疫所需設計了一款 不含酒精、抑菌而又呵護肌膚的免洗凝膠,獲第三方 研究所證明99%抑菌,而且用後皮膚不會乾燥。」 王教授團隊的這一系列研究項目獲澳門科技發展基 金大力支持,是粵澳兩地中醫藥產業發展多年的一 個代表性成果,也體現了澳門拓展以中醫藥研發製 造為切入點的大健康產業。他們正把握橫琴粵澳深 度合作區建設世界一流中醫藥生產基地和創新高地 的機遇,依托珠海澳大科技研究院(以下簡稱珠研 院)的產學研平台,並且借助澳門轉化醫學創新研 究院整合資源,在糖尿病足傷口敷料、葡甘聚糖種 植體塗層等項目進一步轉化成果。他們更與醫院合 作開展臨床研究,期望技術早日落地,惠及大眾。 他表示,團隊已就這三類研究項目採購了工業化設 備,正準備建廠投產。「我們有信心,產品在市場 推出後將有助減輕人口老化衍生的健康問題。」 求。該研究項目負責人、區域海洋研究中心和土木及環 境工程系助理教授郝天偉說:「我們的系統可廣泛用 於城市污水處理廠。若每日處理100噸污泥,每年就可 生產1,300噸硫酸多糖。以工業級硫酸多糖目前的市價 60%來定價,估計每年收益可逾人民幣1,040萬元。」 研究團隊依托澳大區域海洋研究中心,不斷改良污泥 提取硫酸多糖的工藝條件,以開發達醫學級別的提煉 技術。郝天偉教授指出,自1987年科學家發現硫酸多 糖可抑制愛滋病病毒之後,人們陸續發掘更多硫酸多 糖的潛藏功能,如治療血栓、免疫性炎症和腫瘤。「 我們證實了從污泥提取的硫酸多糖均具有抗腫瘤和抗 凝血的活性功能。」 「城市每日處理生活污水和工業廢水時產生數以噸計 污泥,與其焚燒它們,何不加以利用,把廢物變成高 價值的產品?」郝天偉教授表示:「由於人們的刻板 印象,污泥副產品仍待大眾接納,目前只有印度容許 以從污泥提取的硫酸多糖作醫藥用途。有關研究仍需 多作推廣,才能逆轉傳統思維。」 中醫藥創新產品 澳大研發基於中藥多糖的產品包括糖尿病足傷口敷 料、促進骨組織再生的葡甘聚糖種植體塗層,以及不 含酒精成份、抑菌的免洗護膚凝膠,正透過在澳大孵 化、由澳大創科有限公司持股的金創克有限公司轉化 研究成果,有的項目計劃臨床試驗,有的逐漸投入市 場。研發團隊利用中藥質量研究國家重點實驗室(澳 門大學)的研究平台,經過近10年艱苦研發後取得階 段性成果,2017年註冊成立上述初創公司,同年入駐 郝天偉教授 Prof Hao Tianwei 市政污泥資源回收系統 A system to recover resources from sewage sludge produced by municipal sewage treatment plants

COVER STORY • 封面專題 2022 UMAGAZINE 25 • 澳大新語 20 孫教授說:「我們將按從中建(澳門)工程所得的數 據,經珠研院的科研平台持續改良現澆工藝,並擴展 下游應用的研究層面,從而推動技術成果的商業化乃 至中國綠色建材行業的發展。」 在橫琴創業谷轉化芯片研究成果 澳大的芯片研究依托模擬與混合信號超大規模集成電路 國家重點實驗室(澳門大學)頂尖的科研實力,不斷推 進前沿研究,並透過澳大研究創新及轉化體系的強大後 盾把芯片成果商業化,建設「澳門芯」科技品牌。 其中,VHunter核酸檢測儀是基於澳大先進的數字 微流控芯片技術而開發,是有關師生多年共同努力 的結晶。研究團隊把他們最初在實驗室的成果,發 展成澳大創科有限公司的孵化項目。他們在2018年 成立迪奇孚瑞生物科技有限公司,並獲澳大創科有 限公司首批種子輪投資,其後在珠研院支持下到橫 琴•澳門青年創業谷進一步把成果商品化,已在內 地市場推出。 該研究項目負責人、模擬與混合信號超大規模集成電 路國家重點實驗室(澳門大學)代主任、微電子研究 院副院長麥沛然教授說:「澳大對VHunter項目市場化 給予巨大支援,支持畢業生創業,把芯片技術專利授 權給初創公司並入股其中,這是澳大首次入股畢業生 團隊創立的公司。迪奇生物計劃發揮澳門及合作夥伴 的優勢,將VHunter推至東南亞市場。」 VHunter可廣泛應用於傳染病防治領域,能簡單、快 速、精準地檢測呼吸道病原體(如新型冠狀病毒、 綠色建材工藝落地珠海 澳大的納米泡沫混凝土現澆回填配方工藝技術於2021 年9月在河南完成試點工程,取得良好數據。這些技術 在2022年3月於中國建築工程(澳門)有限公司在珠 海高新技術產業開發區的工程項目應用,用來對主體 工程地下結構四周與基坑混凝土灌注樁圍護之間的肥 槽回填。該項目使用了5,000立方米泡沫混凝土。與市 面工藝技術相比,澳大的納米泡沫混凝土現澆方案能 節省約30%水泥,大幅降低原料成本和碳排放。 此高新技術正透過珠研院支持下成立的師生企業中山 宜發建材科技有限公司投入市場。澳大另一項綠色建材 「納米泡沫混凝土牆板」則已在江蘇南通、山西太原等 地建立生產線。該研究項目負責人、應用物理及材料工 程研究院副教授孫國星表示,納米泡沫混凝土的相關產 品技術經已成熟,正進入市場開拓階段。「材料創新是 產業發展創新的基礎,尤其是建築行業。在探索產業化 時,我們發現材料創新與工藝創新一起,才能推動新材 料量產和產業更新換代。」 《中國建築能耗研究報告(2020)》顯示,2018年中 國的能源消耗有46.5%來自建築過程,其中水泥生產 是碳排放的主要來源。孫國星教授團隊研發的納米泡 沫混凝土是新型、輕質、高強的建築材料,不僅能大 大減低水泥用量,更能提高建築物的恆溫能力,減低 建築物在採暖製冷時因耗用能源而產生的碳排放。他 說:「這種納米泡沫混凝土亦適用於屋面保溫、樓層 墊高、空中泳池等空中建物、交通軌道,以及大型礦 坑填充等泡沫混凝土現澆工程,可少用30%水泥,大 幅降低原料成本,同時提升25%恆溫隔熱能力。」 納米泡沫混凝土技術應用於珠海高新技術產業開發區的實際工程 UM’s construction technique using nano-foam concrete is applied in the Zhuhai National Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone 孫國星教授 Prof Sun Guoxing