
澳大新語 • 2021 UMAGAZINE 24 9 封面專題 • COVER STORY a) Pre-trained model … pool classifier f (N ) f (1) … pool xN xN−1 x1 b)Train additional logits f (N ) f (1) … pool classifier x xN xN−1 … pool L(·,y) L1 pool L(·,y) LN−1 ( ( f (N ) f (1) x−xˆ arg max yˆ = arg maxy c) Generate adversarial examples with additional logits classifier … pool pool + L(·,y) Ladv − … ( o if p p λ1 x y d)Attack pre-trained model with adversarial examples … pool classifier yˆ xˆ f (1) f (N ) x1 g(1) g(N−1) g(1) g(N−1) xˆ AFDS算法有助提升機器學習模型的運算速度 The AFDS algorithm accelerates the training of machine learning models 帶來額外挑戰,所以他的團隊亦在研究應對澳門複 雜路況的技術。 那麼,到底我們何時才能在日常生活用自動車出行? 須教授說,要真正廣泛使用自動車,我們還要克服不少 技術難題,也需要有新的道路、網絡基建和法律法規配 合,有賴社會各界共同努力。「我們會不斷開發新的自 動駕駛技術。通過在澳大啟用自動巴士,我們也希望提 升公眾對自動車的認識,為在澳門實現自動駕駛創造 有利條件。」 在國際計算機視覺與模式識別會議上發表,該會議的 論文錄取率僅為4.59%。他們也用這項算法參加了美 國伊利諾大學、清華大學和阿里安全合辦的「CVPR安 全AI挑戰者賽」算法比賽,與全球1680支隊伍切磋,勇 奪亞軍,成為唯一來自澳門的獲獎隊伍。 走向自動駕駛的未來 研究團隊亦在深入研究人機交互技術,重點包括自 然語言處理,目標是讓自動車正確回應語音指令。須 教授也說,澳門路面較窄、電單車特別多,對自動車 須成忠教授 Prof Xu Chengzhong Once only visible in science fiction films, self‑driving cars roaming streets in futuristic cities may enter your car park sooner than you think. To advance the technology behind such cars, the University of Macau (UM) and its partners from Macao and mainland China are conducting a major research project. Together, they have launched Macao’s first‑ever self‑driving bus as a testing vehicle at the university. Tests Underway on an Unmanned Bus The self‑driving bus hit the road in October 2020. It has eight seats, allows six standees, and can travel up to 40 km per hour. Its launch is part of the 'Key Technologies and Platforms for Collaborative Intelligence‐driven Autonomous Vehicles’ project, which has been supported by the Macao Science and Technology Development Fund since 2019. The researchers come from the State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City (University of Macau), the Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology (SIAT) under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the National University of Defense Technology, Baidu, and Shenzhen Haylion Technologies. Macao’s telecommunications service provider CTM provides mobile network technology to support the project. The research team is headed by Prof Xu Chengzhong, dean of UM’s Faculty of Science and Technology and chair professor of computer and information science. Prof Xu has studied self‑driving technology for over a decade. He worked with American automakers such as General Motors on the development of intelligent vehicles when he was a professor in Detroit. He has continued to explore the field since returning to China in 2011, and kick‑started this self‑driving car project in Macao after he joined UM in 2019.