
澳大新語 • 2021 UMAGAZINE 24 43 人物專訪 • EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW established its Public Administration Training Centre in September 2020, with Prof Hu appointed as the chair of the centre’s executive committee, and Prof Shui Bing of the Faculty of Law as its director. ‘As the only local comprehensive public university, UM has the responsibility, and is perfectly positioned, to nurture forward-looking civil servants who can think outside the box,’ says Prof Hu. Before joining UM in mid-2019, Prof Hu was the head of the Department of Politics and Public Administration at the University of Hong Kong (HKU), where he taught for nearly 22 years. In Hong Kong, Prof Hu also provided skills training courses to civil servants at the invitation of the Civil Service Bureau of the Hong Kong SAR government. He says that in both Hong Kong and Macao, civil servant training and skills development in government is too fragmented to support meaningful changes. The two cities also lack a comprehensive civil service training college comparable to those in mainland China, Singapore, the United Kingdom, and other countries and regions. Therefore, the Public Administration Training Centre at UM takes a more structured and systematic approach to providing professional and leadership skills training for civil servants in Macao. Since September 2020, Prof Hu and his colleagues have conducted three editions of a three-month course for civil servants, who took paid time off to live and study on the UM campus. Each cohort included approximately 30 students from different To support the Macao SAR government’s administration reforms, the University of Macau (UM) is nurturing the next generation of public administration professionals with the right skills and mindsets to provide better public services in the big data era. To meet this end, Prof Richard Hu, dean of the UM Faculty of Social Sciences and Distinguished Professor of Politics and Public Policy of the University of Macau Development Foundation, has been working over the past two years with academics across UM to launch new programmes and projects. Leadership and Skill Training for Civil Servants UM has over three decades of excellence in providing professional education in public administration, starting in 1989 with its first undergraduate programme in the field. The initial focus was to support the localisation of the civil service during the period of transition leading up to Macao’s handover. Over the years, the university has continued to launch public administration programmes at different levels. Today, Macao needs to capitalise on the opportunities brought about by the development of the GuangdongHong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA), and to use advanced technologies to provide better public services, making greater demands on public administration. After assuming office in December 2019, Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng made civil service reform a top priority. To support his agenda, UM 迅速的中國標籤為「修正主義國家」。這本新書提供 大量證據駁斥此說。這本書通過比較中美兩國對國 際關係基本原則和制度的遵守,兩國對國際條約和 國際組織的參與程度,兩國與其他國家交往模式以 及他們在聯合國機構的投票行為,指出新興大國並 非必然是「修正主義國家」,而美國作為一個守成大 國,卻在不斷破壞二戰後建立的國際秩序。 胡教授說:「一個國家是否修正主義國家,取決於它 在現有國際秩序的持份(stake)程度和在這種秩序 下它的利益所在。很多證據顯示,中國堅定支持以聯 合國體系為核心的國際秩序,過去數十年中國在這 個國際秩序下取得巨大發展和經濟利益,近年也愈 來愈積極參與全球治理體系,可見中國並非一個傳 統國際關係理論所講的『修正主義國家』。」 在社會科學學院,胡教授身兼學院轄下的粵港澳大 灣區研究中心主任。中心的研究方向包括將國際關 係研究與大灣區發展連結起來,例如從歐盟國家的 實踐汲取有助大灣區協同發展的經驗。胡教授解釋, 在「一國兩制」原則下,粵港澳三地的經濟和法律制 度不同,如要進一步推動區內貨物、資本和人員流 動,或可參考歐盟社會處理類似問題的解決方案: 「這些不僅是國際關係學者的研究方向,也是值得 大灣區各地政府和智庫思考借鑒的課題。」