
澳大新語 • 2021 UMAGAZINE 24 39 專題探討 • TOPIC INSIGHT 掃二維碼 觀看訪談片段 Scan the QR codes to watch the interviews Prof Gao adds that the drainage system in the Macao Peninsula is relatively old and sometimes becomes clogged, so they are also looking into improving the efficiency of the drainage system. ‘Based on the findings of our study, we will recommend the construction of additional pumping stations or more efficient rising mains and underground storage tanks for faster drainage of storm water,’ says Prof Gao. ‘We will also draw on the experience of other cities in storm water management and propose a number of measures, such as upgrading the design standards for sea walls and breakwaters to minimise flood damage.’ While Prof Gao admits that building facilities is a key part of disaster prevention and control, she believes raising public awareness about disaster prevention is equally important. She says, ‘In recent years, there has been an increase in public awareness of the importance of disaster prevention in Macao, and the government has launched a colour-coded storm surge warning system, which uses red, yellow, and black to indicate different levels of storm surges. It has also publicised actions to be taken when each level of warning is in effect. We will also study the early warning systems and mechanisms of our neighbouring regions so that we could propose suggestions to the government.’ it is important to predict natural disasters and their drivers more effectively, and to develop prevention and control measures. Assistant Professor Gao Liang of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering has studied this issue for many years. She says that she and other researchers have developed numerical models to simulate the processes of these disasters, as Macao has been increasingly affected by extreme weather in recent years, with a significant increase in the number of storm surges and flood heights. ‘We have been able to simulate estuary-scale storm surges and astronomical tides, and we can calculate storm surge and tide level changes for each typhoon,’ she says. ‘The model can simultaneously calculate the hydrodynamic processes in the drainage systems and display them in 3D to anticipate possible disaster scenarios and take targeted measures.’ 高亮教授(中) Prof Gao Liang (middle) 為儘快提升研究水平和服務澳門發展所需,澳大不 斷拓展和海內外相關機構合作。已經簽訂科研協議 的合作方有青島海洋科學與技術試點國家實驗室、 葡萄牙阿爾加維大學、中山大學、海洋污染國家重點 實驗室(香港城市大學)、海岸和近海工程國家重點 實驗室、污染控制與資源化研究國家重點實驗室、南 方海洋科學與工程廣東省實驗室(珠海)、珠江水利 科學研究院、港珠澳大橋管理局、澳門自來水有限公 司和蘇伊士(亞洲)有限公司。澳大在2 0 2 0 年更與 中國首個專門從事海洋科學研究的國立機構——中 國科學院海洋研究所合作,成立海洋環境與工程聯 合實驗室。 To advance marine research and support the sustainable development of Macao, UM has signed scientific research agreements with institutions at home and abroad, including the Pilot National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology (Qingdao), the University of Algarve in Portugal, Sun Yat-sen University, the State Key Laboratory of Marine Pollution (City University of Hong Kong), the State Key Laboratory of Coastal and Offshore Engineering, the State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse, Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Zhuhai), Pearl River Water Resources Research Institute, Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Authority, Macao Water Supply Company Ltd, and SUEZ (Asia) Limited. In 2020, the university established a joint laboratory of marine environment and ocean engineering with the Institute of Oceanology under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the first national institution dedicated to marine science in China.