大事紀要• MILESTONES 澳大新語•2021 UMAGAZINE 23 82 2019 2020 2020 2020 2021 協同創新研究院轄下成立認知與腦科 學研究中心、人工智能與機器人研究 中心、數據科學研究中心及創新創業 中心。 The Centre for Cognitive and Brain Sciences, the Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, the Centre for Data Science, and the Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship were established under the Institute of Collaborative Innovation. 公共行政培訓中心啟用暨首屆公務人員領導力培訓 班開課典禮,助力澳門特區政府人才梯隊建設。 1月17日,澳大舉行40週年校慶啟動儀式。 UM held an opening ceremony for the Public Administration Training Centre and the inaugural leadership training course designed for local civil servants, to help build a talent pipeline for the Macao SAR government. On 17 January, UM held an opening ceremony for the celebration of its 40th anniversary. 創新創業中心獲批為「國家級眾創空間」。 UM’s Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship received approval to join China’s national system of co‑working space. 區域海洋研究中心揭牌。 The Centre for Regional Oceans was unveiled.