提供多元社會服務• PROVIDING VARIOUS SERVICES TO SOCIETY 澳大新語•2021 UMAGAZINE 23 49 Offering Leadership Training Course to Help Build the Government’s Talent Pipeline In 2020, UM established the Public Administration Training Centre under CCE. At the opening ceremony for the centre and the inaugural leadership training course designed for local civil servants, Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng expressed his high expectations for course participants as well as his hope that the training course would continue to be offered to help build the talent pipeline of the SAR government. Shui Bing, director of the Public Administration Training Centre and a professor in the Faculty of Law (FLL), says that the course provides off‑the‑job training for civil servants: ‘This course differs from the previous fragmented training for public workers and focuses on inter‑departmental 班」採用脫產培訓方式,「有別於以 往碎片化的公務員培訓形式,相關培 訓因應澳門目前改革及發展的方向, 側重跨部門合作及電子政務,希望培 養創新型的實務人才,為公共部門提 供改革的決策和方案。」 博彩研究助政府制訂相關政策 2003年成立的澳大博彩研究所 (ISCG)是澳門首個開展關 於博彩研究的學術機構,提 供政策建議、開辦專業培 訓課程,並與政府部門和 社會機構在澳門推廣「負 責任博彩」。ISCG所長、 工商管理學院教授馮家超 是澳大專注博彩研究的第一 人,他說:「回歸初期,沒 有人想過開展澳門的博彩研究, 由社會工作局、博彩監察協調局和澳大博彩研究所共同研發的負責任博彩資訊站 A Responsible Gambling Kiosk jointly developed by the Social Welfare Bureau, the Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau, and ISCG. 馮家超教授 Prof Davis Fong Ka Chio