
SET SAIL FOR NEW HORIZONS ON THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY• 揚帆追夢-澳門大學40週年 2021 UMAGAZINE 23•澳大新語 46 樣,學員多為利用業餘時間進修的在 職人士。1991年,東亞大學更名為澳 門大學。新的《大學章程》頒佈後, 澳大於1992年底成立校外課程及特別 計劃中心,旨在推廣延續教育。澳大 的成人教育更從1998年起迅速發展。 2006年,澳大將校外課程及特別計劃 中心更名為持續進修中心(CCE), 通過提供持續教育,開辦文化、職業 培訓和各類兼讀的非學位課程等,提 升就業人士的競爭力。CCE主任劉丁 己教授表示,該中心是澳大對外非學 位課程的主要窗口,為大眾提供優質 的培訓課程及教學服務支援。僅2018 至2020年間,就有超過6,000人次在 該中心修畢各類課程。 近年,因應澳門及粵港澳大灣區整 體的發展所需,CCE增設金融數據分 析、建築安全、大數據、機電工程、 工料測量、蒙特梭利幼兒教學、托兒 CMS carried out a lot of work in data forecasting, which resulted in the macroeconomic forecast for Macao. The centre also held seminars on major social issues, including the chief executive’s policy address and Macao’s urban development master plan. In addition, the centre participated in a collaborative project with 16 countries to study the responses of governments around the world to COVID‑19, as well as the feedback of the public. The data will serve as a basis for policymaking for the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) government. Offering Training to Boost the Competitiveness of Industry Practitioners The University of East Asia (UEA), the predecessor of UM, established the College of Extension Studies in 1981 to provide professional training courses in various subjects, including language, management, and computing, in order to meet market demands and the needs of society. Because of their flexibility and diversity, the courses attracted a lot of working people who used their spare time to enhance their skills. In 1991, UEA was renamed 持續進修中心舉行工料測量專業文憑課程畢業典禮。圖中前排右五為澳大持續進修中心主任劉丁己教授。 The graduation ceremony for the professional diploma course in quantity surveying offered by CCE. CCE Director Matthew Liu Ting Chi is in the front row, 5th from right in the photo.