
提供多元社會服務• PROVIDING VARIOUS SERVICES TO SOCIETY 澳大新語•2021 UMAGAZINE 23 45 研究澳門為政府出謀獻策 成立於1987年的澳大澳門研究中心 (CMS)一直以「立足澳門,研究社 會,為澳門發展服務」為宗旨。在澳 門1999年政權移交前的1980、90 年代,CMS擔當社會智庫的角色,與 社會領袖和行業精英為澳門回歸進程 中澳門面對的挑戰出謀劃策,成為過 渡期的重要學術力量。CMS至今已形 成一支以澳門問題研究為中心的多學 科、跨領域學術隊伍,探討重大課 題,開啟「澳門學」的新征程。 澳門回歸後,CMS繼續根據澳門經濟 和社會發展所需,開展各類研究項 目,包括構建「澳門經濟數據庫」、 編輯大型學術期刊《澳門研究》,以 及廣泛開展學術交流與合作。CMS主 任、傳播系副教授林玉鳳說:「澳門 社會不斷發展,CMS的研究議題也有 所轉變。」例如,CMS在2020年開展 了大量預測和研究,包括澳門最新宏 觀經濟預測、探討施政報告、澳門城 市總規劃系列座談會等。2020年新 冠肺炎爆發波及全 球,CMS參與了 一項橫跨16 個國家的合 作計劃,瞭 解各地政 府對新冠 肺炎的應對 和民眾的反 饋等,這些數 據可供澳門特區 政府參考。 持續培訓提升業界人士競爭力 在1981年創校之初,東亞大學已設 立校外進修學院(College of Extension Studies),根據市場和社會的需求開 設各種專業培訓,包括語言、管理和 計算機方面的課程等,形式靈活多 Devising Strategies for the Government via Macao Studies Founded in 1987, the Centre for Macau Studies (CMS) at UM is committed to serving Macao through study of the local community. In the 1980s and 1990s, before Macao’s handover to China, CMS worked as a social think tank with community leaders and professionals from all walks of life to devise strategies for the problems and challenges facing the city during the transitional period leading up to the handover, becoming one of the important academic forces at this important moment of history. Over the years, the centre has formed a multidisciplinary team to study key issues in Macao and carry out major projects to push the boundaries of Macaology. After the handover, CMS continued to respond to the needs of Macao’s economic and social development through research projects and academic activities. The centre has created the Macao Economic Database, published the Journal of Macau Studies, and launched various academic exchange and collaboration activities. ‘As Macao’s society has evolved, the studies conducted by CMS scholars have also changed,’ says Agnes Lam, director of CMS and an associate professor in the Department of Communication. For example, in 2020, 澳門研究中心舉辦系列座談會探討城市總體規劃 CMS holds a seminar to discuss Macao’s urban development master plan 林玉鳳教授 Prof Agnes Lam