
推動科技成果轉化• PROMOTING TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER 澳大新語•2021 UMAGAZINE 23 37 近年,澳大更聯合北京大學天然藥物及 仿生藥物國家重點實驗室和粵澳合作中 醫藥科技產業園,共同建立「中華醫藥 創新科技轉移平台」。在粵港澳大灣區 發展機遇下,澳大通過打造橫琴產學研 示範基地以及聯動粵澳合作中醫藥科技 產業園,推動中醫藥研發在橫琴的佈局 和發展,並努力與大灣區知名藥企推進 經典名方與配方顆粒的研發、註冊和產 業轉化,合力推動中醫藥標準化與國際化。 智慧城市物聯網科研成果 澳大在智慧城市物聯網方面的科研也日 趨成熟,2010年澳大教授和內地專家 組成團隊,開展「物聯網基礎理論及 設計方法研究」項目,獲國家重點基 礎研究發展計劃(973計劃)立項和資 助。2018年,澳大獲國家科學技術部 批准設立智慧城市物聯網國家重點實驗 室,由現任校長、國際知名電力系統專 家宋永華教授出任主任。 UM has won numerous local, national, and international awards for its achievements in Chinese medicine research. In 2016, a research project using DNA barcoding technology to identify the species of medicinal plants, conducted by UM, Peking Union Medical College, and several other institutions, received a second prize of the State Scientific and Technological Progress Award. In 2019, two inventions developed by a group of researchers from the SKL‑QRCM—one is a series of innovative Chinese herbal products and the other is a zebrafish screening system based on microfluidic technology— won gold awards at the 47th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva. The former project included six products in two forms: solid‑liquid capsule form and granule form. It was the first time that a modern Chinese herbal product from Macao won this award. In collaboration with Peking University’s State Key Laboratory of Natural and Biomimetic Drugs and the Traditional Chinese Medicine Science and Technology Industrial Park jointly established by Guangdong and Macao (the Industrial Park), UM has established a platform for the commercialisation of new technologies in Chinese medicine. Seizing the opportunities brought 澳門首台自動駕駛巴士在澳大校園啟用 Macao’s first autonomous bus becomes operational on the UM campus