
Publisher: University of Macau Chief Editor: Katrina Cheong Deputy Chief Editor: Ella Cheong Editors: Davis Ip, Debby Seng Translators: Ruby Chen, Anthony Sou Academic Advisors Timothy Simpson, Associate Professor, Department of Communication, Faculty of Social Sciences Tang Keng Pan, Professor Emeritus, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Faculty of Arts and Humanities Lampo Leong, Distinguished Professor and Director, Centre for Arts and Design, Faculty of Social Sciences Design: Communications Office, Shan Zhang, Si Li Address: Room G012, Administration Building, University of Macau, N6, Avenida da Universidade, Taipa, Macau, China Contact: Tel: (853) 8822 8833 Fax: (853) 8822 8822 Email: Printing: Hamah (Macau), Limitada ISSN: 2077‑2491 Published biannually since 2009, UMagazine aims to report great ideas and research breakthroughs from the University of Macau. It also showcases the latest developments and achievements of the university in teaching, research, and service. 出版: 澳門大學 總編輯: 張惠琴 副總編輯: 張愛華 編輯: 葉浩男、盛惠怡 翻譯: 陳靜、蘇恩霆 學術顧問 社會科學學院傳播系副教授Timothy Simpson 人文學院中國語言文學系榮休教授鄧景濱 社會科學學院藝術設計中心主任 / 特聘教授梁藍波 美術設計: 傳訊部、張珊、黎思 地址 中國澳門氹仔大學大馬路澳門大學N6行政樓G012室 聯絡 電話: (853) 8822 8833 傳真: (853) 8822 8822 電郵: 製版印刷: 澳門豪邁實業有限公司 國際刊號: 2077‑2491 《澳大新語》創於2009年,為澳門大學官方 刊物,每年出版兩期,旨在展示澳門大學的創見和 突破、報導教研和社會服務的最新 發展和成果。 2021年 | 總第23期 Facebook: University of Macau WeChat: UMacau1981 YouTube: University of Macau Instagram: universityofmacau UMagazine《澳大新語言》

2021年,是澳門大學成員翹首以盼的不 惑校慶之年。 澳大創校40年以來,在社會各界的鼎力 支持、師生職員的奮鬥下砥礪前行,銳 意進取,已發展成為一所中西多元融合 的國際化綜合性大學,為澳門高等教育 的發展貢獻重要的力量。 今天的澳大,秉承「仁、義、禮、知、 信」優良校訓傳統,致力孕育具有創新 思維、家國情懷、國際視野、全球競爭 力和世界擔當的優秀人才。40載化雨春 風,桃李芬香,我們已培養了近60,000 名校友,遍及世界各地,在各自專業領 域克盡己責,成為推動社會建設和發展 的中流砥柱。 在中央政府和澳門特區政府的關懷和支 持下,澳大辦學規模不斷擴展。位於橫 琴島的新校園在2013年啟用後,引入住 宿式書院系統,實踐全人教育;延攬更 多來自世界各地的優秀教研人員,學術 研究突飛猛進,果實纍纍。 因應社會發展及市場需求,澳大不斷完 善學科建設和規劃研究佈局。近年形成 「3+3+3+3」為骨幹的研究戰略佈局, 鼓勵跨學科合作,推動科技成果轉化。 澳大一支全方位的專業學術團隊在過去 40年,為社會提供各類技術顧問、諮詢 和培訓,傾力以知識和研究造福社群。 不惑新航,揚帆追夢!站在新的歷史起 點,機遇與挑戰並存。澳大將善用「一 國兩制」的制度優勢,全力配合國家和 澳門特區的發展部署,並以「立足澳 門、共建灣區、融入國家,走向世界」 為宗旨,加強與世界及全國夥伴高校的 合作,攜手共進,共同推動高等教育事 業的發展。我相信,澳大未來將會發展 得更好,為人類福祉作出更大的貢獻。 The year 2021 is the 40th anniversary of the University of Macau (UM) to which all university members have been eagerly looking forward. With the local community's tremendous support, and the hard work of faculty, students, and staff over the past four decades, UM has progressed in leaps and bounds and has developed into a comprehensive international university with a multicultural campus blending Chinese and Western influences. It is now a major force in the promotion of higher education development in Macao. Upholding the five virtues listed in the university motto, namely humanity, integrity, propriety, wisdom, and sincerity, today’s UM is committed to producing creative and socially responsible graduates with a global mindset and international competitiveness who also love China and Macao. In the past 40 years, the university has nurtured nearly 60,000 graduates, who are now serving as pillars in their respective fields around the world to contribute to the development of society. Thanks to the support of both the central government and the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) government, UM continues to expand in terms of faculty size and student numbers. The university implemented a residential college system for whole‑person education when the new campus on Hengqin island became operational in 2013. In addition, UM spares no effort to recruit high‑calibre scholars from around the world, which has led to a growing number of research projects at the university with influential results. To address social development needs and market demands, UM has actively enhanced its academic structure and research design. In recent years, the university has formulated a ‘3+3+3+3’ strategic research blueprint to encourage interdisciplinary collaboration and promote technology transfer. In addition, UM’s faculty team has provided technical consultancy and professional training in various fields over the years to benefit the community through research and the dissemination of knowledge. ‘Set sail anew on the ruby jubilee’, the slogan for celebrating this special year, implies that UM is ushering in a new era. Although opportunities always come with challenges, the university will build on its strengths by taking advantage of the ‘One Country, Two Systems’ policy to provide full support for the development of China and the Macao SAR. Having positioned itself as a university of Macao and for Macao, UM will actively participate in the development of the Guangdong‑Hong Kong‑Macao Greater Bay Area, align with national development strategies, strive to become more international, and continue to strengthen collaboration with partner universities in China and abroad to promote higher education development. I believe that in the future, UM will make new progress and greater contributions to humanity. 校長致辭 RECTOR’S WORDS 宋永華 Yonghua Song

CONTENTS 目錄 2021年 | 總第23期 Spring / Summer 2021 | Issue 23 澳門大學40週年校慶特刊 The 40th Anniversary Special Edition 揚帆追夢-澳門大學40週年 SET SAIL FOR NEW HORIZONS ON THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY 10 培育人才貢獻社會 Four Decades, For Education 28 推動科技成果轉化 Promoting Technology Transfer

44 提供多元社會服務 Providing Various Services to Society 62 建設國際化師資團隊 Developing an International Faculty Team 74 大事紀要 Milestones

SET SAIL FOR NEW HORIZONS ON THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY•揚帆追夢-澳門大學40週年 2021 UMAGAZINE 23•澳大新語 10 培育人才貢獻社會 Four Decades, For Education 文/張愛華、葉浩男、盛惠怡、鄭家宜.圖/編輯部,部分由受訪者提供 English Translation / Ruby Chen ‧ Photo / Editorial Board, with some provided by the interviewees

培育人才貢獻社會• FOUR DECADES, FOR EDUCATION 澳大新語•2021 UMAGAZINE 23 11 When the University of Macau (UM) was founded 40 years ago, it was just a small local college. Today, it is a comprehensive international university, ranked among the top 350 in the world, and No 37 in Asia. While undergoing a complete transformation over the past four decades, the university has also witnessed a sea change in society. The rapid social and economic development has led to an increased demand for talent, and as the leading public university in Macao, UM has dedicated itself to nurturing outstanding graduates to meet that need. Over the years, UM has graduated nearly 60,000 students, who have gone on to become contributing members of society in different parts of the world. 澳門大學(澳大)創校40載,砥礪奮進,見證了澳門社會翻天覆地的轉變,從一所小型的社區大 學發展成為世界排名前350、亞洲大學排名37的國際化綜合性大學,歷年培養近60,000名畢業 生,分佈各行各業,對推動澳門社會的發展作出了不可估量的貢獻。

SET SAIL FOR NEW HORIZONS ON THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY• 揚帆追夢-澳門大學40週年 2021 UMAGAZINE 23•澳大新語 12 澳門首間現代大學 1594年,澳門第一所高校——聖保祿學 院成立,開啟了區內西式高等教育的先 河。聖保祿學院於1835年被燒毀後未 有復建。直至百多年後,私立東亞大學 在1981年成立,澳門的高等教育史才得 以延續。 1981年3月,Ricci Island West 有限公司 獲澳葡政府批租土地後,黃景強、胡 百熙和吳毓璘創辦了澳門首間現代大 學——私立東亞大學,亦即澳門大學前 身。三位創辦人不約而同認為,只有培 養人才,城市才能真正發展,因此要創 建澳門第一間現代化大學。當時何賢、 崔德祺、馬萬祺及何鴻燊等社會賢達都 紛紛支持,成為東亞大學校董,此外還 有多位東南亞僑領投入資金支持。 The First Modern University in Macao In 1594, the first higher education institution in Macao, St Paul’s College, was established, ushering in a new era of Western‑style higher education in the region. In 1835, the college was destroyed in a fire, with no reconstruction of the building ever attempted. It was not until 1981 that the private University of East Asia (UEA) was founded, restoring higher education in the city that had been interrupted for more than a century. In March 1981, three gentlemen, namely Wong King Keung, Edward Woo Pak Hay, and Peter Eng Yuk Lun, established UEA, the first modern university in Macao and the predecessor of the University of Macau, on a piece of land leased by the local government to Ricci Island West. The three co‑founders believed that only by nurturing talent could the city realise sustainable development. Many prominent community members, including Ho Yin, Chui Tak Kei, Ma Man Kei, and Stanley Ho, supported the new university by serving on the University Council. Many Chinese community leaders from Southeast Asia also contributed funds. 東亞大學的創立,標誌著澳門現代高等教育的開始。 The establishment of UEA signalled the beginning of modern higher education in Macao

培育人才貢獻社會• FOUR DECADES, FOR EDUCATION 澳大新語•2021 UMAGAZINE 23 13 (左起)薛壽生教授、黃景強博士、 吳毓璘博士、饒宗頤教授、羅慷烈教授、 胡百熙博士於《東亞大學創建記》立碑 典禮合影 (From left) Prof Hsueh Shou Sheng, Dr Wong King Keung, Dr Peter Eng Yuk Lun, Prof Jao Tsung I, Prof Lo Hong Lit, and Dr Edward Woo Pak Hay at a ceremony to unveil the tablet with the inscription of a summary of the founding of UEA 創校校長薛壽生教授 在東亞大學成立典禮 上致辭 上世紀90年代,澳大 為澳門過渡期培養急 需的人才 Founding Rector Prof Hsueh Shou Sheng gives a speech at the inauguration ceremony of UEA In the 1990s, UM nurtured many talent urgently needed during the transitional period leading up to Macao’s handover

SET SAIL FOR NEW HORIZONS ON THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY• 揚帆追夢-澳門大學40週年 2021 UMAGAZINE 23•澳大新語 14 東亞大學的創立,標誌著澳門現代高等 教育的開始。薛壽生教授獲委任為創校 校長,將國際化作為辦學定位,以英語 作為主要教學語言。建校初期,大學按 英式教育制度設有本科學院、預科學院 和持續教育學院,早期學生大部分來自 香港和外地。 培養過渡期急需的人才 1999年澳門政權交接前的過渡期,澳葡 政府急需解決公務員本地化、法律本地 化、確立中文的官方語言地位三大問題, 於是通過大學培養有關的本地人才。 澳葡政府在1988年通過澳門基金會收 購東亞大學重組。大學其後陸續設立 文學院、工商管理學院、社會科學學 院、科技學院和教育學院。1989年, 科技課程和教育課程設立,培養本地科 技人才和加強本地中、小、幼教師的培 訓。大學還開設法律課程和公共行政課 程。1990年,大學將本科三年制改為 四年制,並將本科學院重組。1991年成 The establishment of UEA signalled the beginning of modern higher education in Macao. Prof Hsueh Shou Sheng was appointed the founding rector of the university, and English was designated the main teaching language. At the time, UEA followed the British academic system and was comprised of a University College, a College of Foundation Studies, and a Continuing Education College. The majority of the students came from Hong Kong and overseas. Nurturing Talent Urgently Needed for the Transitional Period During the transitional period leading up to Macao’s handover, the Portuguese government of Macao was faced with three urgent issues, namely filling civil servant positions with local Macanese or Chinese citizens, making local laws compatible with the new circumstances of Macao, and establishing Chinese as one of the official languages of Macao. None of these could be accomplished without well‑educated university graduates. In 1988, the government acquired UEA through the Macao Foundation and restructured the university, with the university’s School of Arts, Faculty of Business Administration (FBA), Faculty of Social Sciences (FSS), 東亞大學早期的學生除了來自澳門,還有很多來自香港和外地。 In addition to Macao, the early students of UEA came from Hong Kong and overseas.

培育人才貢獻社會• FOUR DECADES, FOR EDUCATION 澳大新語•2021 UMAGAZINE 23 15 Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), and Faculty of Education (FED) established one after another over the following years. In 1989, programmes in science and technology and education were launched, with the former designed to nurture science and technology professionals and the latter aimed at strengthening the training of teachers in local secondary and primary schools and kindergartens. Programmes in law and public administrations were also created. In 1990, undergraduate programmes changed from a three‑year system to a four‑year system and the University College was restructured. In 1991, the Faculty of Law (FLL) was established. Before Macao’s handover, there were 2,865 full‑time students at UM, including 539 master’s and doctoral students. Nurturing Legal Talent for Macao UM has done a lot of work in cultivating bilingual legal talent. In 1996, it launched the first Chinese language law programme. In 2003, it launched the Master of Law in European Union Law, International Law and Comparative Law (English language), 立法學院。至1999年澳門政權交接前 夕,澳大已有全日制學生2,865人,其 中539人為碩士和博士研究生。 培養本地法律人才 澳大不遺餘力培養中葡雙語法律人才, 包括在1996年開辦首屆中文法律課 程,2003年開辦法學碩士學位-歐盟 法、國際法及比較法(英文)課程, 讓澳門、內地、香港等地的學生攻 讀。2014年起,大學開辦五年制的法 學士學位課程(中葡雙語授課),培養 中葡雙語法律人才。法學院成立以 來,為澳門培育了大批法律人 才,畢業生有3,220名。目 前,澳門多數司法官都是 從澳大法學院畢業或曾在 法學院進修。大部分華人 法官、檢察官和律師都是 澳大法學院的畢業生。 立法會議員、律師黃顯輝是 澳大在1988年開辦的第一屆 黃顯輝 Vong Hin Fai 在澳門回歸前後,澳大已成為本地學生的最佳選擇。 UM became the first choice of local students around the time of Macao’s handover to China

SET SAIL FOR NEW HORIZONS ON THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY• 揚帆追夢-澳門大學40週年 2021 UMAGAZINE 23•澳大新語 16 法學士課程學生,當時澳門完全沒有華人 律師、法官、檢察官,他於是報讀了這個 以葡語授課的法律課程:「當時因歷史給 予的機會可以發展事業,為澳門回歸祖國 參與相關的工作。澳大對於澳門法律人才 的培養做了大量關鍵的工作。」 培養本土工程師 社會進步需要不同專業的人才。科技學 院創院以來,為澳門工程界和科技界培 養大批精英。澳大的工程學在泰晤士高 等教育世界大學學科排名前150。 在澳門電力股份有限公司(澳電),不 少澳大畢業生成為了重要技 術崗位的工程師或負責 人。1993年畢業於電 機電子工程系的鄭 德信,學士畢業繼 續攻讀至博士,現 為澳電的高級工程 師,他說:「澳大 提供了很好的學習 平台、師資及學術 環境,同時澳電亦提 which targeted students from Macao, mainland China, Hong Kong, and overseas. In 2014, it launched a five‑year bachelor’s degree programme in law (conducted in Chinese and Portuguese). Ever since its founding, FLL has produced a large number of legal professionals for Macao. Most of the current judicial officers in Macao either graduated from or studied courses in FLL. The majority of Chinese judges, prosecutors, and lawyers in Macao are FLL graduates. Vong Hin Fai, a lawyer and a Legislative Assembly member, was among the first to graduate from FLL. At the time, there was an acute shortage of Chinese lawyers, judges, and prosecutors in Macao, so Vong decided to apply to the Portuguese language law programme. Looking back, Vong says: ‘We were given the historic opportunity to develop our careers and contribute to the smooth handover of Macao to the motherland.’ Nurturing Local Engineers Change propels progress, and talent is the driving force for change. Since its founding, FST has produced many outstanding engineers and scientists for Macao. The faculty is now ranked among the top 150 in engineering in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings by subject. 科技學院工程課程成立典禮 The Inauguration Ceremony of FST's engineering programmes 鄭德信 Cheang Tak Son

培育人才貢獻社會• FOUR DECADES, FOR EDUCATION 澳大新語•2021 UMAGAZINE 23 17 Many graduates of UM’s engineering programmes now hold important technical or managerial positions at major companies in Macao, such as Companhia de Electricidade de Macau (CEM), the only electric power utility company in Macao. Cheang Tak Son graduated from the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in 1993, and went on to complete his master’s and doctoral degrees at UM. He is now a senior engineer at CEM. He says, ‘UM provides a very good learning platform, teachers, and academic environment. CEM provides an excellent and safe working environment in which I can put my knowledge into practice and achieve more with less. It has also helped me grow into a well‑rounded engineer.’ 供一個良好而安全的工作環境及實踐 機會,使我的工作事半功倍,並成為 一名融合學術、技術及研究專長的工 程師。」 為教育界輸送人才 在澳門過渡期,另一任務是 提高私立中小學教師的質 素,中小學教師的培訓 成為澳葡當局優先工 作。1990年,教育學 院開辦中學教師培訓 四年制本科課程,在 1993年至1999年培 養了逾1,000名學生。 該院至今培養了學士、 碩士和博士生逾3,000人。 不少澳門中小學校校長、教師 等教育工作者都是澳大教育學院的畢 業生。 澳門協同特殊教育學校校長林劍如是 教育學院首屆畢業生,她說:「在澳 大,教授的引領和指導、新的教育理 論及技巧對我一直受用無窮。」這批 畢業生在畢業後學以致用,積極為澳 門貢獻專業力量。1999年畢業於教 育學院中文教育專業的何詠詩現時是 澳門浸信中學中文科教師。她坦言, 澳大「走出去、請進來」的教育模式 讓她拓寬國際視野,獲益匪淺,「大 學時我受到教授們的啟發,當自己投 身教育事業時,亦勇於嘗試創新的教 學方式。」另一位同樣服務澳門教育 界的科技學院和教育學院畢業生陳敬 濂,於2012年成為澳大首位教育學 博士。他經過10多年的努力,在培正 中學從一名數學教師晉升為副校長。 他說:「在澳大接受本科和研究生教 育,讓我明白教育的真正意義——要 當每一名學生的明燈。」 何詠詩在2019年獲全國最美教師獎 陳敬濂 (中) 與學生分享心得 Ho Weng Si receives a best teacher award in China in 2019 Chan Keng Lim (middle) shares experiences with his students 林劍如 Lam Kim U

SET SAIL FOR NEW HORIZONS ON THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY• 揚帆追夢-澳門大學40週年 2021 UMAGAZINE 23•澳大新語 18 培養中葡雙語人才 在澳門獨特的歷史、文化、語言及 地理環境下,澳大在傳播葡萄牙語 言和文化,以及培養具專業葡語能 力的雙語或多語人才方面可謂責無 旁貸。大學早1981年創校時,已通 過文學院開辦葡語科目,1990年更 成立葡文系,該系目前已是葡萄牙 和巴西以外最大的葡語學術單位, 培養中葡雙語人才。 1999年澳門回歸前,在華人為主 的本地社會中,除了土生葡人,只 有極少數華人通曉葡語,大多從事 教育或在政府擔任翻譯。澳門回歸 後,隨著特區政府對培養中葡雙語 人才日益重視,報讀葡文系的學生 也與日俱增,而近年中國和葡語國 家的貿易迅速增長,葡語地位更見 重要。培養更多熟悉葡語的專業人 才,早已是澳門可持續發展的重要 策略。培養中葡雙語人才既要滿足 澳門發展所需,也要服務國家對外 Training Future Teachers for Macao Another mission during the transitional period was to improve the quality of teachers at private secondary and primary schools, because quality pre‑university education would provide the youth with a head start and help enhance overall education quality in Macao, which could in turn have a positive impact on Macao’s development after the handover. It is against this background that UM took a series of initiatives. In 1990, FED launched a four‑year undergraduate programme to train secondary school teachers. Between 1993 and 1999, the faculty graduated more than 1,000 students. Since its founding, the faculty has graduated more than 3,000 students. Many principals and teachers in secondary and primary schools in Macao are FED graduates. Lam Kim U, principal of the Concordia School for Special Education in Macao, was among the first to graduate from FED. She says: ‘The guidance of the professors and the new education theories and skills I learned at UM have been infinitely useful to me.’ Ho Weng Si, who graduated from the Chinese language education programme in 1999, is currently a Chinese 澳大在澳門過渡期擔當起培養中葡雙語人才的重任 UM took up the responsibility of nurturing Chinese‑Portuguese bilingual talent during the transitional period leading up to Macao's handover

培育人才貢獻社會• FOUR DECADES, FOR EDUCATION 澳大新語•2021 UMAGAZINE 23 19 合作。2009年葡文系畢業的葉進 洲現今長居於葡語國 家安哥拉,與朋 友在當地合資 創業。畢業 那年,他獲 邀至安哥拉 的公司當翻 譯,當時不 是所有人都 看好他到非洲 工作。葉進洲 說:「因為我在澳 大讀葡語、精通葡語,很快贏得了 公司信賴。我還利用語言優勢,不 斷在當地積累經驗和人脈,有助拓 展業務。」 培養社科人才 社會科學學院一直與澳門社會的發展 緊密聯繫,致力培養有創新意識和社 會責任感的學生,其畢業生分佈於各 行各業,有些甚至走上創業之路,以 其所學和研究服務社會。 1995年畢業於英文傳意課程(傳播 系前身)的校友張榮顯,畢業後留校 任教13年後,於2009年成立澳門首 間研究諮詢機構,現時已是互聯網研 究及大數據創業先鋒及實踐者。張榮 顯說:「大學時期的課程培養了創新 的思維,參加學生組織的活動,也有 助我後來帶領團隊;10多年教學及 研究經驗的積累,對 創業創新起到關 鍵的作用。今 日,我的公 司尤其是在 互聯網研究 和大數據分 析方面,基 本上成為引 用參考的權威 來源。」 teacher at Macau Baptist College. She says UM’s education model broadened her horizons and benefited her greatly. ‘What I have learned from UM professors inspired me to be creative in my own teaching when I became a teacher,’ she says. Chan Keng Lim, a graduate of FST and FED, became UM’s first PhD graduate in education in 2012. After graduation, he became a mathematics teacher at Pui Ching Middle School Macau and was eventually promoted to the position of vice principal. He says: ‘The undergraduate and postgraduate education I received at UM taught me the true meaning of education, which is to light the way for the students.’ Nurturing Chinese‑Portuguese Bilingual Talent Because of Macao’s unique history, geographic environment, and cultural and linguistic heritage, the responsibility of nurturing multilingual professionals, particularly those proficient in Portuguese, naturally falls on UM, the leading public comprehensive university in the city. The university launched Portuguese language programmes as early as 1981, when it was just founded. In 1990, the Department of Portuguese was established. After 30 years of development, it is now the largest Portuguese teaching institution outside of Portugal and Brazil. Before the city’s handover in 1999, only Macanese and a handful of Chinese spoke the Portuguese language, and those fluent in the two official languages mostly worked in education or government departments as translators. However, after the handover and the founding of the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR), the SAR government became increasingly aware of the importance of nurturing bilingual talent. As a result, the number of students applying to translation programmes increased steadily. In recent years, with bilateral trade between China and Portuguese‑speaking countries developing rapidly, the Portuguese language has grown increasingly important, and nurturing Portuguese‑speaking professionals has become an important strategy for promoting the sustainable development of Macao. António Ip, an alumnus of UM’s Department of Portuguese, currently lives in Angola, where he and his friends operate a catering business. 葉進洲 António Ip 張榮顯 Angus Cheong

SET SAIL FOR NEW HORIZONS ON THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY• 揚帆追夢-澳門大學40週年 2021 UMAGAZINE 23•澳大新語 20 培養工商管理人才 工商管理學院經過30多年發展,為澳 門培養了眾多工商業人才,教研成就卓 越,更是澳門首所獲得國際商學院聯合 會認證、工商管理碩士協會認證的 商學院,也是歐洲管理發展基金會 正式會員,擁有完善的人才培養體 系,培育了超過一萬名畢業生,遍 佈世界各地,當中不乏社 會中流砥柱,如澳門 特區政府官員、立 法會議員、高等 院校校長、傑出 企業家等。 太平洋航空​​控 股有限公司集團 創辦人及主席劉 少榮1990年獲工 商管理碩士學位,他 表示在澳大的求學經歷, 為他開拓事業打下強心針。另一位 在1992年取得會計及金融學士學位 的繆子美,現時位居富達基金(香 港)有限公司亞洲股票投資總監, 她說:「當時大學的課程旨於培養 國際通才,課程有助我們發展領導 才能。」 After graduation from UM, he was offered a job as a translator at a company in Angola. While his family and friends were not exactly thrilled about the prospect of him working in an African country, Ip accepted the offer because his eyes were set on bigger goals. ‘My proficiency in Portuguese, thanks to UM’s quality education, quickly earned me the trust of the company. I used my language skills to my advantage to build a social network in Angola, which helped tremendously when I decided to start my own business,’ he says. Nurturing Social Sciences Talent FSS is dedicated to nurturing innovative and socially responsible graduates, and its development is closely linked to the development of the Macao society. FSS graduates are distributed across different industries, and some of them have even started their own businesses to give back to society. Angus Cheong, a UM alumnus who graduated from the English communication programme (the predecessor of the Department of Communication) in 1995, taught at the university for 13 years after graduation. In 2009, he founded Macao’s first research consultancy, which is now a leader in internet research and big data analysis. ‘The education I received at UM 劉少榮(左二)2018年獲澳大頒授榮譽博士學位 Anthony Lau (2nd from left) was conferred an honorary doctorate by UM in 2018 繆子美 Victoria Mio

培育人才貢獻社會• FOUR DECADES, FOR EDUCATION 澳大新語•2021 UMAGAZINE 23 21 helped me develop an innovative mindset. Participating in the activities organised by student organisations honed my leadership skills, which was very useful when I started my own company,’ says Cheong. ‘More than a decade’s experience in teaching and research also played a crucial role in innovation and entrepreneurship. Today, my company has become an authoritative source of data, especially for those whose job involves internet research and big data analysis.’ Nurturing Future Business Leaders Through 30 years of development, FBA has nurtured many graduates for the local business community. FBA was the first business school in Macao to be accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) and the Association of MBAs (AMBA). It is also a full member of the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD). It has a well‑developed talent training system and offers programmes at undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral levels. Over the years, FBA has graduated more than 10,000 students, who have found employment in different parts of the world. Some of them have become community pillars, serving as government officials, Legislative Assembly members, university heads, and entrepreneurs. Anthony Lau, founder and chairman of Pacific Air Holdings Limited, obtained his master’s degree in business administration from UM in 1990. He credits UM with boosting his confidence about expanding his business. Victoria Mio, director of Asian equities at FIL Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited, received a bachelor’s degree in accounting and finance from UM in 1992. According to her, at the time, UM’s courses were designed to nurture internationally competitive generalists, with a focus on leadership skills. Another alumnus, Danny Chau, graduated from FBA in 2000. In 2020, he was awarded a fellowship by the London Institute of Banking & Finance, one of the institutes in the United Kingdom that has gained a royal charter. He is grateful to UM for the quality education which helped lay a solid foundation for his career development. 不同年代有不一樣的人才輩出。2000 年畢業於工商管理學院的周可 祺,2020年獲英國皇家特許學會之一 的英國倫敦銀行與金融學院頒授會士名 銜,他表示在澳大的四年學習,為其專 業發展奠定了紮實的根基。 擴生源邁向新的發展階段 1999年,澳門回歸祖國,進入新的 發展階段。澳大在完成配合過渡期 培養人才使命後,增加學科、優化 校園設施、提升師資質素和強化研 究實力,並推動設置一系列新的學 士和碩士課程、調低學費及提供獎 學金和財政支援,學生質素不斷提 升。 東亞大學創校初期,學生主要來自 香港,到了澳門回歸前後,澳大學 生已轉為大部分來自本地。對本地 高中生來說,澳大曾經並非首選。 隨著教研質素提升,加上在2000年 及2001年學費下調,澳大成為本地 學生的最佳選擇。對招收內地學生 時,錄取要求也從高考的二本線提 高到一本線。 高水平的大學不能 只培養本科生, 還要孕育研究生 (碩士和博士), 為社會輸送高層 次人才。澳大從 1993年秋起著力 招收碩士生,由一 個專業增至六個專 業,廣受社會歡迎。 至1999年,大學已有 20個碩士學位課程,擁有400名碩 士生,以及過百名碩士畢業生。澳 大不久更開始招收博士生,1997年 首名博士生畢業。1999年澳門回歸 至今,澳大培養了45,092名各類人 才,推動澳門社會經濟發展,貢獻 殊深。 周可祺 Danny Chau

SET SAIL FOR NEW HORIZONS ON THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY• 揚帆追夢-澳門大學40週年 2021 UMAGAZINE 23•澳大新語 22 「四位一體」創新教育模式 澳大多年來在特區政府支持下優化軟 硬件,完善人才培養策略,提升競爭 力。2009年,在中央政府和澳門特區 政府支持下,全國人大常委會通過《全 國人民代表大會常務委員會關於授權澳 門特別行政區對設在橫琴島的澳門大學 新校區實施管轄的決定》,同年澳大新 校園奠基。新校園項目體現國家對澳門 人才培養的重視,也為澳大帶來了千載 難逢的機遇。 Entering a New Stage of Student Enrollment After the handover and the establishment of the Special Administrative Region, Macao entered a new era, and so did UM. With the transitional period now coming to an end, the university was faced with an urgent need to adjust its mission to suit the new circumstances. The university accomplished this goal by introducing new disciplines, improving campus facilities, enhancing the quality of the faculty team and their research capacity, launching a series of new bachelor’s and master’s programmes, reducing tuition fees, and providing scholarships and financial aid. The result of these reforms has been a steady increase in both the quantity and quality of students. During the early days after UEA’s founding, most of the students came from Hong Kong. But after Macao’s handover, Macao replaced Hong Kong to become the most important source of students for the university. With the steady increase in the quality of teaching and research and the reduction of tuition fees in 2000 and 2001, UM gradually became the favourite choice of local students. Later, the university also raised admission standards for mainland applicants, requiring applicants to reach the admission marks set by first‑tier, instead of second‑tier, universities in mainland China. 澳大新校園興建前的鳥瞰圖(攝於2009年) A panoramic view of the UM new campus before its construction, in 2009 胡致遠發明的飛行摩托 The flying motorcycle developed by Huber Hu

培育人才貢獻社會• FOUR DECADES, FOR EDUCATION 澳大新語•2021 UMAGAZINE 23 23 An outstanding university should provide quality education at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, for society needs different types of talent. That is why in 1993, UM increased the number of master’s programmes from one to six, which was greeted with an enthusiastic response. By 1999, the university already offered master’s programmes in 20 major areas, with 400 master’s students enrolled, and over 100 graduates with a master’s degree. Soon, the university began doctoral admission and graduated the first doctoral student in 1997. Since 1999, UM has produced 45,092 graduates, who have made significant contributions to social and economic development in Macao. An Innovative ‘4‑in‑1’ Model of Education Over the years, with the support of the Macao SAR government, UM has constantly improved its ‘hardware’ and ‘software’, including talent development strategies, in order to enhance its competitiveness. In 2009, with the support of the central and Macao SAR governments, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress adopted a bill that proposed authorising the Macao SAR to exercise jurisdiction over UM’s new 2014年12月20日,國家主席習近平到澳大考察,期間與書院學生討論中華文化。 On 20 December 2014, President Xi Jinping had a discussion about Chinese culture with students in a residential college during his visit to UM. 新校園於2013年11月5日啟用後,澳大 從氹仔舊校園一所走讀式的社區型大學 逐步提升為書院制綜合型大學,推行融 合專業、通識、研習和社群教育的「四 位一體」教育模式。澳大現設10所住 宿式書院,是亞洲最具規模的住宿式書 院系統,書院與學院制度相輔相成,從 多方位培養人才。科技學院博士生胡致 遠在本科階段住進書院,利用書院創設 的實驗環境研發出無人機和電磁炮,他 說:「書院對學生的支持,有助學生拓 展課餘特長。」 多措施培養高端人才 人才對於澳門邁向產業多樣化舉足輕 重。澳大在2015年推出「澳大濠江人 才計劃」,至今招攪了一批高層次科研 人才,包括來自一流高校的博士生和博 士後研究員。 近年,澳大因應社會發展及市場需求 不斷完善學科建設,重視人才培養在社 會的可應用性,例如在2019年增設工

SET SAIL FOR NEW HORIZONS ON THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY• 揚帆追夢-澳門大學40週年 2021 UMAGAZINE 23•澳大新語 24 澳大在2015年推出「澳大濠江人才計劃」,引進高層次科研人才。 UM launched the UM Macao Talent Programme in 2015 to attract outstanding researchers campus on Hengqin Island. A groundbreaking ceremony for the new campus was held later in the same year. The approval of the new campus brought unprecedented opportunities for UM. It also shows that the central government attaches great importance to higher education development in Macao. On 5 November 2013, the new campus became operational, providing UM with more space to implement its unique ‘4‑in‑1’ education model that consists of discipline‑specific education, general education, research and internship education, and peer and community education. On the new campus, UM established Asia’s largest residential college (RC) system, which comprises ten colleges. The RCs and the faculties work in concert to help students achieve well‑rounded development. Huber Hu, a doctoral student in FST, moved into an RC during his undergraduate years. In the RC’s laboratory, he successfully developed unmanned aerial vehicles and electromagnetic guns. He says, ‘The RC’s support helps students develop extracurricular interests.’ A Multi‑pronged Approach to Nurturing High‑level Talent Human capital plays a pivotal role in Macao’s effort to diversify its economy. To support this endeavour, UM launched the UM Macao Talent Programme in 2015, which has attracted a number of high‑quality researchers, some of whom are doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows from world‑class universities. Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences Institute of Collaborative Innovation Institute of Microelectronics Centre for Macau Studies Asia-Pacific Academy of Economics and Management 人文社科高等研究院 應用物理及材料工程研究院 中華醫藥研究院 協同創新研究院 微電子研究院 澳門研究中心 亞太經濟與管理研究所 曹光彪書院 Chao Kuang Piu College 鄭裕彤書院 Cheng Yu Tung College 張崑崙書院 Cheong Kun Lun College 蔡繼有書院 Choi Kai Yau College 霍英東珍禧書院 Henry Fok Pearl Jubilee College 呂志和書院 Lui Che Woo College 馬萬祺羅柏心書院 Ma Man Kei and Lo Pak Sam College 滿珍紀念書院 Moon Chun Memorial College 紹邦書院 Shiu Pong College 何鴻燊東亞書院 Stanley Ho East Asia College 人文學院 工商管理學院 教育學院 健康科學學院 法學院 科技學院 社會科學學院 榮譽學院 Faculty of Arts and Humanities Faculty of Business Administration Faculty of Education Faculty of Health Sciences Faculty of Law Faculty of Science and Technology Faculty of Social Sciences Honours College 學院 Faculties 研究機構 Institutes 書院 Colleges 澳大現設的學院、研究機構和書院 Faculties, institutes and colleges at UM 商管理博士課程、高級管理人員工商 管理碩士課程、數據科學碩士學位課 程。並正積極籌備新的應用型公共行 政學博士學位課程、教育博士學位課 程、微電子碩士學位課程、金融科技 碩士學位課程,旨在培養相關領域的 高層次人才。 在「3+3+3+3」的新科研佈局下,澳 大積極推動跨學科、跨領域的創新人 才培養。2019年已開辦數據科學碩士 學位課程,培養大數據領域的新型專 業人才。未來還將繼續推動與清華大

培育人才貢獻社會• FOUR DECADES, FOR EDUCATION 澳大新語•2021 UMAGAZINE 23 25 1. 《澳門大學三十年——歷任校長手記》編輯委員會(2014)。《澳門大學三十年——歷任校長手記》。香港:三聯書店(香港)有 限公司。 Editorial Board of The Courage to Lead: The University of Macau in the Eyes of her Rectors.(2014). The Courage to Lead: The University of Macau in the Eyes of her Rectors. Hong Kong: Joint Publishing (Hong Kong) Company Ltd. 2. 李向玉與謝安邦(主編)(2017)。《澳門現代高等教育的發軔——東亞大學的創立和發展》,北京:高等教育出版社。 Lei, H., & Xie, A. (2021). Ao Men xian dai gao deng jiao yu de fa ren— Dong Ya Da Xue de chuang li he fa zhan [The Beginning of Modern Higher Education in Macao—the Founding and Development of the University of East Asia]. Beijing: Higher Education Press. 3. 澳門大學(2006)。《澳門大學銀禧紀念圖冊》。澳門:澳門大學。 University of Macau. (2006). University of Macau Silver Jubilee Album. Macao: University of Macau. 4. 澳門大學(2011)。<三劍俠創校記——專訪東亞大學創校人>。載於《澳大新語》(第五期)(頁18‑27)。澳門:澳門大學。 University of Macau. (2011). The Creation of a University‑‑Based on Interviews with the Three Co‑founders of UEA. In UMagazine (5th ed., pp. 18‑27). Macao: University of Macau. 5. 澳門大學(2019)。《燃點夢想與潛能 榮譽學院十週年回顧》。澳門:澳門大學。 University of Macau. (2019). Ignite Your Dreams and Potential Tenth Anniversary of the Honours College. Macao: University of Macau. In recent years, the university has been improving its curriculum based on the changing needs of the fast‑developing society in order to produce graduates who can make a meaningful contribution to society. In 2019, the university launched a doctoral programme in business administration, a master's programme in business administration for senior executives, and a master’s programme in data science. It is now actively preparing for the launch of several other new programmes, including a doctoral programme in applied public administration, a doctoral programme in education, a master’s programme in microelectronics, and a master’s programme in financial technology. In addition, with a ‘3+3+3+3’ new research blueprint in place, the university actively trains multidisciplinary talent. In 2019, UM launched a master’s programme in data science to nurture big data talent. In the future, UM will continue to launch joint post‑doctoral training programmes with Tsinghua University and other world‑class universities. As the anniversary slogan, ‘Set sail anew on the ruby jubilee’, implies: UM is on the threshold of a new era. Looking ahead, UM Rector Yonghua Song says: ‘We want to nurture innovative, high‑calibre graduates to support economic diversification in Macao. But equally important, we want to produce graduates with a love for their homelands, a global mindset, international competitiveness, and a sense of social responsibility. We hope our graduates can use their talents and strengths to develop Macao, serve the country, and contribute to humanity. ’ 學等一流學府成立的聯合博士後培養 項目,冀為社會培養更多優秀人才。 「不惑新航,揚帆追夢!」經過40 年淬礪奮發,澳大正進入前所未有的 發展時期。展望未來,校長宋永華教 授說:「澳大要為澳門多元產業發展 培育更多高水平的創新人才,為澳門 經濟適度多元發展貢獻應有的力量; 同時也要培養具有家國情懷、國際視 野、全球競爭力和世界擔當四大核心 素養的人才,以建設澳門,服務國 家,貢獻人類!」 掃二維碼 觀看「揚帆追夢–澳門大學40年」短片 Scan the QR code for the video 'Set Sail for New Horizons on UM’s 40th Anniversary' 參考書籍: References:



SET SAIL FOR NEW HORIZONS ON THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY• 揚帆追夢-澳門大學40週年 2021 UMAGAZINE 23•澳大新語 28 The development of scientific research at the University of Macau (UM) since its founding is a mirror of technological advances in Macao over the past decade. Starting from scratch, generations of UM researchers have worked tirelessly to develop new technologies and transform them into products and services that improve people’s lives. 澳門大學成立以來的科研故事,是澳門過去數十年科技發展的重要寫照。由一無所有到初見成 果、從不斷突破到走向產業化,一代代澳大人不懈研發嶄新科技,並致力將它們轉化為改善人們 生活的產品和服務。 推動科技成果轉化 Promoting Technology Transfer 文/葉浩男.圖/編輯部,部分由受訪者提供 English Translation / Ruby Chen & Anthony Sou ‧ Photo / Editorial Board & some provided by the interviewees

推動科技成果轉化• PROMOTING TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER 澳大新語•2021 UMAGAZINE 23 29 成果走向市場 近年,許多澳大團隊正與粵港澳大灣區 各地的機構和企業合作,將科技成果推 向市場。智慧城市、微電子和先進材料 領域的一批較成熟的研究項目將透過珠 海澳大科技研究院在橫琴新區建立的產 學研示範基地,開展成果產業化研究和 工作。 在橫琴產學研基地,一批科技成果正在 對接當地政府和企業資源積極開展商業 化過程,其中包括數字型微流控檢測芯 片快速檢測套裝「病毒獵手」;利用水 泥緩釋出納米顆粒複合而成的特種水 凝膠,可以作為中間原料製成吸水膨脹 劑,可望應用到農田保水、沙漠治理等 方面,團隊正跟內地的企業合作把產品 推出市場;有助破損皮膚組織再生,以 杜仲研製出的敷料藥物「金創藥」,團 隊已在澳大創科有限公司規範引導下成 立公司。 Commercialisation of Research Results In recent years, UM researchers have been working with institutions and companies in the Guangdong‑Hong Kong‑Macao Greater Bay Area to commercialise their research results. Well‑developed research projects from UM, particularly those in the fields of smart city technology, microelectronics, and advanced materials, will be incubated at a centre for industry‑academia collaboration in Hengqin New Area established through the Zhuhai UM Science and Technology Research Institute. At the Hengqin centre, a number of research results are being commercialised through local government and companies. These include ‘Virus Hunter’, a digital‑microfluidic‑chip‑based system for rapid virus detection; special hydrogels made of cement‑derived nanoparticles that can be used as intermediate raw materials to make water‑absorbing swelling agents and have the potential to be applied in farmland water retention and desert management; and ‘Golden Wound Dressing’, a product based on special sugar molecules from the bark of Eucommia ulmoides (commonly known 澳門大學—華發集團聯合實驗室揭牌儀式暨珠海澳大科技研究院啟用儀式 The inauguration ceremony for the UM‑Huafa Group Joint Laboratory and Zhuhai UM Science & Technology Research Institute

Special hydrogels can be used as intermediate raw materials to make water‑absorbing swelling agents 3D‑printed wound dressing that contains sugar molecules derived from the hardy rubber tree SET SAIL FOR NEW HORIZONS ON THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY• 揚帆追夢-澳門大學40週年 2021 UMAGAZINE 23•澳大新語 30 澳大的科技成果也轉移到世界不同角 落、造福各界。例如在2020年新冠肺 炎疫情期間,大學與澳門發展及質量研 究所將其研發的呼吸機原型贈予安哥拉 和莫桑比克的大學,協助兩國醫療人員 治療和舒緩呼吸系統疾病。 as hardy rubber tree) that can help damaged skin tissue regenerate. The ‘Golden Wound Dressing’ team has established a company under the guidance of UMTec Limited. Some UM‑developed technologies have even found applications overseas. For example, during the 2020 COVID‑19 pandemic, the university and the Institute for the Development and Quality, Macau, donated ventilator prototypes to universities in Angola and Mozambique, to help medical professionals in these two countries treat respiratory diseases. 澳大與澳門發展及質量研究所向非洲兩所大學捐贈呼吸機原型 特種水凝膠可以作為中間原料製成吸水膨脹劑 The ventilator prototypes that UM and the Institute for the Development and Quality, Macau, jointly donated to two African universities 3D打印杜仲創傷敷料

推動科技成果轉化• PROMOTING TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER 澳大新語•2021 UMAGAZINE 23 31 Starting from Scratch For a university that started scientific research from scratch, these are hard‑won achievements. As UM Rector Yonghua Song points out: ‘Macao started relatively late in science and technology development, lagging behind in both quality and scale. However, UM has achieved pleasing results in various fields, including Chinese medical sciences, smart city technology, microelectronic chip design, internet of things, advanced materials, and precision medicine. ’ In 1989, the Teaching Committee of the University of East Asia, the predecessor of UM, established a Research Committee, signalling the official start of the university's research work. In 1993, the university established a scientific research fund. In the same year, the Science and Technology Research Centre under the Faculty of Science and Technology became operational and launched 15 research and development plans. Although UM was still in its infancy in research development at the time, it was already actively working with other institutions on scientific research projects. In 1995, UM launched a series of research projects with Tsinghua University, Peking University, and research institutes under the Chinese Academy of Sciences. In the same year, a team led by Prof Rui Martins, a microelectronics expert and a vice rector of UM, developed the first chip, ‘UMChip’, using complementary metal‑oxide‑semiconductor technology, and launched it at an international seminar. It was a major breakthrough in the university’s research efforts. 科研從零開始 今日碩果纍纍,實在得來不易。正如澳 大校長宋永華教授指出:「澳門科技發 展起步晚、技術相對差,體量小,但澳 大在中醫藥質量、智慧城市、微電子芯 片設計、城市物聯網、先進材料、精準 醫學等方面還是取得了可喜成績。」 1989年,澳大前身東亞大學的教學委 員會設立研究委員會,象徵大學的研究 工作正式開始。1993年,大學設立科 研基金,同年科技學院的科學和技術研 究中心開始運作,推出15項研究和發 展計劃。當時澳大科研雖然剛剛起步, 但已經和其他院校積極合作,例如在 1995年與清華大學、北京大學、中國 科學院轄下的研究所等開展了一系列科 研項目。同年,由微電子專家、現任澳 大副校長馬許願教授帶領的團隊採用互 補式金屬氧化物半導體技術研發出首款 芯片「UMChip」,並在國際研討會公 佈,是澳大科研的重大突破。 全球首部中葡電子辭典「中葡通」 澳大在1999年發佈中葡通 澳大憑「電度表脈衝轉換器」在1999獲得第一個科技專利 PCT, the world’s first Chinese‑Portuguese electronic dictionary In 1999, UM launches PCT, the world’s first Chinese‑Portuguese bilingual audio dictionary. UM received its first patent in 1999 for the watt‑ hour metre pulse converter