
人物專訪•EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW 澳大新語•2020 UMAGAZINE 22 51 Scientific Research with a Social Impact Sun’s laboratory is located on the ground floor of the IAPME building; it is a joint laboratory operated with Prof Li Zongjin of the same institute. About 240 square meters in size, this laboratory is arranged like a production department. When Sun joined UM in 2017, it was just a roughcast space, which he designed and built into the current laboratory with Prof Li. Prof Sun was the first to discover that by putting cement into ice water, he can obtain small five‑nm particles that can be used to make high-performance nanomaterials. At UM, Prof Sun and his team invented a series of new hydrogels made of nanoparticles derived from cement. What initially caught their eyes was the excellent mechanical properties of the gel. For example, it can be compressed to 1 per cent of its original size and return to its original size within one second. The team took advantage of this special property and developed three products. The first product can absorb four times its weight of organic pigments. The second product has extremely high electrical conductivity and excellent plasticity, and can be used as a flexible sensor material with high 科研著重成果轉化 孫國星教授的實驗室位於應用物理及材 料工程研究院地面層,這裏也是他與同 院的李宗津教授的聯合實驗室,約240 平方米的空間,佈置得像車間一樣。他 在2017年加入澳大時,當時實驗室還 是毛坯房,是與李教授一手一腳設計建 立起來。 孫國星率先發現,把水泥放進冰水, 就可以在液體中得到只有五納米大小的 顆粒,用於製造各種性能優異的納米 材料。在澳大,孫教授和團隊發明了一 系列用水泥緩釋出納米顆粒複合而成 的特種水凝膠。他們最初發現的是該凝 膠優異的機械性能,例如它可以被壓 縮到自身的99%的形變,一秒鐘內恢 復原狀,依托這種特殊的性能還開發了 三種產品:第一種產品可以吸收自身 四倍重量的有機色素;第二種產品具有 極強的導電性能和優異的彈性,可以 做一種具有柔性的高電導率的傳感器 材料;第三種產品是一種超級吸水樹 孫國星教授是首位提出用水泥製造最便宜、能夠量產的納米顆粒 Prof Sun Guoxing was the first to propose the use of cement to produce the cheapest and mass-producible nanoparticles