
TOPIC INSIGHT•專題探討 2020 UMAGAZINE 22•澳大新語 42 The University of Macau (UM) has established the Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (IAS) to promote research in the humanities and social sciences, and their collaboration with technology. Essentially, IAS aims to create a university-level, cross-faculty research platform, build world-class interdisciplinary research teams, and form a strategic synergistic structure to drive the sharing of academic resources. 為促進人文社科研究、推廣人文社科和科技的結合,澳門大學成立人 文社科高等研究院(簡稱高研院),致力打造跨越學院疆界的校級研 究平台,建設澳大跨學科國際水平研究團隊,實現學術資源協同效應 的戰略佈局。 高研院打造人文社科研究平台 IAS Creates a Research Platform for Humanities and Social Sciences 文/張愛華‧圖/編輯部 English Translation / Ruby Chen & Davis Ip ‧ Photo / Editorial Board