
COVER STORY•封面專題 2020 UMAGAZINE 22•澳大新語 40 Cell culture is a technique widely used for research and medical purposes. A typical example involves testing the impact of different types and concentrations of drugs on cancers cells and normal 很多科研和臨床治療都牽涉細胞培養。 例如,醫療人員會從癌症病人身上抽取 癌細胞和正常細胞,混合不同種類和濃 度的藥物,放到培養皿或多孔盤觀察。 數位微流控系統助篩選藥物 The DMF system facilitates drug screening At the Institute of Microelectronics and the State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI, Assistant Professor Jia Yanwei and Postdoctoral Researcher Zhai Jiao have created a digital microfluidic (DMF) system to help doctors choose cancer drugs. 微電子研究院、模擬與混合信號超大規模集成電路國家重點實驗室助理教授賈豔 偉和博士後研究員翟蛟等組成的團隊研發了一款嶄新的數位微流控系統,協助醫 療人員培養單細胞和選擇腫瘤藥物。 數位微流控技術助篩選腫瘤藥物 Digital Microfluidics for Cancer Drug Screening 文/葉浩男‧圖/編輯部,部分由受訪者提供 Chinese & English Text / Davis Ip ‧ Photo / Editorial Board with some provided by the interviewees