封面專題•COVER STORY 澳大新語•2020 UMAGAZINE 22 35 代雲路教授從事功能性納米材料設計及開發,應用於基因遞送、抗癌藥物靶向遞送、免疫治療,以及結合生物成像 技術進行的腫瘤診斷與治療。 Prof Dai Yunlu develops and designs functional nanomaterials for gene delivery, anticancer drug deliver, immunotherapy, and biological imaging-guided tumour diagnosis and treatment. 納米粒子在特定的酸鹼值下和受近紅外線照射時改變結構 The nanoparticles change their structure at a certain pH value and under near-infrared light 代雲路教授團隊 Prof Dai Yunlu’s research team 酸鹼值低於正常細胞,因此研究團隊 將粒子設計成只在特定的酸鹼值下才 改變結構,從而控制藥物釋放的位置。 代教授表示,這些粒子可以同步用於光 熱治療。它們受近紅外線照射後會產生 熱能,以高溫摧毀癌細胞。此外,當利 用多種成像技術生成腫瘤影像(多模態 成像)時,這些粒子可以作為高效的示 蹤劑,有助病情診斷。 在實驗室內,代教授的團隊運用這種 納米粒子,結合光熱療法和化療藥物 Cisplatin治療患癌的小鼠,同時進行多 模態成像。結果顯示,小鼠被特定波長 範圍的近紅外線照射後,牠們的腫瘤大 大縮小,個別情況下更完全消失,存活 率也高於同時接受治療、但沒有使用納 米粒子的同類。 有關論文已在學術期刊《Nanoscale Horizons》登載,獲選為該刊2019年最 受歡迎的文章之一。目前,代教授的團 隊正繼續研究這種納米粒子如何有助醫 生同時使用多種療法(聯合治療)。他 說:「在癌症治療上,一加一可以大於 二,這正是我們努力的方向。」 light. ‘We control the location of drug release partly by exploiting the fact that the pH value of tumours is lower than that of normal cells. So we designed the nanoparticles in such a way as to change their structure only at a certain pH value,’ he says. According to Prof Dai, the nanoparticles may be used concurrently for photothermal therapy. Under NIR irradiation, the tiny particles generate heat and destroy cancer cells with a high temperature. In addition, the particles may improve cancer diagnosis as an ideal contrast agent for multimodal imaging, the simultaneous use of more than one medical imaging technique. In his experiments, Prof Dai treated tumour-bearing mice with a combination of photothermal therapy and chemotherapy using the cancer drug Cisplatin, apart from multimodal imaging. Following irradiations of NIR light within a particular wavelength range, the mice’s tumours were significantly eradicated and, in some cases, completely disappeared. The mice’s overall survival rate is higher than the survival rate of their peers treated without nanoparticles. The study was published in the academic journal Nanoscale Horizons, and was selected as one of the journal’s most popular articles in 2019. Meanwhile, Prof Dai’s team continues to study the application of the nanoparticles to combination therapy, the coordinated use of two or more therapeutic agents. ‘In cancer treatment, one plus one can be greater than two, and we’re striving to do just that,’ Prof Dai says.