
COVER STORY•封面專題 2020 UMAGAZINE 22•澳大新語 34 The diameter of each nanoparticle is 50 nm, around 1,600 to 2,000 times smaller than the width of a human hair. Prof Dai says that after entering systemic circulation, cancer drugs can cause damage not only to cancerous cells, but also to healthy ones. To mitigate this problem, he developed nanoparticles that can encapsulate drugs and carry them to the tumours, where the drugs are released under near-infrared (NIR) 這些粒子直徑約50納米,大概是頭髮 闊度的1,600至2,000分之一。代教授 說:「癌症藥物經注射進入血液循環 後,部分會到達癌細胞,有些卻會損 害健康細胞。研究團隊開發的納米粒 子可以將藥物包裹,被注射到體內後 到達腫瘤位置,受到近紅外線照射時 才釋放藥物。」他解釋,由於腫瘤的 可助提升癌症診療成效的納米粒子 The nanoparticles show great potential for more effective cancer diagnosis and treatment Faculty of Health Science Assistant Professor Dai Yunlu’s team has developed nanoparticles that can carry drugs, turn the heat on cancer cells, and even help detect tumours. This shows great promise for more effective cancer diagnosis and treatment. 健康科學學院助理教授代雲路的團隊開發出一種嶄新的納米粒子,能夠運載癌症藥 物、產生高溫破壞癌細胞,以及協助檢測腫瘤,可望提升癌症診斷和治療的成效。 納米粒子運載藥物高溫摧毀癌細胞 Nanoparticles Carry Drugs and Turn the Heat on Cancer Cells 文/葉浩男‧圖/編輯部,部分由受訪者提供 Chinese & English Text / Davis Ip ‧ Photo / Editorial Board with some provided by the interviewee