
COVER STORY•封面專題 2020 UMAGAZINE 22•澳大新語 26 NSCLC accounts for over 80 per cent of all lung cancer cases. One of its causes is mutations of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), which is important in the cell signalling process for multiplying and regulating cell survival. Certain EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors are commonly used to treat NSCLC. These inhibitors aim to block signals from unnaturally active receptors that allow cancer cells to grow rapidly. 超過80%肺癌是非小細胞肺癌,其成 因包括表皮生長因子受體(Epidermal growth factor receptor,簡稱EGFR)突 變。這些受體有助傳導關於增生和協調 細胞的訊號,突變時會變得過度活躍, 發出促進和調控癌細胞生存的訊號。因 此,醫生會讓非小細胞肺癌病人服用酪 氨酸激酶抑制劑,阻截令癌細胞急速生 長的異常訊號,從而治療癌症。 In the Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS), Associate Professor Henry Kwok Hang Fai’s team has developed an antibody to minimise drug resistance in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). They have filed a United States patent application for this novel antibody and its development. 健康科學學院副教授郭珩輝的團隊研製出一種抑制性抗體,有助降低非小細胞肺 癌的抗藥性,正在為這款新型抗體及其開發申請美國專利。 新型抗體降低肺癌抗藥性 A New Antibody for Reducing Drug Resistance in Lung Cancer 文/葉浩男‧圖/編輯部,部分由受訪者提供 Chinese & English Text / Davis Ip ‧ Photo / Editorial Board with some provided by the interviewee