
ຨ⁣ი۩ • UM Members' Thoughts ᰎ૭ᑓゆ • 2019 UMAGAZINE 21 61 㷊㍽ᐑእⅰ⊛⑟॰㡴Ỽ㩼൒ᰎ㟑⏲ᇤỠᇤ⻐㐫᢫Ỡ Prof Wong Fai’s team receives the Science and Technology Progress Award at the first Macao Science and Technology Awards ceremony more than 800 government departments and private companies became registered users. ‘Before the handover of Macao’s sovereignty to China, a large number of official documents needed to be translated, but there was no software or system to aid the translation, so the development of the first e-dictionary was driven by a practical need,’ says Prof Wong. In 2007, during his visit to UM, then Portuguese President José Sócrates praised the university for its achievements in Chinese-Portuguese translation studies, which he believed would promote friendship and collaboration between China and Portugal. In 2009, UM established the Natural Language Processing & Portuguese-Chinese Machine Translation Laboratory (NLP2CT) and appointed Prof Wong as its director. The machine translation systems developed by UM over the years have indeed greatly facilitated Sino-Portuguese communication in business and cultural affairs. Growing with UM Prof Wong entered UM in 1991 to study software engineering. ‘I cherished the opportunity to study at UM because back then it was already the best university in Macao,’ he says. In 1995, he was recommended by UM to study at the Institute of Systems and Computer Engineering (INESC in its Portuguese acronym), a scientific research institution in Portugal, for his outstanding academic performance. At the INESC, he was responsible for developing a geographical information system for the Portuguese military. He returned to Macao the following year and was appointed by UM as a principal investigator for a research project on Chinese-Portuguese machine translation, jointly conducted by UM and Tsinghua University. Prof Wong believes that the transitional period leading up to Macao’s handover provided the perfect conditions for his team to develop cuttingedge technology in order to create the world’s first Chinese-Portuguese machine translation system. He explains, ‘First, unlike machine translation between Chinese and English, technologies for machine ㍇ͪ Ǎ☲⚕ۙ ㍴ أ ⠹ㄷ䢬् ᢪᕔ㣍⾾ 㟘ൠ⇀㠙㦕↷ⅰ⊛Ⅺǎǘ 200 ໛䢬ᒿͭ ⮗⭉Ḧ✺ύ⳷ᙀሚ໴ 〯 ࠏ ᰎ૭䢬ㅖዧᰎ૭ˬ⮗㢱ゆ⠹ㄷ⊛ ⑟ⅰᆑᗈ䢬⇀Н⊛⑟ᕔ أ ዁ ػ ˬ⮗ۡ ତ܎εǎ2009໛䢬ᰎ૭ᆑ⒢Ǘ⦨ᴿ ゆ〓ⴵύ⦾ˬ⮗៪࣮ ⠹ㄷ഑㬟ೡǘ 䢨NLP2CT䢩䢬ⁱ㷊ᐑእ֦ͭ ˷ͭ ǎ͌ ૮䢬ᰎ૭૦㦕៪࣮ ⠹ㄷ⊛Ⅺຂ૭؛዁ ̜ػ ˬ⮗⠹ㄷ๺ε䢬ᕔ أ ˬ⮗⚭㇋ᐵ ٨̳ྡྷ ǎ ⧀澳大 ܔ ᢭ᆓ㟌 1991໛䢬㷊㍽⡁Մᰎ૭䢬Сㅂ㍇ͪ ๺ ␗䢬͒ ोᅎ㑄䢺Ǘ㒄ᒿᰎ૭ຂᒴᰎ㟑 ᕍ㭗ⅰಾ໺䢬् ᢪྩ ὈႠ₢ᒿՄಾⅰ ៪ᕐǎǘ199 ໛䢬͒͞ Ԗ⏦ᆑ✻Ỽᰎ ૭዁ⲧ׋⮗२⏲⊛៪᝵INESC᪦㐢䢬 ㆯㆺ᳤ ⮗२㌹ᑚ਌ঁ 㟘Ⅺঁ ९㇒〙┷ ύ☲⚕ǎ199 ໛䢬㷊㍽ोᰎ䢬˧͞ ᰎ ૭˷⾾⊛⑟޹ⅰ㌨֯ 䢬⢊܎᪷ ⬷૭ಾ ൠ㟘ˬ⮗៪࣮ ⠹ㄷⅰ⊛⑟ǎ