
ᰎ૭ ݶ ᰎ㟑ⅰ20໛ • UM and Macao over the Past 20 Years ᰎ૭ᑓゆ • 2019 UMAGAZINE 21 41 ⁣ঁ ૦Ԫ䢬ٛ ሱᰎ㟑Ǎ㩿᫑ǍՅঁ۠ ۾ Ტǎᢪૣ 䢬̏ ዁ⲧಾ⁣ۜ ⦾Ǘ᫑ᰎ ⦾Յঁ ૭ˬയಾຨ⁣̳ ᨢ〘 ؈ ĚĚ૭ ಾ⁣㦕↷ǘ䢨▐␲Ǘ⭤̿ 〘 ؈ ǘ䢩䢬 Ђ㐫ಾ⁣ഭՅঁ ಾ⻐۠ ᐵ٨ⅰべㄤǎ ᰎ㟑ᒴˍз२㢂٨৪຋䢬२㢂⿍㕴ᒴ Ն̿ ᐑ⢺ⅰ㕳⾾ˍ​䢬ഭᰎ㟑ⅰ૭ಾ ⁣ാՐ㕳⾾ǎᰎ૭ॺ㐿ۙ 20໛ቆ❼ઌ ؝㉼Նὸ㭗⓺㡕ᘪⅰ̳ ᨢ ݶ ܎ε䢬έ ᒿಾ⁣ ۽ ׋2 з२೮ چ ঁݶ Ս1 0૦ ᆳ㭗⓺㡕ᘪ̳ ᨢ䢬ሤൠಾ⁣ⅰ२㢂⿍ 㕴ǎᰎ૭૦໛Ϛ዁ ػ ༴۩ಾ⁣ᢧ㏤ⅰ Ǘ​ὸᓽᕧ഑⠗〘 ؈ ǘ䢬㇒ ೌ۠أ ኯ ಾ⁣׋ᕲঁ ǍՅঁ۠ ᩂૣ 㐫⻋഑⠗ǎ ॺ2020໛ዞϫⅰ഑⠗ঁ 㷞㐾۠ ᢚᨓǍ ٩⟜ᨓ ݶ ૭᧲ᨓ⓺ǎ⳷׸ᘪ㟊ゐ䢺 Ǘ ګ ϓಾ⁣₍ॺᰎ㟑Ⅺൠ䢬๺ε˔̏ ᕐ㈹Ϛ㈹㣍⾾኿」Ϛ⦨Ր͒ঁ ᑚⅰ̿ 䢬् ᢪ⾾ᕔ༴㠌ⅰ२㢂⿍㕴ǎǘ ዃ ؽ 學⁥׾ᜬ ॺ㔊܎ḿ ᐀چ ໺዁ ػ ׼ᑓ׼ᜪᑚ㤘䢬 ᰎ૭⧀㏅˗ ܒ ⅰ׼ᜪ᣹㈁䢬ᰚⅪಾ⁣ ഭ׼ᜪⅰ⦿㉋ ݶ べㄤ䢬਋㨱ᕔ׼ᑓဓ ⛁Ǎ׼ᜪ૪ႰⅰᕰϚ׼ᜪ̿ ૆ǎᰎ૭ ⧀㏅܋㧙় ⡁ഊ॰䢬ㅐಾ⁣≋⿼Յঁ ݶ 㓱㏧ঁ چ ⅰ⚭ᰳ ⅪൠǍͱᜪᐵ٨ ݶ ׼ᜪႌᦵ䢬۞㸇ّ ಾ⁣ۜ ⦾܋㧙׼ᜪ ᣹㈁䢬˧⦾㩿᫑⏲ᇤ૭ಾ܎㏅Ǘˬ㘅 ↘Ⅼ⭤Ỡ㕷ᰎ㟑 چ ׼ᜪ૭㈁ǘǎॺ 2019໛㈁̠ ˬ䢬ᰎ૭ಾ⁣ⅰ㡴ͺिሱ թ̭ ಬ㌹ǎᰎ૭㏧໛዁ ػ ಾ⁣׋Յঁ ഑⠗䢬ٛ ሱᑓ዁֦ ⅰǗ㫼〙 ᰎ㟑Ǚ⩷ ᆾ〘 ؈ ǚ഑⠗㦕↷ǘ䢬ㅐಾ⁣≋⿼२ ೮Ⅺൠ૭ൎ䢬ᕔ أ ᕰϚⅰൄ ᜪ⿈ ؈ ǎ 㸉ٓ ᕚ ف ⍻⟰ ᕘ ؿ ⍹ᕐᒴ૭ಾⅰೖᑽ́ ˍ䢬ᰎ૭㏧ ໛♲❌ಾ⁣׋˞₅܋ঁ۠ Յঁ ૦з⇆ͮ ᕘ ؿ ₢ঁ ⍹⟮䢬ՐˬǗ᧠२⟳ᐑ๺ ε॰㡴ǘᕅ㩼ᡷ ྡྷנ 㤔ᨓۜ ⦾ᕘ ؿ ಾ ⠗〘 ؈ ǎಾ⁣̏ ⑆ᜲ ׋ᕲঁ ⍹ᕐᕘ ؿ regularly organises entrepreneurship competitions, sometimes with other universities, to encourage entrepreneurial projects from students. For instance, it has co-organised the Bank of China Trophy One Million Dollar Macao Regional Entrepreneurship Competition with the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. At the 2019 competition, UM students swept all the top prizes. UM also organises field trips to mainland China and its neighbouring regions to help students gain a deeper understanding of economic development and entrepreneurial culture in these regions. Apart from the Global Summer Internship Programm, UM has launched various other internship programmes in recent years, including the Tencent - Macao Talent Internship Programme, to help students understand national development and start early career planning. Encouraging Students to Give Back to Society In recent years, UM has organised many service learning trips to different parts of the world. The Thailand Volunteer Teaching Work Group, for instance, has made its first service learning trip ᰎ૭ಾ⁣⑆ᜲۜ ⦾⍹ᕐᕘ ؿ UM students make an active contribution to the society