
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW • ̿ ḳന〯 2019 UMAGAZINE 20 • 澳大ᑓゆ 54 㕳⾾ ݶ ᘼ࿖ⅰᐑಾ㦦৴˔ǎǘ 㡡ᐑእᕋԯྭ ᑜ⟜२೸ᢒᘽ大ಾ਋〠 २㢂研⑟⁣成᳤ ⟜२大ಾമຨ䢬۠ ॺ 㩿᫑大ಾͭ ᐑ英ゆゆ〓ಾ ݶ ⍹ᕐゆ〓 ಾ䢬2011໛Ỽ㦠Ǘ㩿᫑大ಾ̿ ᐵಾ㡕ᐑ ಾ ڕ ㈹Ỡǘǎ㡡ᐑእ⇎׋澳大㏧໛२㢂 ⢍ㄿᕔ㧧⮍Ꮜ ڌ 䢬ᒴˍᆳՑ發ൠᯂ؛ⅰ ໛㍵大ಾ䢬् ᢪଡॺ201 ໛ ᕓϚ׋澳 大ൠ㟘ᑓⅰಾ⻐ᑤ␗ǎ 〤⡃ ࠏ ଡᕰϚധ᳤ &-$ອϚစឺ ⅰᏼ ㅊ䢬㡡ᐑእゐ䢺ǗǙᏼㅊǚ㐛ˍತ⇴䢬 ତӍॺゐ&-$́ נ ๺εᕔᆳ˗㉘䢬έॺ 㣍⾾εཻ֦ ⼻Θⅰǎ&-$ⅰᣵˍΦമຨ ˍ↽㓃Ա↭ກͭ 䢬͞ നᜪⅰᐑಾឹ ཕ䢬͝ ಾ⁣英ゆ᥃平ྲ͞ ዞ ڌ 䢬ᆒഭ͒ мˍ ↽͞ Ϛⅰ๺ε⚋̞ Ԭͮ ⢸೙ǎǘଡ⻠ ⍵䢬成功ⅰᐑಾゔ␗ᒴ˗ᑘ⦾ᒿФ㐫䢬 㡡ᐑእ⦾&-$മຨ↷ נ ⮍ᆼᏹ㢡ಾ⁣ ⅰᐨᎭ䢬ൄ ゆ〓ಾ⠗ⅰ㣍⾾۠ ػ ៪㐫⻋ ᪦Մ研⑟䢬ྷ ⡈ഭ⃛ ˕Ⳛ䢬ゞᐤᐑಾᆼ ᣡǎǗಾ⠗英ゆ䢬ᗬ␗ༀ˔㓃㢹˗㟘個̿ ⅰ成㟊⚭ᢴǍಾ⠗⦿㉋䢬 ⦮㐥ύႰ㓃ᕔ 㠙ǎᆒмᕐ㐓㐿֯ ᖾ ͍ݶ Մ䢬ྷ ⡈ϓಾ⁣ ԋ࿱㑕ᅞ澳大ⅰ全英ᐑಾ​੸ǎǘ ⩹語ᅠ⿏᳦̣ 語ᆘ૥語䣅ൄ 英ゆಾ⠗ⅰ成ᗈ˔䢬˗റᐑຨ ݶ ೮㟊 㓃㍦ຯᇮ᫑澳Շঁ ⅰಾ⁣εഭ᣹䢬㩿᫑ 㟊大ⅰ㡡ᐑእべ᳤ 㐛ឺ ᣹㍦˧˗Պ平䢬 ˧ۣ ࠏ Ǘ᣹㍦ⅰ਌ᬞᒴ 㷃䢿ǘଡゐ䢺 Ǘロˍ۲ᨢ׈英ゆⅰ㩿᫑ಾ⁣䢨ᢚᨓՍ ܒ ゆ〓ۜ ⡁ឱᬞ$1㦒♐ᆖ$2♐ׄ 䢩䢬 大૦ᐨϚ⦨英ᐵእゔ中ಾ䢨&.*䢩中ⅰ 㦒ശ中ಾ䢬͒ мᇮ英ゆ⿍᳤ ⓥ̡ ゆ〓䢻 ܒ ᒿ䢬㩿᫑̏ ᕔ〴૦ಾ⁣㉼澳㟑 ݶ Յঁ ⅰˍឺ 䢬ॺ中ᐵእゔ中ಾ䢨$.*䢩˔ ಾ䢬⿍英ゆ᳤ૣ २ゆ〓䢬͒ м኿」英ゆ ⅰ៪ᕐ⇀ഭ㍦റǎ₢㢹㟘ゔೡྭ 䢬ॺ㨟 ਓǍയ㇩㒲䢬਌ᕲ˔㓃˗ᕐ⁨英ゆ䢬Շ ⡃ಾ⠗᢫ͽ⦨ᴿ˗ˍǎǘ ॺ澳大䢬̏ ᕔ˗റϚ⦨$.*ⅰಾ⁣䢬͒ Prior to joining UM, Prof Chen had experience training international PhD students to be English-medium instructors at the University of Michigan, as well as teaching English linguistics and sociolinguistics at the University of Hong Kong (HKU). She received a Teaching Excellence Award from HKU’s Faculty of Arts in 2011. Considering that UM has emerged as one of the best young universities with a burgeoning global reputation over the past few years, Prof Chen decided to embark on a new chapter of her academic career at UM in June 2018. When asked what changes she will make to the ELC, Prof Chen said, ‘I wouldn’t call it changes because it’s like saying that what my colleagues have been done before is not good enough. What I have noticed is that every ELC instructor is dedicated and professional. I’m impressed with the work they are doing. At the same time, any successful curriculum requires constant modification to improve learning outcomes. My colleagues and I are proposing to conduct a student-need analysis to further develop and modify the English language curriculum. The analysis will tell us how to help our students perform more effectively in UM classrooms that use English as the medium of instruction.’ English: Second Language or Foreign Tongue Teachers and parents tend to compare the English competency of students from Macao with Hong Kong (HK), but Prof Chen, who grew up in HK, points out that the comparison is not fair. ‘Which group of HK students are you comparing with? Those who get to the top universities in HK have attained to top C1 or C2 level in the Common European Framework and many of them are from a group of elite English as Medium of Instruction (EMI) schools. They use English as a second language. Yet three quarters of HK students are from Chinese as Medium of Instruction (CMI) schools, like students in Macao and China, and they regard English as a foreign language. They don’t really use English that much outside of the classroom. Chinese is their medium in the playground and cafeteria. Such students’ exposure to English is, therefore, very different, and these environments are clearly less conducive to English learning,’ says Prof Chen.