
਍㨳㊆₇ⅲⳔ⻒〴〚 ݸ ׾Ⴭఅ㭕́ ᇀ ᙭ᐑእ⻠⍵䢬澳大Ⳓ⻐〲〘中࿖↷ נ ຂ ⚭ॺ਋㨱Ⳓ⻐〲〘ⅰ ژ ૆⁣䢬ᒛ໛ᕅᕐ 㟘〲Ⳓ⻐〲〘ⅰ⌄૆ゔ␗䢬ຒᕤ᳤ 澳㟑 ಢ⢺ ڕ ㈹ⅰⳒ⻐〲〘 ݶ ׼჋ః㭓̿ ᆾǎ Ǘᆒмロᥐ㊄㦦৴܎ε ݶ 發ൠ䢬ゔ␗〲 ⟂࿘㦘ᕔཷ လ ݶ 㑕܎ಾ⁣ⅰ發ൠǎ଩ᗈ ᆒмധ研⑟⁣ⅰゔ␗Յ೰೙ྲ ૯ᢸ䢬ൄ ᕐㅊ成ᇤ⻐਋〠ὥ䢬⦾Ⳓ⻐〲〘ᐑ⢺ύ ࿸⇀ၪǎ⦮ᑜಾ⁣ᒴ⾾〲〘ᩂਸǍሞᏣྕ ḘǍനᏽᕈᧈǍ׼჋❟ₛǍ㑮ᒴѵ૦ ః㭓ⅰᮉ֦ 䢬㐛⾾ᘽᎭᣵ個ಾ⁣ⅰḿ㷞 Ϛ᥼೙ǎǘ᙭ᐑእ⼻Ԭ㑄䢬ǗⳒ⻐〲〘 中࿖ ࠚ മಾ⁣᪦Մ發ኳ⦨ກⅰḿ㟊 ݶ 研 ⑟ᑚ ܗ 䢬♺܎͒ мⅰ⣌ᓡ㐫⻋׼εǎǘ ॺ᙭ᐑእⅰອ㦦˕䢬中࿖ۙ ໛ ڇ ᕓ˷㏅̜ Ǘ԰ğ৴䢺ˍ਻ ػ ₛྕ Ӎ⦾⧐㋔⸧܎ ⅰ⿍⢔↨೬ǘⅰ㊄₅大় ᮉ֦ 䢬ൠέ֦ ᑓః㭓⦾Ⳓ⻐〲〘 ݶ ⧐㋔♺܎ⅰᑓⅰ ۽ 能လ䢬㐛ᒴᐨ⌔ᒿ͜ Ⳓ⻐〲〘㦦৴ᕍ נ ᦳⅰ研⑟ᑚ ܗ 䢬ྲ ׋̜ ᜪ₅ⅰ㭗ༀ㠙᧘ ݶ ⢸೙䢬Ր中ˍ̬ εަ 㑮ॺ჋大׈Ỽྲ̜ २㢂⮍ ܓ ⅰǗ"〲〘Ỡǘǎ澳大ⅰຨ ⁣Ǎ澳㟑⇀㠙㦦৴ⅰⳒ⻐೮ ݶ 〲〘ຨ䢬۠͞ ᕲঁ ⅰ中ಾ⁣㓃㐜㐿ഭ㐛ᡷ૦ః㭓 ᮉ֦ ഑഑ॺॺⅰۜ ⦾䢬Ỽྲ̜ྷ 研⑟能 ؛Ǎᑓః㭓ᇤ⻐׋ഔ⟜ⅰዞᒔǎ Ⳓ⻐〲〘中࿖⦾澳大ҵᎊ☲Ǎᐑ⢺ಾ㡕 ̿ݶ ᐵಾ㡕⓺㡕☲܎ε䢬᳤ ᘪՅᕲ⏲Ⳓ ⻐〲〘 ݶ ׼჋ః㭓ᐑ⢺ዞϫനᜪⅰᏳ ጀǎε᳤ Ǘ澳㟑中യಾ⁣̿ ᐵ⍹⏲ᐑ⢺ ਌ঁ ǘⅰˍ㒲֯ 䢬中࿖⦾澳㟑ᐑ㤋ൎ܎ ε䢬㐜㐿ロ༁Ǎ๺ε঑Ǎൠᮉ⓺ᑚཕ᳤ 澳㟑ⅰ中യಾⳒ⻐〲〘ຨ㇒਋〠ε֦ ⑆ᜲ ⅰㆱἄǎ⡈ε᳤ Ǘ◼᫑澳大Ტ چ ⟜⻐ ⦾〲〘ᐑ⢺發ൠ⢊↬ǘⅰ׸ύ̠ 㟊䢬᙭ ᐑእ⻠⍵䢬中࿖⦯؛⦾澳㟑܋㭗ᘪⅰ܎ ε䢬˧ ؛ؤ ዁㐫◼᫑澳大Ტ چ ⟜⻐⦾〲 〘ᐑ⢺㦦৴ⅰ̳ ᨢ⦾܎ε䢬 ܒ ᒿ大؛዁ ػ 澳㟑ᕲঁ ⅰᐵ٨׼჋⁥ᜪⅰ發ൠ䢬͞ 㦕↷Ǎൠ⿨Ǎロ༁Ǎ研發Ǎ֦ ḙ⓺૦␯ ྉཕႤ۠ 澳㟑⍹ᕐǎ EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW • ̿ ḳന〯 2019 UMAGAZINE 20 • 澳大ᑓゆ 50 Prof Leong sees that there was an increasing number of outstanding examples of design in Macao in recent years, including magazines, luxury brands, products, architectures, hotels, etc. Yet quite a few of these were designed by Macao local. In fact, they were imported from Western countries or neighbouring Hong Kong. ‘Education always comes first when a society wishes to be competitive in a new industry. If Macao continues to be merely an importer and consumer of foreign art and design, we will never be able to develop our own soft power in this area. Due to the small city’s size and population, Macao’s competitiveness is rather limited. Art and design is an area that doesn’t require heavy investment and yet produces results fairly fast, which, when combined with the huge demand in the market, makes it an area with enormous potential. In order for Macao to become a city with creative designs, a world-class incubation platform and mechanism for art and design is a must. Only by integrating our own cultural elements with the arts and design will we be able to produce outstanding works with distinctive characteristics. By playing the role as imitator, we will forever be a follower,’ he says. Nourishment of Interdisciplinary Art, Design and New Media Talents According to Prof Leong, the Centre for Arts and Design currently offers doctoral programme in arts and design. Next year, a master’s degree programme will be launched. With an emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration, the programmes offered will be flexible to suit students’ needs. He explains, ‘For instance, if we are too rigid about the content of the postgraduate programmes, we run the risk of turning the centre into a technical school, which would be at odds with our purpose of creative education. Specializing in graphic design, photography, calligraphy, painting, animation, video, or multimedia art would depend on the students’ talents and preferences.’ Prof Leong adds that the centre hopes to help students discover their strengths so they can find a specialisation that best suits them. In October 2018, the centre organised a multimedia interdisciplinary performance entitled ‘Lightscape: A Synthesis of Video Animation and Dance’, exploring how new media, artistic design, and dance can be fused together to create exciting new aesthetic possibilities, which represent the latest trend in art and design in a