
ˍ㦕研⑟ⁱ研發Ǎ成ᗈ⁥֦ 䢬՜׋዁֦ ຋਻ᅞ⁨䢬ᒴˍ個㤔ຯ˗೰ᒠⅰ ᢴ␗䢬⣌ྭ ᕅ㭓έ̜ 研⑟̿ ޹㞺研ಾ ࠏ Ǎ س ᑜኼ♘ ݶ ನನ˗яⅰ☃⎖ǎ 20໛ נ 䢬澳大ⅰˍὥ研⑟̿ ޹̿͞ ๺智能ᇤ⻐研發֦ ګ ᒿ翻譯㣊ಞさ ՒǗ中葡㐜ǘ䢬⚭㐿20໛Ϛᢴ൒ಾ⁣ቆ❼ⅰᇤ⻐研發 ݶ ᏼ㐫䢬ॺ૦͜ 翻 譯☲⚕ⅰᮉㅊ ڌݶ ♐ⅰ਌⍓˔䢬͌ ໛໛־዁֦ 全ᑓⅰǗॺ⛨中葡英㍴ أ 翻譯平台ǘ 6. $"5 ǎつ⁥ަ ׈⁨全球㦦ԯⅰ៪࣮ 翻譯ᇤ⻐᳤ 翻譯̿ ૆۠ ॰㡴ༀ㌨〔㐢ˍ⒧ཕᅞ⁨平台䢬ധᕔ أ ͱᜪ ݶ ៪᝵ዞ ڌ 翻譯┷ύ ⅰᐅἐ ݶ ㇰ㕵䢬᳤ 澳㟑ε᳤ 中२⦾葡ゆ२೮ ࠇ ㇋܎εᕘ ؿ 平台ε֦̜ ⑆ᜲ ⅰㆱἄǎ研⑟॰㡴૦໛Ϛⅰ˗ᅝ ؛ؤ 䢬♰ᑜᕔ̜͌ ૮ⅰㅳ⌄成ᗈ䢬͒ м㐛␯͞ 研⑟成ᗈᕘ ؿ 大⇶Ǎㆱἄ⍹ᕐⅰ☃⎖䢬Ѡྲ ᆒмㅖዧ ݶ ಾ⠗ǎ ͌ ᕧ㡗̜͍ ♧6. $"5ૣ 䢬Ǘന㧋ኼ〛ǘᡤ↷㑮ᕔഭԯ㐫ᖍᑁǍ ᘼ㕕ಾǍ中㕕Ⳛᑓ平台ⅰ᪦ༀኼ〛ǎᢪૣ 䢬᳤ 㔊܎⍹ᕐ發ൠⅰ㣍 ⾾䢬澳大ᑓઌ̧ 個ಾ૆ಾΦゔ␗䢬᳤ 澳㟑܋⻋܋ᜪ਋㨱㊄ಾ⏲Ǎ׼ ᑓ়̿ ᆾǎᆒм〯 ̜ࠏ ૦Φᜪ₅̿ ૆䢬̷֯͒ мഭᑓゔ␗ⅰ⇎ᧈǎ Ǘ̿ ḳന〯ǘᡤ↷ኻ̜〯 ḳ⢊⛆大ᐨᎭന೮㇓⛁ࢤᐑእǍ㊄₅Ⳓ⻐೮ ᙭ⳅ᧔ᐑእ ݶ ゆ〓ಾ೮㡡ᩂ῅ᐑእ䢬̷֯͒ мⅰ̿ ⁣⚭ᢴ ݶ ಾ⻐成 ᗈǎǗಾ⻐研⑟ǘᡤ↷͍ ♧̒ ⥎⅂᠝ᫎ۠͞ ᐨತ㕕ℼ ݶ ⁣ḳНၒಾⅰ ᕍᑓ研⑟成ᗈǎ The process of initiating a research project, producing research results, and commercialising those results is never easy. It requires the unrelenting effort of a group of dedicated researchers. Two decades ago, a group of researchers at UM successfully developed PCT, the world’s first talking Chinese-Portuguese electronic dictionary based on artificial intelligence technology. Over the past 20 years, they have continuously updated and improved the system. Early this year, the team launched UMCAT, the latest Chinese-Portuguese-English machine translation system that can effectively assist professional translators in the translation, proofreading, and management of translation projects. This system thereby enhances translation quality and efficiency and supports Macao’s role as a service platform for business and trade collaboration between China and Portuguese-speaking countries. Apart from the UM-CAT system, other research-related topics that receive in-depth discussion in this issue include advanced materials, nuclear medicine, and Chinese medicine. On the teaching front, UM has launched five new bachelor’s degree programmes, which are designed to nurture innovative, interdisciplinary professionals to support Macao’s development. We interviewed some industry practitioners to hear their thoughts about the new programmes. In the ‘Exclusive Interview’ column, big data expert Prof Weijia Jia, interdisciplinary artist Prof Lampo Leong, and linguist Prof Katherine Chen share their life experiences and academic achievements. The latest research breakthroughs in the prevention of breast cancer, in digital health, and in bioinformatics are also reported in the ‘Academic Research’ column. ⛷⡅ⅲづ EDITOR’S WORDS֨ ḛ 澳㟑大ಾ 1VCMiTIeS 6niWerTiUZ PG .BDBu ✼⛷㎌ ཭Ⴄᾣ &EiUPS in $IieG ,BUrinB $IePng ਋⻍⛷㎌ ཭ვ⬷ &YeDVUiWe &EiUPS &MMB $IePng إ ώ⛷㎌ ໩ῆ௭Ǎ⮀ᨶ⁶ "TTiTUanU &EiUPST $rBWinB $IPng %BWiT *p ⠻ㄹ 㡡㤒Ǎ⳷၌㣒 5SanTMaUPST 3uCZ $Ien "nUIPnZ SPu ೀ⻒㧣 ࠑ ⍹ᕐ⏲ಾಾ㡕׸㡕㟊 5imPUIZ SimpTPn ᐑእ ⍹ᕐ⏲ಾಾ㡕中२₢͜ ⍹ᕐ⏲ಾ研⑟中࿖˷ͭܶ Ἥᐑእ ⍹ᕐ⏲ಾಾ㡕Ⳓ⻐〲〘中࿖˷ͭ ᙭ⳅ᧔ᐑእ ̿ ᐵಾ㡕中२ゆ〓ᐵಾ☲᝝;ᐑእ㓨ᓡ᱃ᐑእ "DaEeNiD "EWiTPST 1rPG 5imPUIZ SimpTPn "TTPDiBUe %eBn 'BDuMUZ PG SPDiBM SDienDeT 1rPG 8u .ei %ireDUPr PG UIe SPDiBM SDienDe 3eTeBrDI $enUre Pn $PnUempPrBrZ $IinB 1rPG -BmpP -ePng %ireDUPr PG $enUre GPr "rUT BnE %eTign 1rPG 5Bng ,eng 1Bn 1rPGeTTPr &meriUuT %epU PG $IineTe -BnguBge -iUerBUure ⟞⻒〴〚 ᙭ⳅ᧔Ǎᗄ؛Ǎᜉ㈷Ǎᥦ᰸ %eTign -BmpP -ePng -i -in $IBP :Bng 5BP +iBng ঃঋ 中२澳㟑᥈͐ 大ಾ大㪍㊊澳㟑大ಾ/ ⻋᐀ឫ(012 "EESeTT 3PPm (012 "EminiTUrBUiPn #uiMEing 6niWerTiUZ PG .BDBu / "WeniEB EB 6niWerTiEBEe 5BipB .BDBu S"3 PG $IinB ⢌⚊ $PnUaDU 㣊っ 5eM 22 ҵ⇜ 'BY 22 22 㣊㒾 &mBiM prT puCMiDBUiPn!um eEu mP ⽖ḛ הڪ 澳㟑⬷㍽ גڨ ᕔ㡉Պ܅ 1SinUing 5ipPgrBGiB 8eMGBre -UEB .BDBP ४㢄ֵ ⴽ *44/ 20 2 91 ᳤ 澳㟑大ಾ೗ᑚֳ ḳ䢬ᣵ໛֦ ḙ Շᕧ䢬ᑽॺਸമ大ಾॺᐑಾǍ⏲研Ǎᕘ ؿ ⓺㦦৴ ⅰᕍᑓ發ൠ ܗػ ǎ UMagazine iT B CiBnnuBM puCMiDBUiPn PG UIe 6niWerTiUZ PG .BDBu *U BimT UP prPWiEe inGPrmBUiPn Pn UIe MBUeTU EeWeMPpmenU PG UIe 6niWerTiUZ in UeBDIing reTeBrDI BnE TerWiDe ཭Ⴄᾣ Katrina Cheong 2019໛ ] ✺ⓥ20ᕧ Ǘ澳大新語ǘ