
ന㧋ኼ〛 • TOPIC INSIGHT 澳大ᑓゆ • 2019 UMAGAZINE 20 37 Wang’s team and researchers at Peking Union Medical College and other institutions, received a second prize of the State Scientific and Technological Progress Award in 2016, a Medal of Merit-Education from the Macao SAR government in 2011, and a special award at the Macao Science and Technology Awards in 2018. Two programmes offered by the institute, in the areas of Clinical Medicine, and Pharmacology & Toxicology, respectively, as well as three other programmes offered by UM, in Engineering, Computer Science, and Social Sciences, General, are ranked among the top 1% in Essential Sciences Indicators (ESI) rankings. According to Prof Wang, there are currently five research centres under the institute, which are dedicated to studying the effectiveness, safety, stability, controllability, and clinical applications of Chinese medicines. With the support of the Macao SAR government, the target screening centre and pharmaceutical engineering centre became operational earlier this year. ‘The centres are equipped with state-of-the-art devices, which are used in the separation and analysis of the ingredients of Chinese medicines; structure identification; studies of metabolomics, proteomics, pharmacological activity, and mechanism of action; development of new forms of drugs and new techniques; and quality evaluation. ‘We hope to create world-class conditions to support the state key lab in its scientific research, commercialisation of research results, and product development,’ says Prof Wang. Nurturing Innovative Professionals Prof Wang adopts a meticulous approach to education. Soon after he joined the ICMS, he identified the mission of the institute: combining traditional Chinese medicine with advanced theories and methodologies in biomedical sciences to produce innovative, interdisciplinary Chinese medicine professionals with an international perspective. He believes there is an urgent need for such Chinese medicine professionals in Macao and China in order to promote the development of the Chinese medicine and the biomedical technology industry. In 2002, the institute launched Macao’s first master’s degree programmes in Chinese medical sciences and medicinal administration. A doctoral programme and a bachelor’s degree programme in biomedical sciences were launched in 2004 and ཅ成ᕔᐅǍೌ 全Ǎ⑖೙Ǎ ۽ ዀ ݶ ⦦໮⓺̧ 個研⑟中࿖ǎॺ澳㟑ḿ ᐀چ ໺大؛Ᏻ ቆ˕䢬研⑟㡕䢯२೮㕳㷞഑㬟ೡⅰ㤥ឱ ╥㑢中࿖ ݶ ⽔Ⳛ๺␗中࿖ധᑜ2019໛ ˔ ڏ ໛ᇷՄϓ⁨ǎǗ܋中࿖㔊ҥᕔ२㢂 㦦ԯⅰӵ࣮ 〲ҥ䢬㐛̬ ԯ㐫ӵ࣮ ᅞ⁨ᑜ 中Ⳛ⽜㢴成֯֯ 㢹Ǎ成֯֯ ᖾǍ♺᝵㞗 ೙Ǎ͜ ワ♲ಾǍⶑⅫ♲ಾǍⳚύ᨜လǍ ε⁨៪ ב Ǎ׼ᑓ়ؓ Ǎᑓ๺Ⳓ ݶ ㇰ㕵く ӯ⓺研⑟㦦৴䢬᳤ २೮㕳㷞഑㬟ೡⅰ⏲ ಾ研⑟Ǎ成ᗈ㎠٨ ݶ ⁥ަ 㟘發ዞϫ̜ २ 㢂㦦ԯⅰᚄͪ Й㢃ǎǘ ४㢄٪׾新́ ᇀ਍㨳 ἔˍ᰸ᐑእഭ̿ ᆾ਋㨱 ֯ڇ मㄆ䢬͒ ₢ ໛Ϛ׋研⑟㡕ྭ 䢬ൄ ᒛ⌒研⑟㡕ᐑ⢺ύ ࿸䢬ᑹ⾾ҵᇣ中⬷㕕Ⳛ☃⬷Ǎ۞⾾⸧ ٸ ⁣ḳ㕕Ⳛ נ ᦳύグ⦾ᑚᧈ䢬਋㨱Ցᕔ२ 㢂⿍㕴 ݶ ׼ᑓ能؛ⅰ㭗Ⓓ⽜܎়̿ ᆾǎ᳤ 澳㟑ḿ ݶچ २೮਋㨱發ൠ中㕕Ⳛ ݶ ⁣ ḳ㕕Ⳛ⏲ᇤ⁥ᜪ發ൠယ㣍ⅰ२㢂٨⏲ᇤ ݶ ┷ύ̿ ᆾǎ研⑟㡕㟘׼̜ 澳㟑ḿ چ ⁣ ḳ㕕Ⳛ研⑟⁣਋㨱㭓☲䢬2002໛׼ཅ中 Ⳛಾ ݶ 㕕Ⳛ┷ύಾ⌄૆ಾΦゔ␗䢬਋㨱 S,-⽔Ⳛ๺␗中࿖ The pharmaceutical engineering centre