
ന㧋ኼ〛 • TOPIC INSIGHT 澳大ᑓゆ • 2019 UMAGAZINE 20 31 Nurturing Well-rounded Science Professionals The Bachelor of Education in Integrated Science programme is structured to provide training in science education by integrating knowledge in the areas of physics, chemistry, and biology. Its foundation is centred on integrated science with specialisation in physics, chemistry or biology. The goal of the programme is to nurture qualified junior and senior secondary school teachers in Macao. Graduates of the programme will be qualified to become teachers, academic researchers, technicians, science journalists, or employees in the engineering and manufacturing industries, as well as government departments. Kou Kam Fai, principal of Pui Ching Middle School (Macao), says that in the past secondary school graduates wishing to pursue a career in science education could only choose one subject from among physics, chemistry, and biology, at universities in neighbouring areas, and they were unable to pursue a degree that would prepare them to become well-rounded science teachers. ‘UM’s Bachelor of Education in Integrated Science programme will help to fill the gap,’ says Kou. He contends that the career prospects of teachers in Macao are quite good. According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, future education should aim to develop students’ knowledge, skills, attitudes and values, and meta-learning. Many high schools in mainland China have included artificial intelligence into their curriculum. In addition, the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau has launched pilot programmes to promote the importance of applying knowledge and skills in a practical context. They demonstrate the importance of having well-rounded science teachers in Macao. Moreover, thanks to the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, there continues to be high levels of demand for well-rounded science teachers. Rosy Career Prospects in Professions Related to Scientific Testing The Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics and Chemistry programme provides students with comprehensive training in the foundations of physics and chemistry, with a focus on interdisciplinary applications. The scope of study encompasses various scientific and engineering disciplines (materials science, environmental 澳㟑਋ᢩ 中ಾᘪ㟊㭗㚗㍽⻠⍵䢬㐿ྡྷ ᕔ ჋ྷ̠ ⏲ᇤᐑ⢺ⅰ㭗中ₔᜪ⁣䢬ॺ㓱㏧ঁ ൄچ ㅂ̵ ۸能㑢᎞ ࡘ ˍ⏲↷଩䢺ḳ ύǍ٨ಾᆖ⁣ḳ⓺നᜪ䢬ᕰ能⇜ᢩྲ ׋ ⚱܎⏲ಾᐑຨനᜪಾΦǎ͒ ゐ䢺Ǘ澳 大㟘〲ᐑ⢺ಾ૆ಾΦ䢨⚱܎⏲ಾ䢩ゔ ␗䢬♿ഭ能૩ཻ ⼻㐛ᑚ㤘ⅰ˗㉘ǘǎ㭗 㚗㍽㑮ዞ׋䢬↷ נ ॺ澳㟑Ꭸͭ ⠿ຨ䢬 נ ᓡྩ ˗㚠ǎᘽᎭ⚭ᰳ ܎εᔌ發ൠ♲❌ 䢨0&$%䢩ዞ֦ ⅰᕰϚᐑ⢺ᆳ㣍⾾ⅰᘼ ࿖能؛䢬ᅞᩯ⯭≷ㄤǍᇤ能Ǎḿㇰ⦾ჵ ༀǍྭ 〲ಾ⠗⓺ॉ大ᑚ ܗ 䢻۠͞ Յঁ ᐑ ⢺ຂᇮ"*᏿Մ㭗中ゔ␗䢬۵ᐑ㤋ൎ㏧໛̵ 㟘〲Ǘಾ͞ ⦯⁨ǘǍǗ⚱܎ᅞ⁨ᇤ能ᐑ ⢺ǘԯമ〘 ؈ ⓺䢬㐛̬ ᑚ㤘ᕅ⑨㧧̜ ⚱ ܎⏲ಾᐑຨⅰ㕳⾾䢬؝˔澳㟑۩Ⴄᑜ大 Ტ چ 發ൠ䢬ᢪ㒲֯ 㣍ᥐ͎ ᕔྩ 大③㟠ǎ ⏴ೀ᠟᫐െᜬ ע ᓣ༶ ύಾ૆ಾΦ䢨ᅞ⁨ḳύ۠ ٨ಾ䢩ゔ␗ዞ ϫḳύ۠ ٨ಾ全㤘≷ㄤ਌⍓ⅰ〠⛿۠ Ր ㊄ಾ⏲㦦৴ⅰᅞ⁨ǎಾ⠗╈४ധᩔ۠ ૦ Ԫ⏲ಾ۠ ๺␗ಾ⏲䢨଩ᖍᑁ⏲ಾǍ​੸ ⏲ಾǍ⁣ḳ㕕ⳚಾǍ㣊ಞǍ៪ᚕ۠ ⽔㐢 ๺␗⓺䢩۠ ᅞ⁨ᑜ㤘ഭ଩能ᬚ⁣⁥ǍҀ ༏Ǎ㨒ަೌ 全۠ ⦨ᴿ㇒ᬚϓ⁨⓺ⅰ全球 လ ࠏ 㧋ǎₔᜪ⁣ ̠ྷ۽ ⏲ಾǍ๺␗Ǎ研 ⑟۠ ᐑ⢺⓺⇀㠙⻋ᜪ䢬ᑜ᐀໺㒲㟑ǍՊ᷊ ៪᝵Ǎ഑㬟ೡ۠ ٨㬟中࿖Ǎ㕕㡕Ǎ ࿅䢯԰㣊ಞՊ܅Ǎ⊃᦭۠ ٨๺ᜪǍ㨒ަ ᜪǍ大ಾ⓺៪᝵๺εǎ 澳㟑⏲ᇤ發ൠ਌㕷⻋᐀୬޹ᕐ˷ຩ㪍࿣ ᣬ⻠⍵䢬澳㟑ᕔྩ ૦​Й᷊ 㐼ⅰ〲ᑝ۠ ܋㧙় ⅰ᠝ᫎ中࿖Ǎ⽔Ⳛͱᜪ⓺㓃㣍⾾ ˍ̬ ॺૣ Сㅂつനᜪྭ ोᨢⅰ̿ ᆾ䢬 ⦮ཙՄૣঁ നᆾ੤⼻③➘䢬澳㟑ⅰ㭗⓺ ᐑ⢺۠ ⏲研਌⍓ຂॺ㐛㦦৴⑆♟˗റ⚭ 㬟䢬˕ˍ᢫ᜲ ᕔᚄͪ ਋⢺⦨ກⅰനᆾǎ͒ 㤔ຯᢧ㏤澳大〲⒢ύಾ૆ಾΦ䢨ᅞ⁨ ḳύ۠ ٨ಾ䢩ゔ␗䢬べ᳤ ۽ ੤⼻澳㟑ॺ 㭗⓺ᐑ⢺˔ⅰ③➘䢬᳤ 澳㟑਋⢺㐛ᑚ㤘 㦦৴ⅰ̿ ᆾ䢬ₔᜪ⁣ധϚ˗グᒴ❰❼㐫 ⻋਌⍓研⑟䢬ᆖᒴᇷ㌨㐛ᑚ㤘ⅰനᜪᕘ ؿ 䢬㓃ᕔྩ 大ⅰ發ൠ③㟠ǎ