
TOPIC INSIGHT • ന㧋ኼ〛 2019 UMAGAZINE 20 • 澳大ᑓゆ 26 ⬃ᐑእ۵ˍΦ ژ ૆⁣ಲᐟ཭ⅰᕲ⏲ ݶ ⌄ ૆㓃ᒴ〘┰៪⏲ಾǎ͒ ॺ澳大ⅰՐ中ˍ 㦕研⑟ᒴ㐼⁨̿ ๺⎖⚭⛆⚈ᇤ⻐䢬㡆Χ 㕕ಾྕ Ӎⅰࣰ ⢍ǎǗ首ԯᆒᕔ〘┰៪⏲ ಾ⣌ᓡ䢬́ ̏נ ᒴѵ९Ӎⴵύǎⁱᑜྷ̠ 㐛ᑚ㤘研⑟ⅰ̿̏ ㍦റ䢬ᆳ͞ ᆒႰࢰ ずኼ♘ᕅ૦ǎǘಲᐟ཭έॺ⁨᪦ༀಾ⠗ ᇤ⻐䢬⿼᥼ˍ̬ 㠙ᑜ㕕ಾྕ Ӎㇰ♖ⅰ㢺 㧋ǎ Greater China region, Europe, and the US, and we also collaborate with institutions in the Greater Bay Area, such as the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. I plan to find a job at a university in the Greater Bay Area after graduation, because I see great potential for career development in this area. It would also be more convenient for me to keep in close research contact with Prof Mok.’ Sun Jingzhang, another of Prof Mok’s PhD students, has both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in computer science. One of his research projects at UM involves using artificial neural networks to reduce noise in medical imaging. ‘I have a background in computer science, and I used to study image processing. There aren’t many people doing research in this area, so I want to explore more,’ he says. Sun now uses deep learning techniques to try to tackle some challenging issues concerning medical image quality. International Recognition The research results from the lab have been applied on more than 50 patients in Taiwan and the US to improve their medical diagnosis. The team has also won many awards at international conferences in recent years. At the Third Asian Nuclear Medicine Academic Forum in 2017, the team stood out among strong research groups from Asia and won the sole first prize in the Fourth Rising Nuclear Medicine Professional Challenge, the highest honour of the forum, for their work titled ‘A Framework for Improved 3D Personalised Targeted Radionuclide Therapy Dosimetry Using Registration on Sequential ECT/CT’. It was the first time that a team from Macao had won this award. The same project later received the International Best Abstract Award and the third prize of the Computer and Instrumentation Council (CalC) Young Investigator Award (YIA) at the 64th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging held in Denver, Colorado, US in the same year. It was the first time a research team from the Greater China region had been shortlisted for, much less received, an award in this YIA category. Two other notable teams shortlisted for this award were from Stanford University and MD Anderson Cancer Center. ཭㞀ㅂ ژ ᕧ㟠Ỽⲧ׋⟜२㷂⇆大ಾ㕕ಾ㡕 ݶ ⡪㯆大ಾᎨͭ 〯 ࠏ ಾ⡃ˍ໛ ಲᐟ཭ॺ⬃ᒔ⭑ᐑእ቉മ˕䢬׈⁨̿ ๺⎖⚭⛆⚈ᇤ⻐䢬㡆Χ 㕕ಾྕ Ӎⅰࣰ ⢍ǎ During his doctoral study, Zhang Duo was recommended by Prof Mok to work as a visiting scholar for one year at the University of Massachusetts Medical School and Yale University in the USA. Sun Jingzhang is working on the application of artificial neural networks to reduce noise in medical imaging under the guidance of Prof Mok.